Where to take huntsman courses. Admission to the Faculty of Game Science and Bioecology has begun

Before starting with the hot, urgent problem of training biologists-hunters, let's look briefly into the fate and profession of these people in our country, let's think about why such people live in the world in spite of everything.

We must immediately admit that the hunting economy is a low-income, and even unprofitable industry. National economy. So it was, so it is, and so it seems to be. There are no rich people among hunters and professional hunters. But not everything is measured and determined by money. A hunter, hunter is the best defender of the Motherland, he is a ready soldier and scout. One has only to remember the hero of the Great Patriotic War, the legendary scout, hunter Georgy Georgievich Shubin. Hunters are the first defenders and keepers of native nature, scientists, educators, guardians. It is they who protect, resettle, feed, heal, rescue, count wild animals, fight against poaching, give people the opportunity to satisfy their passion for hunting, have a wonderful rest, and get irreplaceable game to the table. And Russian furs have always had no price.

But the changes in today's life did not benefit the country's hunting economy. Destroyed hunting legislation. The right to detain violators from rangers and hunters, directors of farms and hunting societies has been taken away. Guardians of human rights dragged through the Duma a law prohibiting the drawing up of protocols and detaining poachers not only by public hunting inspectors, but also by the above-mentioned employees of public hunting farms.

The deputies cared about human rights, but forgot that he should have and have duties to society. The poacher is the same thief who is now patronized by the deputies of the State Duma. Where to get state rangers, hunters and state hunting inspectors in Russia, whose budget is similar to trishkin caftan? There are millions of unemployed, semi-poor pensioners in the country, especially in the villages. And who needs such rights when there is no money to collect, feed, put on shoes and clothe hundreds of thousands of homeless children?

We are constantly forced to look back at the West and say: "Let's pass a law on human rights, and everything will be fine." But in the conditions of Russia, such laws for a simple Russian person are either bad or do not work at all. Human rights here have untied the hands of bandits, thieves, and swindlers. A simple person does not think about "human rights", he thinks about how to feed his family. Only the well-fed can think about their rights, and the hungry can only think about their daily bread.

So it turns out that the hunting economy is a weak link in the Russian economy. Always weak, if you look at him with eyes in which, instead of pupils, rubles and dollars. Man does not live by the ruble and not by bread alone. Despite the frank poverty of existence, hunters honestly fulfill their duty. They go under the bullets and buckshot of poachers. And they do not pay them a triple salary for this, as in "hot spots". Violators take revenge on them: they burn houses, cars, garages, hay, cut boats, poison cattle. And they do their job for a meager fee, protected somehow, if not completely unprotected by law. They protect capercaillie currents from logging, investigate the causes of the death of saigas and wild boars, as well as thousands of birds in the north of the Caspian Sea, and study the problem of “forest and ungulates”. Why do they do it? Because they love Russia native nature, the beauty of the universe. Such people are these hunting biologists.

Now a new trouble has befallen the Russian hunting industry. In November 1997, government decree No. 1473 prohibited the training of students in the specialty 011600 "Biology" in in absentia training, including specialization 011609 "Nature Conservation" and 011625 "Hunting" fell under this ban.

At the same time, it is well known that hunting science and nature protection are absolutely applied sciences. Gamekeepers are not geneticists, not microbiologists or cytologists, not doctors or veterinarians, not biotechnologists, not physiologists or zoologists. Gamekeepers practice not with Petri dishes and microscopes, not in laboratories or anatomical rooms, but in hunting grounds, where they learn in detail the biology of wild animals and birds, biotechnology and hunting technology. These disciplines are at the heart of the hunting profession. Correspondence students working in the specialty receive a wealth of experience in major disciplines that form the profession.

Part-time hunters are people who have already determined their fate, and they themselves will not go anywhere from this path. These are proven and most reliable personnel for the hunting industry in Russia. Most of them have families, so distance learning is the only way for such a person to get on his feet, improve his skills, and achieve success in life. And now thousands of people are deprived of this opportunity, and the hunting economy of the Russian Federation is losing valuable personnel.

In addition, part-time education is very often chosen by retired military personnel of the army, navy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service, who want to get a specialty in civilian life that corresponds to their aspirations for nature conservation and inclinations for hunting. The attractiveness of part-time education for adults is also in the absence of age restrictions on admission to a university and terms of study, which is very important for northerners and people with early age retirement.

This decree is especially painful for the small peoples of the North, for whom hunting and nature conservation form the basis of their life. The training of hunting biologists for the regions of the Far North is vital. It is the correspondence form of training of specialists in hunting biologists that is the only acceptable one for this vast region of Russia.

Correspondence training within the walls of MPMI1, VSKHIZO2 (now RGAZU3), ISHI (now ISHA4) and KSHA5 has been conducted for more than 60 years. No complaints from industrial and scientific organizations on low level no hunter specialists were received by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation during this time. On the contrary, one can make a long list of scientists - doctors and candidates of sciences, directors of hunting farms and heads of hunting departments, up to the chairman of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz association, who have been trained in universities by correspondence course.

At present, the fourth enrollment of applicants in the specialty "Biology", specializations "Hunting" and "Nature Conservation" in correspondence courses in Russian universities is not carried out, which leads to year-long gaps in the training of biologists-hunters and keeps teachers of departments of game management in " suspended" state.

And this is despite the fact that in September 2003 the Department of Ecology and Game Science of the RGAZU prepared a state educational standard in the specialty "Biology", specialization "Hunting" (developers A.T. Bozhansky, O.L. Soinova, M.D. Perovsky, G.V. Khahin). In November 2003, the Okhotsk department approved the draft standard, and in early December 2003 it was sent to the Department of Personnel Policy and Education, which has been keeping it for the fifth month.

Certain positive developments in this issue have occurred only because the students of hunting and some teachers of RGAZU sent letters reflecting the ridiculous and tragic situation with correspondence education to the Minister Agriculture RF A.V. Gordeev and his first deputy S.A. Dankvert, who quickly and positively responded to these events and gave appropriate instructions to subordinate departments. There is a positive decision on this issue by the collegium of the Ministry of Agriculture dated December 5, 2003.

Here, something else is surprising: despite the efforts of students and ordinary teachers of RGAZU in correcting the erroneous decision regarding hunters, its rector is inactive, like the rectors of other universities that train such specialists. This suggests that the leadership of RGAZU, ISHA and KSHA lacks state thinking, indicates their complete failure in the field correspondence education and failure to fulfill their duties in the preparation of hunters. They did not take a single step towards correcting the issued resolution, i.e. against the inclusion of applied specialties - hunting biologists and nature conservation specialists - in the list of "pure" biologists. For six years, they took the ostrich position in the hope that it would be forgotten and perhaps blow over. How right Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was when he said: “The true scientist essence statesman." Unfortunately, Mikhail Evdokimov is now more often quoted than Mikhail Lomonosov!

As a result of non-fulfillment of their direct duties, the rectors of these universities, primarily RGAZU, left the Center and South of European Russia and its vast northern territories without training of hunters. The annual need for hunting specialists, according to the Hunting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, is 500 people, and the shortfall in the whole country today is 2000 people! Already now there is an acute shortage of specialists in the creation of private hunting farms, which should be headed by game managers. Let this matter take its course, allow random people, and not professionals, to manage the hunting economy in the field - what could be worse for any industry ?!

And in June 2004, the last admission of students to RGASU in this academic year. Most likely, in the specialty "Hunting" and "Nature Protection" applications from applicants will again not be accepted. The specialty "Biology" is crossed out from the admission lists of the correspondence university. There is already a two-year gap in the training of hunting biologists, and the hunting economy of Russia is in again will lose more than a hundred specialists, and their positions will be occupied by random people which are difficult to distinguish between chicken and duck.

We appeal to hunters, specialists and employees of the hunting economy, researchers who are close to us in spirit with an appeal to support us in an effort to revive the glory of the Balashikha hunters, restore the Department of Nature Protection and Game Science at RGAZU, and most importantly, to immediately resume admission of students throughout Russia in specialties " Biologist-hunter" and "Nature Conservation" by correspondence course.

M.D. PEROVSKY, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of the Hunting Industry Russian Federation.

G.V.KHAKHIN, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Wildlife Health Center

animals All-Russian Research Institute of Nature of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Honored Ecologist of Russia, Honored Worker

hunting economy of the Russian Federation, holder of the Order of Courage.


Comprehensive training future hunters includes the study of the principles of organizing commercial and sport hunting, hunting with the use of dogs of hunting breeds. As a practical skill, students acquire the ability to make and repair hunting tools. Gamekeepers are also taught to work with permits necessary for the protection and maintenance of the number of wild fauna resources. In reserves and zoological bases, in forestry enterprises and on hunting farms, hunting students undergo industrial and undergraduate practice, where they learn how to carry out the primary processing of meat from wild animals, as well as fur and medicinal and technical raw materials.

Whom to work

Jobs for hunting specialists are provided by a wide range of organizations, both public and private: environmental companies, wildlife sanctuaries, travel agencies, hunting farms. The tasks of hunters include surveying hunting grounds, breeding dogs, and catching violators of hunting legislation. In addition, they keep records of commercial fauna, eliminate predators, and control the work of rangers and commercial hunters. Specialists with an advanced training profile and knowledge of a foreign language are in demand in the field of hunting tourism.


hunting- the science of the basics and methods of hunting management, allowing the rational use of the hunting fauna. The main tasks of science are: the protection of fauna, increasing the productivity of populations of hunting animals and birds, improving the quality of hunting products. The most important research methods in hunting management are: visual observations of animals experiments in nature marking of animals and birds analysis of the structure of animal populations using morphophysiological indicators. Game management is developing in close connection with biology, ecology, ethology, botany, biogeography, biocenology, and economics.

To ak independent science formed at the beginning of the 20th century. A great contribution to the development of hunting science was made by the works of famous Russian zoologists and hunters of the 19th century: A.A. Silantiev (studies on the economics and technology of commercial hunting in Russia) A.F. Middendorf, L.P. sable, capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse), etc.

Modern game science develops the following main problems. 1) BIOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HUNTING: classification, typology and appraisal of hunting grounds; hunting arrangement; registration of hunting animals and birds in hunting farms; different types hunting animals and birds with the help of biotechnical measures acclimatization and re-acclimatization of valuable species of wild animals, their selection in nature management of populations in natural conditions game breeding (industrial breeding of valuable species of game birds) their way of life and behavior geographical areas habitat of a particular animal species. 4) ECONOMY AND ORGANIZATION OF THE HUNTING FARM: forms of organization, methods of management and management in accordance with the natural and economic conditions and national traditions of certain regions of the country.

Hunting economy - organizational and economic system environmental management, which ensures the extraction of wild animals and birds in order to obtain maximum number hunting products while maintaining the optimal level for the population of animals. In economics pre-revolutionary Russia the fur trade played an important role. The hunting fauna was exploited ruthlessly. Many species of animals (elk, river beaver, sable, marten, fur seal, sea otters, saiga, red deer, etc.) were on the verge of extinction.

FROM Now a lot of work is being done to restore the number and rational use of the resources of game animals. Since 1935, the timing of the hunt began to be adjusted taking into account the annual forecasts of the number of game. Dangerous methods of hunting, extraction of useful animals during the period of reproduction and rearing of offspring are prohibited. Reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and protected hunting grounds have been organized for the protection and reproduction of valuable species of animals. Preparations and purchases of furs and game began to be planned. Hunting farms have been transformed into an independent branch of the national economy.

The main types of hunting farms in Russia are: 1) cooperative fishing and hunting farms of the North (tundra-taiga zone) - the main suppliers of furs and game; 2) hunting and protected hunting farms - are engaged in the development and implementation scientific forms management of hunting farms, protection and reproduction of valuable game animals for resettlement in new areas of habitat; 3) sports hunting farms attract the population to hunting sports.

Sport hunting is one of the types of outdoor activities. It brings up courage and resourcefulness, helps to become physically strong, dexterous, enduring, able to overcome difficulties and obstacles, develops love for nature. The hunter must be able to make a fire and organize an overnight stay in the forest, on a rainy or winter time determine parts of the world without a compass, swim well, manage a boat, know how to protect yourself from thunderstorms, heat stroke, provide first aid in case of accidents.

Hunting is allowed only to persons who have hunting licenses. Upon receipt of a hunting license, a novice hunter is required to pass a test according to the hunting minimum - a set of basic knowledge on handling weapons, rules and terms of hunting, etc. Hunting with a camera, movie camera and tape recorder is becoming very popular. Such hunting is interesting, exciting, does not harm nature and has the same beneficial effect on the body as hunting with a gun.

Abroad, hunting farms are not an independent industry, but are part of agriculture or forestry. In capitalist countries, hunting grounds are predominantly private property leased to hunting societies or individual hunters for a license fee.

About 40 hunting farms are located on the territory of the Moscow Region. Here, game managers keep records of game animals, plan their capture and resettlement, carry out measures to combat harmful predators, monitor the production of animals that are hunted. They survey hunting grounds, breed hunting dogs, supervise the work of rangers, and catch poachers. This work is interesting, outdoors. The official average salary in the hunting sector is small - from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

O Hotologists can also work in public organizations, various societies of hunters and fishermen. There are nine of them in Moscow (in each administrative district), and on the territory of the Moscow region - more than thirty (in all major cities). Here, game managers control and protect hunting grounds, go to hunting farms, conduct raids to protect environment, doing "paper" work in the office. Conscientiousness, mobility and readiness for irregular working hours are the main requirements that apply to the applicant. Salaries here are rarely more than 10 thousand rubles.

A certified hunting biologist is required for: hunting farms, reserves, wildlife sanctuaries, experimental bases environmental and public organizations hunting supervision authorities (“Rosselkhoznadzor” and others) research institutes (NII) power structures - the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry natural resources Russian branches of environmental organizations Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), travel companies, tourist clubs, safari parks.

A more profitable area is ecological hunting tourism. He organizes and conducts hunting tours on the territory of his lands, in Russia or anywhere in the world. Having got a job in a travel company, a tourist club or a safari park, a novice specialist can earn an average of about 20 thousand rubles, pros receive from 30 thousand rubles. Working in tourism is interesting for those who love to travel, who are passionate by nature. Here you have the opportunity to travel around the world. But for this you need to know at least one foreign language, and better - two, three.

Before an employee is appointed to the position of a hunter, he must be a trainee-assistant of an experienced hunter biologist, travel with him around the hunting grounds, get acquainted with rangers and hunters on the ground, take part in a raid to detain poachers. Most hunters are men. There are also women in this profession: they mainly work in research institutes, in reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, environmental organizations and government agencies. Despite the shortage of specialists, the profession of a hunter in Moscow and the Moscow region can only be obtained at three universities:

Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (RGAZU) Moscow State University forests (MGUL).

Although all qualification reference books mention the profession of “hunter”, there is no higher education specialty “Hunter”. Students of RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev and RGASU study hunting in the specialty "Biology" with a specialization in "hunting". In this case, you will first have to become a qualified biologist, and study hunting disciplines in the 3rd - 4th year as part of your specialization. At the MGUL, game managers are trained in the specialty "Forestry" with a specialization in "forest hunting": in this case, they receive the qualification "engineer in the" forestry specialty ".

In RGAU - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, hunting science is taught at the Faculty of Animal Engineering. There are budgetary and paid departments, and you can enter both after the 11th grade and after the technical school. At the academy, from year to year, 3-4 people apply for one place in the specialty "Biology". Entrance examinations for the budget department: biology, chemistry, Russian language and literature. On the part-time You can study on a contract basis.

In RGAZU, education is only paid and only part-time. Students study on Saturdays and Sundays every week, and take exam sessions in May. The study will take 6 years. Age of listeners is from 18 to 40 years. 70% of applicants already work in hunting farms and they need higher education for promotion. For example, a huntsman, having received a diploma, will be able to become a hunter. Most of the students are men. For admission, they pass tests in biology and the Russian language. Studying at RGAZU is especially suitable for those who want to combine work in the hunting area and study.

AT MSUL can be studied in daytime, evening or correspondence department. For admission, they take exams in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.

It is very interesting to study as a hunter, but you have to “nibble on the granite of science” for 10-12 hours a day. The training program includes basic subjects (zoology, botany, histology, embryology) and special disciplines (techniques for hunting animals and birds, animal records, hunting economics, environmental legislation, conservation management, typology of hunting grounds, trophy business and the basics of taxidermy, photography of biological objects, commodity science , hunting weapons, etc.). At Moscow State Forest University, future forestry engineers study dendrology, soil science, forestry, forest crops, forest management, ice protection, etc. From the third year, students who have chosen the specialization "Forest Game Science" receive advanced training in the biology of forest animals and birds, study the basics of hunting management, methods of obtaining and using hunting trophies, hunting cynology, etc. Future game managers have no problems with practice: There is a large shortage of specialists in forestry, and young people are welcome here. Students undergo internships in forest reserves, hunting farms, research institutes, zoos.

At frequent RGAZU during school year leaving for practical exercises to the shooting stand "Lokomotiv", to the Darwin Museum, Fryazevskoe hunting farm.

You can become a hunter, having received an average professional education in the specialty "Hunting and fur farming", which is offered only in the Khimki branch Russian University consumer cooperation Centrosoyuz of the Russian Federation (MUPC). Studying is 1 year and 10 months, but you can study only in absentia and only for a fee - 24 thousand rubles. in year. Average age listeners - 30 - 35 years. Upon admission to the IAPC, a certificate from the place of work is required. Therefore, employment according to the profile is necessary. Graduates of the university receive secondary vocational education and a state diploma.

The hunter must love nature, be a little reckless, be able to take risks, show courage and ingenuity. On the hunt, be prepared to meet the beast, rely on your knowledge, experience, cunning, and be in good physical shape.


1) Large Soviet Encyclopedia, Moscow, p. 90 - 93, 1975.

2) Popular Medical Encyclopedia, Moscow, p. 449, 1980.

3) The magazine "Where to go to study."

Profile "Forest hunting"

Hunting education in Russia is more than 100 years old, and the starting point should be considered 1897, when the Academic Council of the St. Petersburg Forestry Institute approved the optional academic discipline “Hunting Studies”, proposed by A. A. Silantiev.

Now in Russia there are three training centers for biologists - hunters of the highest qualification:

Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy (Irkutsk),

Vyatka State Agricultural Academy (Kirov),

Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (Balashikha, Moscow Region).

Since the middle of the 20th century, the Institute of Forestry and Forest Park Management of the State Agricultural Academy has been preparing specialists for forestry and hunting, and since 2002, specialists in the field of "Forest hunting" have been trained here. Such specializations allow graduates to work in the most unique and beautiful corners of the wildlife of the Far East and Siberia, in reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, committees for the protection and rational use of natural resources, fish inspection, hunting inspection and hunting farms of various directions.

One of essential conditions effective development of the hunting economy in the Russian Federation is the preservation of the resources of hunting and game animals living on its territory, and these are more than 70 species of hunting birds and 60 species of hunting mammals, and such work requires specific knowledge and skills to manage populations and preserve their habitats. The activities of the Institute of Forestry and Forest Park Management and its graduates are aimed at the preservation and enhancement of wild animals and birds, including rare species.

The lion's share in the theoretical and practical training of hunters is occupied by biological, organizational - economic, technical - technological, managerial, legal and other academic disciplines, the basics of which in the field of hunting are used by specialists at every step. It is this specific part that distinguishes a hunter from a biologist (zoologist) of university training.

In essence, a hunter-practitioner is:

  • production manager,
  • manager,
  • technologist,
  • a nature conservation inspector and a specialist in the use of biological resources.

And with all this, he:

  • carries out activities for the study, protection and rational use of wildlife;
  • develops and implements methods, techniques and means of organizational and technological activities that ensure the effectiveness of commercial and amateur hunting in various natural and economic zones of the country;
  • develops normative documents in its field of activity,
  • organizes and carries out forwarding field work and laboratory research;
  • analyzes the information received, summarizes and systematizes the results of the work performed, draws up scientific and technological reports and other established documentation;
  • monitors compliance with established requirements, applicable norms, rules and standards;
  • participates in the development and implementation of new methodological approaches, discussions, evaluation and publication of results, conducts patent work;
  • monitors compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international agreements, the implementation of norms and rules in the field of labor relations, ownership of property, protection of wildlife objects.

In the scientific field, as a rule, more narrowly focused:

  • these are various areas of biology (commercial zoology, ethology, biological resource science, etc.),
  • organization,
  • economy,
  • hunting technology and related industries,
  • jurisprudence, etc.

Here the explorer is:

  • biologist - hunter,
  • organizer - hunter,
  • technologist - hunter,
  • hunting lawyer.

The main objects of professional activity of a specialist - hunter:

  • game animals and other naturally renewable resources,
  • hunting grounds,
  • technological processes for the production of hunting products,
  • hunter footage,
  • organizational and management processes.

Types of professional activity of a specialist - hunter:

  • organizational - technological,
  • production and management,
  • scientific - research,
  • security - reproductive,
  • design and forecast,
  • advisory.

Even in our difficult times, the hunter, as a central figure among hunting specialists, helps to unite almost 3 million people, permanently (professionally), temporarily (seasonally) or occasionally employed in the field of hunting activities in Russia.

Also important is another professional activity hunter:

  • regulation of natural processes in ecosystems,
  • maintaining sustainable development in 60% of the country's territory, where intensive industrial and agricultural development can provoke an ecological catastrophe.

That is why the hunter as a qualified specialist with higher education in demand and will be in demand in the future in a variety of areas:

  • in production (hunting farms, various JSCs, LLCs, etc.),
  • sports - amateur (farms and regional societies of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz, hunting societies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, etc.),
  • in environmental authorities (Okhotnadzor, Rybnadzor, Ministry of Natural Resources),
  • research organizations and institutions (reserves, institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Although annually in traditional centers high school At least 125 people are graduating in Russia, the shortage of personnel is felt very acutely, and especially in remote regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East, including. And according to potential employers from the regions of Siberia and the Far East, the annual need for personnel of this profile is at least 100 people. This is facilitated by the strengthening of the global trend in the development of the environmental sphere and the sphere of trophy hunting, as well as the reform of the hunting economy system in Russia, so training in this area is of paramount importance.

PSAA already, preparing students for the unique specialty "Forest hunting science" - this is one of the few educational units involved in training personnel for the field of environmental management, forestry and hunting in Far East. An advantageous distinguishing feature of studying here is long-term educational and industrial student practice in various regions of Russia, in locations of the most diverse natural complexes, since without direct communication with wildlife ecological consciousness cannot be formed. But it is precisely this long direct communication between the hunter and surrounding nature in conditions of autonomous existence, is of decisive importance for the formation of ecological consciousness, when, as a result of direct interaction with nature, he begins to feel himself a part of it.

Education of students at the Faculty of Game Science and Bioecology is conducted by well-known scientists, authors scientific developments on bioecology, hunting science and fur farming. There are two departments at the faculty - the department of ecology and hunting science and the department that separated from it general biology. It was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences A.V. Pronyaev.
The presence at the faculty of an accredited Analytical laboratory for environmental monitoring, equipped with modern equipment, makes it possible to carry out fundamental and applied research on a wide range of environmental and hunting problems.
AT research work students take an active part. They use the results of their research to prepare their theses, write articles that are published in journals and in the proceedings of the annual All-Russian Conference "The State of the Habitat and Fauna of Game Animals in Russia". Two best theses are annually awarded with certificates and cash prizes of Rosokhotrybolov-lovsoyuz and MOOiR.
The Faculty of Game Science and Bioecology prepares bachelors (020400) in three profiles (specialties): biology-game science, biology-cynology and biology-bioecology. The duration of training for persons with secondary education is 5 years, with a secondary vocational education - 3.5 years. At the end of training is assigned

Specialty (degree) bachelor in one of the indicated profiles of the direction of biology.
Persons with specialized secondary vocational education (hunting and fur farming, cynology, environmental protection, environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, environmental management, medical business, obstetrics, preventive medicine, pharmacy, laboratory diagnostics, analytical quality control chemical compounds, biotechnology.) and other agricultural and biological areas.
Persons who received secondary full (general) education before 01/01/2009, as well as persons, as well as those who have specialized secondary vocational education, who received education in a foreign educational institution or foreign citizens, persons with disabilities have the right to enter based on the results of independent entrance examinations of the university.
For applicants for training in the direction of preparation "Biology", entrance tests in Russian, biology, chemistry.
For persons with specialized secondary vocational education, entrance examinations are conducted profile subject(biology).
Persons who received education after 01/01/2009 are accepted based on the results of the Unified State Examination.
After completing the training in one of the selected profiles (biology-hunting, biology-cynology or biology-bioecology), the right to enter the magistracy is granted. The term of study by correspondence is 2 years 5 months. According to the chosen profile, after completing the training and defending the dissertation, a qualification (degree) is assigned - master.

The research base of the faculty is used by graduate students and doctoral students who defend their dissertations in the council D.220056.01, which functions at RGASU. The Council accepts dissertations on ecology, animal husbandry and game science for defense. Dissertators have the opportunity to publish the results of their research in the journal "Hunting Bulletin", the founder of which is RGAZU. This journal was included by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia in the list of leading scientific journals and recommended for the publication of materials on candidate and doctoral dissertations.
The faculty has the necessary auditorium fund and modern equipment for lectures and laboratory-practical classes. The faculty has a zoological museum, which is constantly updated with new exhibits.

The library fund of RGAZU has, along with educational literature, a large volume of the latest necks and a unique classical literature on a wide range of issues of biology and game science. The library fund is constantly replenished with scientific and educational literature, the authors of which are faculty teachers.


The faculty was established in 2011 on the basis of the Department of Ecology and Game Science (formerly the Department of Zoology), which for more than 80 years has been training biologists-hunters of the highest qualification in the correspondence form of education. The history of the department, on the basis of which the faculty was created, is associated with the names of famous hunters and biologists - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences S.P. Bogolyubsky, professors P.A. Manteuffel, S.A. Severtseva, S.P. Naumova, A.N. Formozov, V.F. Larionova, A.G. Tomilina, A.M. Kolosova, Yu.P. Yazan and others.
The head of the scientific school, head of the department of ecology and hunting science, honored worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation, honorary member of the New York Academy of Sciences, professor, doctor of biological sciences Eskov Evgeny Konstantinovich was elected dean of the created faculty.


- Opportunities for professional development and professional retraining according to the profile of the main professional educational programs university.
— Implementation of targeted admission and training of agricultural specialists at the expense of budget financing on the basis of agreements concluded with the agro-industrial complex management bodies. When studying by correspondence, distance learning technologies are used, incl. using Internet technologies.
– Applicants and students are provided with a hostel.
- Conducting preparatory courses before entrance examinations.
– The university includes a department of vocational guidance, pre-university training and admission of students (UPDPiPS). Before the entrance exams, classes for preparatory courses ODPP are carried out within 7 days.


It is made according to the results of entrance examinations in the following order:
1. For planned and targeted places on the basis of a separate competition at the expense of agreements concluded by the university for the training of specialists for the agro-industrial complex of Russia.
2. For the remaining planned places in the order of the general competition.
3. For extra places with payment of tuition fees on the basis of an agreement with legal entities or individuals.
4. The cost of annual training is 16,500 rubles. (for 2012)
Laboratory examination sessions (LES) at the university are held according to the schedule. The duration of LES for one course is 30-35 days.