Speech therapy work with young children literature. Speech therapy work with young children

M .: AST, Astrel, 2007. The introduction presents domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of the program "Abilitation of babies". The first chapter analyzes in detail the standards of psychomotor and speech development children of the first three years of life. The second chapter describes the author's method of diagnosing pre-speech development in children with perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) and infantile cerebral palsy (CP) in the first year of life. The levels of pre-speech development of children of the first year of life and children of the risk group are determined. These data help to determine the structure of the defect in children with PEP - perinatal encephalopathy. Further, the author's methodology of correctional speech therapy work with children of the first year of life is substantiated. The third chapter describes techniques for examining children between the ages of one and three years using scoring criteria. Special attention is given to a heavy contingent of children with cerebral palsy - infantile cerebral palsy. For the first time, a scheme of psychological and speech therapy examination of children with AED and cerebral palsy at the age of two to three years, including 27 parameters, is presented, and a mechanism for determining the quantitative and qualitative assessment of underdevelopment of functions is described. Further, a technique of speech therapy work is proposed, depending on the structure of the defect in stages. An essential place in the textbook is given to correctional and pedagogical work with children with PEP and cerebral palsy. Samples of lecture notes are provided. The textbook is addressed to defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists, students of defectological faculties, parents with children with PEP, cerebral palsy or children at risk.
Introduction. Actual problems of early diagnosis and correction of developmental deviations
Study questions and assignments
Features of the psychomotor development of children in the first three years of life in ontogenesis
Standards for the psychomotor development of children in the first year of life
Standards for the psychomotor development of children and the second and third years of life
Study questions and assignments
Corrective speech therapy work with children with organic lesion of the central nervous system from birth to one year
Methods for studying the psychomotor development of children with organic lesions of the central nervous system in the first year of life
Study questions and assignments
Features of psychomotor development in children of the first year of life with organic damage to the central nervous system
Study questions and assignments
The content of speech therapy work with children in the first year of life
Study questions and assignments
Corrective speech therapy work with children with cerebral palsy at the age from one to three years
A study of the psychomotor development of children with cerebral palsy between the ages of one and two years
The system of psychological and speech therapy examination of children with cerebral palsy at the age of two to three years
Study questions and assignments
The content of speech therapy work with children with cerebral palsy at the age from one to three years
Correctional and speech therapy work at the first stage
Corrective speech therapy at stage II
Correctional and pedagogical work with children with cerebral palsy at the age from one to three years
A set of exercises for the development of auditory attention, auditory memory and phonemic hearing
A set of exercises for the formation of ideas about color, shape and size
A set of exercises for the formation of spatial representations
A set of exercises to stimulate speech activity
Study questions and assignments

A textbook on speech therapy work with children in the first three years of life.

The introduction presents domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of the program "Abilitation of babies".

The first chapter analyzes in detail the standards of psychomotor and speech development of children in the first three years of life.

The second chapter describes the author's method of diagnosing pre-speech development in children with perinatal encephalopathy (PEP) and infantile cerebral palsy (CP) in the first year of life. The levels of pre-speech development of children of the first year of life and children of the risk group are determined. These data help to determine the structure of the defect in children with PEP - perinatal encephalopathy. Further, the author's methodology of correctional speech therapy work with children of the first year of life is substantiated.

The third chapter describes techniques for examining children between the ages of one and three years using scoring criteria. Particular attention is paid to the heavy contingent of children with cerebral palsy - infantile cerebral palsy.

The book presents a scheme of psychological and speech therapy examination of children with AED and cerebral palsy at the age of two to three years, including 27 parameters, and describes the mechanism for determining the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the underdevelopment of functions. Further, a technique of speech therapy work is proposed, depending on the structure of the defect in stages. An essential place in the textbook is given to correctional and pedagogical work with children with PEP and cerebral palsy. Samples of lecture notes are provided.

V last years a special direction in speech therapy was determined - preventive speech therapy influence, which corresponds to the provisions of the developed concept of early speech therapy intervention.

Children of infancy (up to one year of age) are out of sight of the PMPK, as they are mainly observed in children's clinics, where psychological and pedagogical diagnostics are not currently provided, and, therefore, the most important sensitive period in the formation of psychomotor functions is missed.

At the same time, it has been proven that impairment of neurophysiological functions distorts, but does not stop developmental processes. At the same time, the formation of the child's psyche proceeds under abnormal conditions, however, due to the high plasticity of the child's psyche, its broad compensatory capabilities, both successful correction of deviations and relative compensation of even the most severe lesions of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system are possible.

A child with developmental disabilities who began learning in the first months of life has the greatest chances of achieving the optimal level possible for him as quickly as possible. overall development and, accordingly, an earlier date for choosing integrated learning.

Timely diagnosis and organization of adequate early corrective assistance or pedagogical support will prevent secondary disorders in children at risk.

One of essential conditions the effectiveness of correctional and developmental education of children with developmental problems is to identify the nature of deviations and their correction at an early age.

The textbook is addressed to defectologists, speech therapists, psychologists, students of defectological faculties, parents with children with PEP, cerebral palsy or children at risk.

The only thing in practice high school tutorial on speech therapy work with children of the first three years of life.
The analysis of child psychomotor and speech development is presented in detail. A method for diagnosing pre-speech development of children with perinatal encephalopathy and infantile cerebral palsy is proposed, as well as a scripting method for examining children of the first, second and third years.
The manual contains the author's technique of speech therapy work, taking into account the structure of the defect. Samples presented speech therapy classes with kids.
The author of the textbook - Elena Filippovna Arkhipova - professor of the Department of speech therapy, Moscow State Pedagogical University named after M.A. Sholokhov.
The book is addressed to speech therapists, teachers, students of defectological faculties of pedagogical universities.

Visual analyzer.

The visual analyzer is the central apparatus in cognitive activities, as indicated in the works of A. Peiper, V.G. Ananyeva, M.M. Koltsova, etc.
According to A.M. Fonarev, newborn children have an inborn reflex of eye movement, which arises under the influence of an irritant moving in the field of view and is caused in the first week of life in a healthy child. Eye movements during this period are spasmodic, there is no stable contact between the eye and the stimulus. Then sustained tracking develops, the inhibition of general movements, as well as the movement of the head, which follows the movement of the eyes with some delay. It occurs in a healthy baby at two weeks of age. By the end of the first month in children, a prolonged fixation of the object, the face of an adult, located from the side of the eyes, from above, from below, is caused.
In the first half of the second month of life, all complex eye movements are formed in children: fixation, converging, tracking, binocular vision. As M.Yu. Kistikovskaya, optical stimuli during this period
can inhibit the child's emotional-negative state or sucking movements.
A.V. Zonova, who conducted research on the development of conditioned reflexes to various colors, found that children in the first months of life distinguish colors.
In children 2-3 months of life, the duration of gaze fixation increases significantly. By the age of 4-5 months, visual differentiations appear, which are of great importance, since they are the physiological basis of sensory development. As the works of N.M. Aksarina, the early formation of visual differentiation proves not only the ability of children early age to distinguish colors, size of objects, spatial relationships and other sensory qualities of objects, but also the need for their timely development.

Actual problems of early diagnosis
and correction of developmental disabilities.
CHAPTER I Features of the psychomotor development of children in the first three years of life in ontogenesis.
CHAPTER II Corrective speech therapy work with children with organic lesions of the central nervous system from birth to one year.
CHAPTER III Corrective speech therapy work with children with cerebral palsy at the age from one to three years.
Educational questions and assignments.

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Download the book Speech therapy work with young children, a study guide, EF Arkhipova, 2006 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • Speech therapy work with young children, Arkhipova E.F., 2006
  • Corrective speech therapy work to overcome erased dysarthria in children, Arkhipova E.F., 2008
  • Fundamentals of speech pathology of childhood, clinical and psychological aspects, Volkova G.A., 2006

The following tutorials and books.

Memo to speech therapist

Types of dyslalia.

Sound production.

Receptions correctional work .


Arkhipova E.F.

1. Speech therapy work is carried out in unity with the work on the development of speech and thinking.

2. When staging a sound, one should widely use support on various analyzers (auditory, visual, skin, motor).

3. Content speech material should be accessible and understandable to the child.

4. Throughout all classes, it is necessary to use techniques that cause children positive emotions: approval, praise, encouragement.

The sequence of stages of speech therapy work:

1. Development of auditory attention and phonemic perception of the formed sound.

2. Articulatory gymnastics.

3. Sound production.

4. Sound automation.

5. Differentiation of the formed and mixed sound in pronunciation.

The sequence of automation of the delivered sound:

1. Automation of sound in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants).

2. Automation of sound in words (at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word).

3. Sound automation in sentences.

4. Automation of sound in pure phrases and verses.

5. Sound automation in short and then long stories.

6. Automation of sound in colloquial speech.

Types of sigmatism. Correcting them.

Sigmatism - deficiencies in the pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds.

Parasigmatism - replacing whistling sounds with hissing or other sounds of the Russian language.

1 . Interdental sigmatism - when pronouncing whistling or hissing sounds (sometimes both), the tip of the tongue pushes between the lower and upper incisors, which results in a lisping sound.

WITH - Speech therapist offers to bring the teeth together and in this position make a sound WITH... If the sound is not clear, a speech therapist with a probe or the end of a spatula presses on the tip of the tongue, lowering it by the lower incisors. Holding the tongue in this position, a sound is pronounced in isolation WITH, then combined with consonants A, O, Have, S in forward and backward words.

Z - Speech therapist asks the speech therapist to pronounce a sound WITH and at the same time connect the voice.

Articulation profiles

Articulation profiles[ Z, Z’]

Rice. 2 Sound articulation profile WITH


Rice. 3 Sound articulation profile Z

З 'fine

Articulation profile[ C]

Rice. 4 Sound articulation profile C fineC = T + C

C- Sounds are pronounced slowly in a row T - C, then at an accelerated pace. Achieving a seamless transition from sound T to the sound WITH (TS). Pronouncing reverse syllables AC, OTs, UC will help the speech pathologist understand that sound is primary T(explosion) and then goes C - C is a composite sound.

Differentiating simple sound WITH and a composite C using multiple syllable matching AC - AC.

2. Labiodental sigmatism - whistling or hissing sounds (sometimes both) are pronounced like sounds F(WITH) and V(Z). The lower lip is raised to the upper incisors, forming a constriction through which the exhaled stream of air passes, and the tongue is in the position of sound WITH.

The speech therapist asks the speech therapist to pronounce the sound WITH with parted lips and exposed edges of the incisors (showing in the mirror). The help of a speech therapist is possible - he holds the lower lip, exposing the incisors.

Then the sound WITH pronounced in combination with vowels with the help of a speech therapist, then without.

3. Prominent sigmatism (parasigmatism) - when pronouncing whistling sounds, the tip of the tongue rests against the edges of the upper and lower incisors, forming a blockage and interfering with the passage of air through the tooth gap. Therefore, instead of sounds WITH and Z are heard T and D(soup is stupid, winter is dima).

Rice. 6 Prominent sigmatism

2 receptions of correction

By lightly pressing the spatula or the tip of the probe on the front edge of the tongue, lower it onto the lower incisors. We let the air escape calmly through the tooth gap.

The logopath holds the front edge of the tongue between the lower and upper incisors, spreading it wide. Inhales air, feels its stream on the tip of the tongue, reproduces a sound similar to a lisping WITH.

The speech therapist gently presses with a spatula on the flattened front edge of the tongue, gradually pushing it behind the lower incisors.

After faithful isolated utterance of the sound WITH without the help of a speech therapist, WITH included in syllables, there is a differentiation WITH,Z and C.

4. Hissing sigmatism - the tip of the tongue is pulled away from the lower incisions deep into the oral cavity, the back of the tongue is sharply curved towards the hard palate. Instead of a whistle, a softened Ш or Ж is heard (a dog is a shyabaka, a lock is a zhyamok).

The logopath holds the front edge of the tongue between the lower and upper incisors, spreading it wide. Inhales air, feels its stream on the tip of the tongue, reproduces a sound similar to a lisping WITH.

We wean the speech pathologist from the habit of straining the tongue and pulling it deep into the mouth - we linger at the stage of interdental pronunciation WITH in syllables, words, phrases.

After the final fixation of the tip of the tongue in this position, we transfer it to the lower incisors.

5. Lateral sigmatism (unilateral / bilateral) - sibilants and sibilants are pronounced:

a) the tip of the tongue rests against the alveoli, and the entire tongue lies on its edge; one of its edges rises to the inner side of the molars, letting the exhaled air pass along the lateral edges of the tongue ("squelching" sound);

b) the tip of the tongue rests against the upper alveoli, letting air through the sides, as with sound L.

We teach the speech pathologist to blow with the wide-spread front edge of the tongue thrust between the lips -initial exercise.

Blowing at the interdental position of the anterior edge of the tongue.

Introduction of syllabic exercises, words, phrases with sound WITH... Gradual translation of the tongue behind the lower incisors (as shown by a speech therapist, with the help of mechanical assistance). Consolidation of correct pronunciation in the kinesthetic sensation of the speech pathologist, in his auditory representation.

6. Nasal sigmatism - whistling and / or hissing are pronounced in the wrong position of the tongue: the root rises and adjoins the soft palate, which descends and forms a passage for exhaled air through the nose (a sound similar to X with a nasal tinge).

WITH - Preliminary work on the formation of the correct exhalation of the air stream through the middle of the oral cavity (Exercise: "blowing out a candle, matches", "blowing on a piece of paper") is carried out at the interlabial, then at the interdental position of the tongue.

Reaching for a temporary lisp pronunciation WITH, the speech pathologist is given exercises for this sound in syllables, words, phrases.

We translate the tip of the tongue for the lower incisors.

Z - reception of the sense of touch vibration of the larynx.

Conduct clear (oral and written) differentiation of voiced Z and deaf WITH.

7.Whistling sigmatism- hissing sounds are pronounced as whistling sounds (hat = boot, beetle = sound, etc.). The tongue is in the lower position. To correct, exercises are needed to develop the correct upper (at the alveoli) in the form of a cup of the tongue position.

Setting hissing sounds.

· The speech therapist asks the speech therapist to pronounce the sound WITH, brings a spatula or probe under the tip of the tongue, lifts it by the upper alveoli. WITH changes to Sh, Z- on the F.

Articulation profile[ Sh]

Articulation profile[ F]

Rice. 10 Sound articulation profile Sh

Rice. eleven Sound articulation profile F

· The speech therapist teaches the speech pathologist to hold the tongue in this position. Provides the necessary extension of the lips - presses on the corners of his mouth.

· Shand F fixed in syllables, words and phrases, control over the position of the lips and tongue in the mirror.

· Performing oral and written differentiation exercises Sh and F, Z and WITH.

· Staging H- logopath to pronounce a syllable ATT, the speech therapist puts a spatula or probe under the front edge of the tongue, raises it to the alveoli of the upper incisors + pressing the corners of the mouth with your fingers, pushing them forward. ATT - ACH.

· Consolidation of sound in kinesthetic and auditory representation, independent pronunciation of sounds in reverse and direct syllables, words, phrases.

· Oral and Written Sound Differentiation Exercises WITH, C, H.

· Staging Sh- the logopath says long-term softened Sh(SHYN) or syllable ACL, the speech therapist raises the tip of the tongue to the upper alveoli with a probe or spatula. SHYN-SH.

Articulation profile[ SCH]

Articulation profile[ H]

Rice. 12 Sound articulation profile SCH fine

Rice. thirteen Sound articulation profile H normal.H = T '+ W'

· Consolidation of sound in direct syllables in reverse, words, phrases.

· Oral and written exercises for the differentiation of sounds SCH, WITH, Sh.

Differentiation of sounds with sigmatism:

1) S-3

2) C-C

3) C-Z-C

4) W-F

5) S-W

6) Z-F

7) S-H

8) Ts-Ch

9) S-U

Rotacism. Fix it.

Rotacism - deficiencies in the pronunciation of the phonemes P and P *, which are expressed in distortions of these phonemes

Pararotacism - pronunciation of phonemesRandR*,which are expressed in replacing them with other sounds.

Articulation profile[ R]

Articulation profile[ R’]

Rice. 14 Sound articulation profile R

Rice. 15 Sound articulation profile R'

1. Velar P- the root of the tongue approaches the lower edge of the soft palate and forms a gap with it; exhaled air, passing through this gap, causes a fine random vibration of the soft palate; noise arises, which, mixing with the tone of the voice, gives it a specific defective sound.

2. Uvular P- only the tongue vibrates, while a distinct rumble is heard.

3. One-hit P- the front edge of the tongue touches the alveoli only once, there is no vibration. Long rumbling sound fails.

Lateral P- instead of vibration of the anterior edge of the tongue, a bow explodes between its lateral edge and molars.

4. Cheek P- a sharp distortion of sound is due to the fact that the stream of exhaled air passes through the gap formed between the lateral edge of the tongue and the upper molars, causing the cheek to vibrate.

Pararotacism - sound replacementRsounds:

ü R *

ü L

ü L *

ü Th ( i)

ü G

ü D


Rice. 20 . R = L

Rice. 21 . P =j [th]

Rice. 2 2 . P = B

Rice. 2 3 . P = S

Reasons for rotacism:

1) short sublingual ligament

2) narrow and high palate

3) excessively narrow or bulky, or insufficiently flexible tongue

Correction of rotacism.

Preparatory exercises

Exercises aimed at obtaining fricative P (articulated as normal P, but without vibration), having achieved the correct position of the tongue.

Exercises aimed at developing the vibration of the tongue.

1. We invite the child to pronounce the phoneme F (if he correctly pronounces the upper W and F) with a slightly open mouth, without rounding the lips and move the front edge of the tongue slightly forward to the gums of the upper incisors. We fix the fricative P in syllables, words and phrases, not expecting the assimilation of vibration. The resulting sound should be pronounced with a sufficient pressure of exhaled air (voice and air noise can be clearly heard) with a minimum gap between the front edge of the tongue and the gums.

2. To generate vibration, a rapid repetition of sound D on one exhalation, articulated in a special way with a slightly open mouth and when the front edge of the tongue is closed not with the incisors, but with the gums of the upper incisors (or with the alveoli).

First - 2, 3 times uniform repetition of the sound D (dd, dd, dd, ddd, ddd, ddd). Then from the same repetitions, but with the amplification of the last sound (dD, dD, ddD, ddD). Further, from a many-fold repetition of the sound D, both uniform (dddddddd ...) and with rhythmic emphasis: for example, every 3rd sound of the series (ddD ddD ddD ddD ...).

Only the tongue works when the jaw is stationary. Then we add a vowel at the end to a number of D sounds: ddddA, dddY.

3. To generate vibration (technique number 2) - during a prolonged pronunciation of the fricative P, a probe with a ball at the end is placed under the tongue. The ball is brought into contact with the lower surface of the tongue, after which, by rapid movements of the probe to the right and to the left, a mechanical vibration of the tongue is caused, alternately closing and opening its front edge with the alveoli (instead of the probe, a child's finger).

4. After reaching vibration, we achieve the automation of the learned articulation and get rid of the excessively rolling pronunciation of P with the help of exercises on the material of syllables, words and phrases pronounced at a gradually accelerating pace.

5. After a hard P, we achieve the appearance of P *, if P * appears first, we work on P.


Fix it.

Lambdacism - deficiencies in the pronunciation of the sounds Л and Л *.


Rice. 2 4 . Interdental

Rice. 2 5 . Nasal

P aralambdacism- a kind of defect, which is expressed in the replacement of the sounds L and L * with any others.

Usually only the hard L. is mispronounced.


Rice. 2 6 . L = B

Rice. 2 7 . L = Y

Rice. 2 8 . L =j [th]

Rice. 2 9 . L = S

Varieties of pronunciation shortcomings L:

1. Elongation of adjacent vowels (aampa - lamp, paaka - stick, stoo - table)

2. Pronunciation of L in the form of a short vowel sound of the type Y (yampa - lamp, payka - stick, stoy - table)

3. Replacing the L phoneme Y (yampa - lamp, soldering - stick, stop - table)

4. Replacing L with the H phoneme (nampa, punk, groan)

5. Pronunciation of L in the form of a back-lingual nasal sound NG (ngampa, ngapa - paw).

6. Pronounced as L sound B or short U, while the tongue is pulled deep into the mouth, as with the vowel U.

The main reason - shortened hypoglossal frenulum.

Correction of lambdacism.

1. looking in the mirror, freely stick out your tongue and clamp it between your teeth.

2. without changing the position of the tongue, stretch A or B.

3. the speech therapist formulates the instruction, shows - with the same position of the organs, the sound of L.

4. pronunciation of a sound in syllables with a vowel A: in closed syllable AL, between vowels - ALA, in a closed syllable - AL.

5. we introduce syllables with vowels Ы, О, У

6. L * is put from L using syllables with vowels I, E.

7. comparison of syllables with L and L * (la - la, lo - le)

8. in the case of paralambdaism, we carry out exercises to develop differentiation between the new sound and the one that was replaced by.

Palatine sounds defect (K-K *, G-G *, H-H *, Y).

Correcting them.

I. Kappacism - deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds K and K *.

Articulation profile[ TO]

Rice. thirty Sound articulation profile TO fine


A) instead of K, a characteristic low guttural click is heard,