Egyptian pyramids: hypotheses and opinions. Who and why? Conclusions and generalizations

St. Bredova 15, building 3, quarter 10, building 8 (81536) 70585

Supervisor: , teacher visual arts, Monchegorsk Murmansk region, st. Bredova 15, building 3, quarter 10, building 8 (81536) 70585

Monchegorsk MOU secondary school №1 st. Kotulsky 1 t. 8 (81536) 56286


1. Purpose of work p. 3

2. Objectives of work p. 3

3. Object of research p. 3

4. Subject of research p. 3

5. Hypothesis p. 3

6. Justification for the choice of topic p. 4

Main part

1. The need of the ancient Egyptians to create tombs p. "Everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the pyramids" p. 6

3. The theory of "star correspondence" p. 7

4. Mathematical calculations of ancient architects and interesting

facts of modern researchers p. 8

5. Riddles inside the pyramids p. 10

6. Research by modern scientists. Pyramid effect page 12

Conclusions and generalizations p. 14

Literature p. 15

Appendix page 16


1. Purpose of work:

Analyze the various scientific points of view of researchers - Egyptologists about the mysteries of the pyramids; to reveal the indisputable facts of the mysteriousness of the pyramids.

2. Objectives of the work:

1. Study architecture Ancient egypt as well as the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians.

2. To form an idea about the theory of "star correspondence".

3. Get acquainted with the research of modern scientists - Egyptologists.

3. Object of research:

Ancient Egyptian architecture.

4. Subject of study:
Mysteries of the ancient pyramids of Giza.

5. Hypothesis:

Is it possible to assert that the architecture of Ancient Egypt is closely related to the fundamental and cultural sciences.

6. Substantiation of the topic.

The beauty of the Egyptian pyramids has always caught my eye. I became interested in the history of Ancient Egypt. Studying various sources of information, I found out that the land of Egypt has always attracted travelers with its incomparable monuments of art. The pyramids of Ancient Egypt still attract the attention of scientists all over the world. The most mysterious are the pyramids of Giza. It turns out that these tombs of the pharaohs keep secrets and mysteries that I did not even know about. Researchers - Egyptologists for several centuries studying these mysteries and come to unexpected results. Many of them were also a discovery for me.

The study of the effect of the shape of the pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section is still relevant today, since, according to the conclusions of scientists, it is this shape that positively affects the human body and environment.

My work is about the unique architecture of Ancient Egypt, about the riddles and secrets of the Egyptian pyramids of Giza, as well as about modern mini - pyramids.

Main part

A building can become and be beautiful without decoration thanks to its proportions alone.

I. Vinkelman

1. The need of the ancient Egyptians for the creation of tombs.

The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt expressed themselves quite definitely about the meaning of being: “You live to die. And you die to live. " Death was for them a continuation of earthly existence. It was believed that the soul of the deceased ("Ba") continues to live and has the same desires as during life. Therefore, after his mummification and burial, those living on earth continued to take care of him, as they did before. So, for the body of the deceased it was necessary to build a "house" where the soul of "Ba" could return. Thanks to these religious ideas, the Egyptians had a need to build tombs.

During the period of the Old Kingdom (28-23 centuries BC), the 4th dynasty came to power. At this time, the despotic power of the king increased. Pharaoh exalted his subjects. He was revered as a living god. He was deified during his lifetime and bore the title "son of Osiris" (Osiris is the king of the afterlife, the favorite god of the Egyptians).

Since the pharaoh stood out among all people, his tomb had to be different from the tombs (mastab) of his subjects *. One of the main tasks in the construction of the pharaoh's tombs is to give the impression of overwhelming power.

The Egyptian pyramids were always located on the left bank of the Nile, because according to the ideas of the Egyptians, it was here that the sun hid after sunset, and here were the possessions of the dead.

* See Appendix 1.

2. "Everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of pyramids."

Forty-five centuries ago, on the desert plateau in Giza, the construction of the famous pyramids of the pharaohs of the III dynasty - Cheops began (egypt. Khufu), Khafren (Khafre) and Mikerin (Menkaur). It is these pyramids that have amazed the imagination of many generations, and the word “pyramids” is understood by many to be the buildings of Giza *.

The popular saying “everything is afraid of time, but time is afraid of the Pyramids” has not lost its meaning today. Being next to them, one cannot help but feel awe and surprise at the overwhelming greatness.

The Pyramids of Giza have been called "the first wonder of the world." The past millennia not only confirm this name, but more and more force researchers to consider this "miracle" the greatest and most mysterious of all, known to mankind... Despite centuries of efforts by scientists, none of them is able to accurately answer a number of questions:

1. Why create a burial ground 147 m high? Why such titanic efforts
for a dead body?

2. How did Egyptian architects manage to calculate all proportions with such

4. Why are the other two pyramids - Khafre and Mikerin - smaller

5. Why is the third pyramid, the smallest, displaced from the diagonal axis by
which the first two pyramids stand - wouldn't it be easier to build it that way? Landmark
would the first two serve?

Having studied various sources of information, we will try to answer these questions. Choosing a place for the construction of the pyramid, the architect faithfully observed traditions, especially this

* See Appendix 2.

concerned the orientation of the future building in the stars.

3. The theory of "star correspondence".

On March 22, 1993, news agencies around the world broadcast sensational news - an unknown German robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink did outstanding discovery... A remote-controlled robot launched by him examined the Cheops pyramid from the inside. This is the discovery he made.

It turned out that the pyramids are reflected in the sky, but rather are themselves a reflection of the constellation Orion. The pyramids of Giza are the belt of Orion *.

Duat (in Ancient Egypt - "the kingdom of the dead") in the minds of the Egyptians "stretched along the western bank Milky way”, Corresponds to and is a mirror image of the area that we now call the Memphis necropolis (necropolis - terrestrial Duat). And just as the constellation Orion is on the western side of the stellar river, so the pyramids are on the western side of the Earth's Milky Way - the Nile River. Not only the arrangement of the pyramids itself is identical to the arrangement of the Stars, but even the brightness of the stars corresponds to the size of the pyramids.

Thus, according to R. Gantenbrink's version, the theory of "star correspondence" was confirmed. Thanks to the star orientation, high accuracy was achieved in the construction of the pyramids.

Why is the construction of the pyramids focused specifically on the constellation Orion?

The Nile was the real ruler of Egypt. The flood of the river began on the day summer solstice, which was accompanied by the appearance from beyond the horizon of Sirius. The rise of Sirius, in turn, was preceded by the appearance of Orion. This coincidence gave rise to the ideas on which the religious cult is based. After a period of absence of these constellations, a new season of life revival began. That is why Orion was associated with the great god Osiris.

* See Appendix 3.

4. Mathematical calculations of ancient architects and Interesting Facts

modern researchers.

Excellent astronomers lived in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians, as you know, to determine the exact time of crops, very closely followed the stars, compiling star maps and tables. Therefore, the pyramids are oriented strictly along the meridian, their faces look to the 4 cardinal directions, the entrance is always on the north side of the structure. The pyramid of Cheops almost unmistakably points to true north. As a result of the most accurate measurements carried out in 1925, it was established incredible fact: the error in its position is only 3 minutes 6 seconds. Such a minimum error of the ancient Egyptians is explained by the insignificant displacement of the north itself over the past millennia!

Researchers find this desire for precision, which is a sign of advanced civilization, everywhere, including in the size of the base of the pyramid. Walking around the pyramid, a person makes a path of one kilometer, its height is approximately equal to the height of a 50-storey building. Before the construction of the Parisian Eiffel Tower in 1889, the Pyramid of Cheops was the tallest structure on earth.

The greatest difficulty in the design was presented by two tasks. The first is to perfectly align the base. The second is to ideally calculate the angle of inclination of the edge of the corner stones so that these edges converge at one point at a great height.

According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus(years BC), 100 thousand people built the Great Pyramid for 20 years.

Modern researchers agree with Herodotus that so many people worked on the construction, but only three months a year, during the flood of the Nile. Only 4 thousand people constantly worked, they were slaves and extremely hardworking farmers.

For the construction of the Cheops pyramid, 2,300,000 stone blocks weighing 2.5 tons each were needed. If we take the data of Herodotus as a basis, then we will quite get a real

term of 20 years.

The foundation has the shape of a square with sides of 230 meters, originally the side of the square was 232.5 m, the angle of inclination of the edges The accuracy of the calculation is surprising. The error takes only a few minutes.

The meticulousness of the finishing of the giant stone blocks is evidenced by their precise markings before being installed in place. It has been established that to this day the thickness of the seam between the stones does not exceed 0.15 mm! For the accuracy of measurements, the ancient Egyptian civil engineers used plumb lines, triangles, measuring rulers in their work.

The tasks were solved. The builders managed to erect this majestic monument with almost perfect right angles, if you put plumb lines at the corners of the pyramid.

Also, ancient architects were able to calculate the point of the "golden section", with the help of which proportional ratios of values ​​were calculated. The triangles formed by the diagonals of the large square geometrically define the faces of the pyramids of Giza *.

This building miracle will seem even more incredible when you consider that it was built not on a flat area, but on a rather massive natural hill, which turned out to be in the very middle of the base of the pyramid. The construction process itself remains a mystery in our time - even with the development modern technologies creating something similar is challenging task... Most Egyptologists, in contrast to the statements of Herodotus, believe that during the construction the Egyptians did not use any devices and mechanisms. As the structure was being erected, they made special inclined platforms of clay bricks, along which, using wooden skids and physical strength man, stone blocks climbed

* See Appendix 4.

the required height.

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of such platforms, as well as surviving reliefs found in the tombs, proving the method of transportation.

5. Riddles inside the pyramids.

The pyramid from the inside conceals no less mysteries. The entrance to the pyramid, as mentioned above, is located on its northern edge; a low corridor leads inside. The angle of inclination of the corridor floor equal to the angle, under which the Egyptians could see the Polar

It was believed that the shafts inside the pyramid served for ventilation. But when a robot was launched in them, it turned out that their main purpose was not ventilation at all. Much more important for the Egyptians was the orientation of the mines to certain constellations. The southern shaft of the king's burial chamber is directed to the belt of Orion. After all, it was this constellation that was the place of repose for the pharaoh, who became a star. And Orion's belt - the center of the constellation - could help the soul of the deceased pharaoh ascend to heaven. All this forced scientists to take a closer look at the phenomenon of the physical parameters of the pyramids, in particular, to study the possible impact of their shapes on the state of people. We found very interesting facts.

Today it is already well known that the shape of the pyramid promotes dehydration of organisms and allows for a long time to preserve dead bodies, which are mummified under the conditions of the pyramid. French scientist Anthony Bowie, Exploring the pyramid of Cheops in the 30s of the 20th century, he discovered that the bodies of small animals, including dogs and cats, entangled in the labyrinths of the structures of Giza and accidentally trapped in the tomb of the pharaohs, were themselves mummified without being subjected to decay. After performing several experiments, the scientist found that the same effect is achieved

* See Appendix 5.

with scaled-down models of pyramids, in which Bovey placed various organic matter, and not only in Egypt, but also in other countries, for example in France.

Enterprising Egyptian Ibrahim Karim, a graduate of the University of Zurich, today he is successfully accepting even people who have lost their last hope, whose diseases he "cures" by placing the suffering in small copies of the pyramids. "After 30 years of research, I became convinced," says this doctor, "that the ancient Egyptian tombs, like some other harmonious architectural forms, have a healing effect, since they directly affect the human" ka "energy, increasing his immunity and vitality."

It was also noticed that the energy of the pyramids sometimes heals incurable patients, slows down the aging process, improves wound healing, raises the general tone of the whole organism, and also changes the properties of water, which does not bloom in the pyramid, but cleans itself, and microbes die in it. Paranormal effects have also been recorded. So, the pyramids have a powerful cleansing and strengthening effect on the human aura, getting rid of the evil eye and damage.

Despite all these practical successes in using the properties of pyramids, physicists are still far from a consensus on the nature of the anomalous phenomena that are observed inside stone tombs. The point is that it is impossible to link together such qualitatively heterogeneous phenomena. It was established, for example, that inside the pyramids, time flows by deceleration, oxidation of metals slows down, etc. In the 50s of the 20th century, a Czech engineer Karel Drable found that the sharp edges of cutting tools and knives sharpened by themselves inside the pyramids, and the used razor blades gradually regain their original qualities.

The Great Pyramid is still exciting the minds to this day. For many centuries, there are legends that the pyramid contains some secrets, that a special chamber lurks inside. Whole generations of scientists - archaeologists and simply lovers of antiquity tried to find it, but without success. And perhaps the greatest mystery of the pyramid will be the solution to this phenomenon, namely the discovery of the "Hall of Records", which, according to some researchers, may be hidden in the rocky base or in one of the hidden chambers of the pyramid. In this room, as the ancient Egyptians believed, are stored scriptures those times - traces of supercivilization, left for the edification of descendants. Will specialists be able to find these records? Only time can give an answer to this question.

6. Research by modern scientists. Pyramid shape effect.

Since 1990, work on the construction of mini-pyramids has been carried out on the territory of Russia and other countries of the near and far abroad. There are known pyramids built under the leadership of Alexander Golod. Every year, the amount of information on the positive effect of the shape of the pyramids on the human body and the environment is increasing, their scientific and technical significance is increasing. One of the most important directions in the modern study of the effect of the shape of mini-pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section is research carried out in various research institutes and laboratories. Interestingly, all of these studies are showing positive results. Here are some of them:

the effect of the stay of living organisms in the pyramid on the reactivity of the organism to infection was studied: it was reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed in the pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals. Conclusion - the use of the pyramid shape effect significantly strengthens the immune system.

* At the Hematological Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

studied the effect of water exposed in the pyramid on the blood coagulation system. The study was carried out in an experiment on rabbits: an increase in the number of platelets was reliably revealed. Conclusion - the use of the effect of the pyramid shape increases the rate of blood coagulation.

* NPO Gidrometpribor:

After the seeds of various agricultural crops stayed in the pyramid, they sowed vast areas (tens of thousands of hectares): in all cases (more than 20 crops), a yield increase of 20-100% (depending on the crop) was reliably revealed. In addition, the crops were significantly less sick and better tolerated drought. Conclusion - the use of the pyramid shape effect increases yields with better crop resistance to adverse weather conditions.

* NPO Gidrometpribor:

A pyramid was erected on the territory of one of the oil fields. Several days after its installation, the oil viscosity in the reservoirs decreased by 30%. Conclusion - the use of the effect of the pyramid shape leads to a decrease in the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs, which greatly simplifies its production.

Conclusions and generalizations.

Having studied the history and architecture of Ancient Egypt, analyzing the various points of view of modern researchers-Egyptologists, having considered the results of scientists' research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

* The true purpose of the pyramids (according to the theory of "star correspondence") is to be
reflection on the earth of the outlines of Orion - the eternal abode for the stars - the kings of Egypt.

* Features of the ancient Egyptian religion formed a completely unique
style of architecture, which still leaves many controversial questions.

* Study of the effect of the shape of the pyramids in the proportions of the Golden Section have a positive effect on the human body and the environment.

* Additional efforts of science are needed: physics, philosophy, biology and others in order to understand the phenomenal phenomena of our world and use them as efficiently as possible.

Thus, the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the study was confirmed:

mathematical calculations of ancient architects star orientation

proportional ratio hypothesis

(point of the "golden section")

religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians

the impact of the internal forms of the pyramids on the state of people and the environment

There is something to retreat before

and the indifference of the constellations,

and the eternal whisper of the waves, -

human deeds,

taking away its prey from death.

From an ancient Egyptian treatise


* Galushkina Artistic Culture. - V.: "Teacher", 20s.

* Gantenbrink R. Mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids. - M .: Veche, 2000. (Ser. "Great secrets").

* Danilov Artistic Culture. - M .: "Bustard", 20s.

* Lyubimov L. Art of the Ancient World. - M .: "Education", 19s.

* Samin great monuments. - M .: "Veche", 20s.

* http: // nwtime. ***** / egipet / egipetl. htm - site "New time" - Ancient Egypt.

* http: // www. ***** / research. htm


Annex 1

Mastaba(on - Arabic - bench) served as a tomb for the nobility and was the predecessor of the pyramids. In shape, it was a cut pyramid with inclined walls. The mastabs were arranged in regular rows, often surrounding the pyramids of the pharaohs, and were oriented like the pyramids themselves to the cardinal points, forming the "cities of the dead".

"The first wonder of the world" - The Pyramid of Cheops located on the desolate plateau at Giza. The height of the pyramid is currently 137 meters (the upper part of the monument has been destroyed).

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Proportional ratio of values ​​(point of "golden section")

The largest of them - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin in El-Giza in ancient times were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The erection of the pyramid, in which the Greeks and Romans already saw a monument to the unprecedented pride of kings and cruelty that condemned the entire people of Egypt to senseless construction, according to scientists, was the most important cult act and was supposed to express, apparently, the mystical identity of the country and its ruler.

The population of the country worked on the construction of the tomb in the part of the year free from agricultural work. A number of texts testify to the attention and care that the kings themselves (albeit of a later time) devoted to the construction of their tomb and its builders.

The pyramids are built on the left - western bank of the Nile (the West is the kingdom of the dead) and towered over the entire city of the dead - countless tombs, pyramids, temples. The largest of the three is the pyramid of Cheops (architect Khemiun, 27th century BC). Its height was originally 147 m, and the length of the base side was 232 m. For its construction, 2 million 300 thousand huge stone blocks were required, the average weight of which is 2.5 tons. The slabs were not fastened with mortar, only an extremely precise fit holds them. In ancient times, the pyramids were faced with polished slabs of white limestone, their tops were covered with copper slabs, sparkling in the sun (only the pyramid of Cheops preserved the limestone cladding, the Arabs used the covering of other pyramids in the construction of the White Mosque in Cairo). The oldest - the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser - was erected about five thousand years ago. Its height is 60 meters.

Why this happened is still not clear. From ancient times to the present day, many have studied the pyramids, since the builders of the pyramids left us no explanation on this matter.

The first among such seekers was the indefatigable Greek traveler and historian Herodotus, who in the middle of the 5th century. BC e. visited Egypt and suggested that the pyramids were built using wooden machines that lifted blocks from ledge to ledge. What these cars looked like was unknown, apparently, to himself. 400 years later, Diodorus of Siculus envisioned the lifting of stone blocks along earthen embankments.

Many scientists believe that the Egyptians possessed great knowledge, otherwise they would not have built such amazing structures. A clear confirmation of the inexplicably high knowledge of the Egyptians in the field of astronomy and civil engineering is the location of the Cheops pyramid in relation to the cardinal points. As the researchers point out, there can be no question of any coincidence here. The fact is that the pyramid points almost unmistakably to true north. As a result of the most accurate measurements carried out in 1925, an incredible fact was established: the error in its position is only 3 minutes 6 seconds. Abbot Moret, director of the Bourges Observatory in France, who devoted his life to solving the mysteries of the pyramids, having examined the pyramid of Cheops, discovered an amazing thing. Thus, multiplying the height of the Great Pyramid, which he took at 148.21 m by one million, he obtained the distance from the Earth to the Sun in kilometers - 148,210,000 km. But until 1860, this distance was considered to be slightly more than 154 million km. The same can be said about pi, which Abbot Moret claims can be obtained by adding the four sides of the base of the Great Pyramid, each of which, in his opinion, is 232.805 meters long, and then dividing the result by two heights of the pyramid ... Abbot More, by the way, believed that the architects of the Great Pyramid knew much more, which they managed to embody in stone: duration leap year; the distance that the Earth travels in its orbit in 24 hours; the density of the Earth's matter, as well as the average temperature of our planet, since thermal unit The Great Pyramid is equal to the value of the average temperature of the Earth's surface, etc.

Egyptologist Graham Hancock and his colleague Robert Boval believe that the three largest pyramids at Giza symbolize Orion's Belt on earth! However, the angle of inclination of the Belt now does not exactly coincide with the axis of the location of the three pyramids.

The use of a computer that calculated the exact coincidence of the Belt of Orion and the three largest Egyptian pyramids, showed that this moment belongs to the time of 10642 - 10546 BC. e., that is, for half the precession period to the present day, in 25920 years, as in the ancients, or 25729 years according to modern data, the year BC. According to Boval and Hancock, although all three pyramids were completed around 2500 BC, the plan for the Giza complex was 8000 years earlier! It was passed down from generation to generation until the time when it was possible to combine the inner corridors with the direction of the desired stars! Some scholars of our day have suggested that the Egyptians are well aware of everything about the pyramids.

It is noteworthy that the ancient Egyptians themselves avoided any mention of the pyramids. By the time of Tutankhamun (c. 1399 BC), the pyramids of Giza were already more than a thousand years old, and the memory of those who built them and for what purpose was lost. Greeks and Romans who occupied Egypt from the fourth century BC to the seventh century AD, did not show much interest in these structures, although the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the fifth century BC, tried to explain their origin and purpose in his writings.

There are legends (not only in Egypt) that the discovery of the secret of the sphinx and the pyramids is directly related to ... the end of the world. "When the last riddle of the Sphinx is solved, he will burst out laughing and the world will cease to exist ..." In 2004, the pyramids were investigated by Dr. L. Liman. He used an echograph device to explore how deep the underground corridors of the Cheops pyramid are. He determined that the pyramid of Cheops continues into the depths of the earth for one hundred and thirty-five meters, and possibly deeper.

A detailed examination with an echograph of the underground parts of the pyramid closest to the surface revealed that it was not the foundation of the pyramid that was found. In fact, it turned out that the object, formerly called the Pyramid of Cheops, is the upper part (simply - the roof) of a high-rise building, almost entirely covered with sand.

There have always been a lot of hypotheses and assumptions associated with the pyramids. Each researcher has his own opinion about these amazing structures in Egypt. As one scientist put it, "Almost everything is known about the pyramids - and nothing." 2. Pyramids - one of the seven wonders of the world Egyptian pyramids - one of the seven wonders of the world.

Most of the wonders of the world have not survived to this day.

The exception is the Egyptian Pyramids Pyramids - the greatest and mysterious structures of antiquity.

Meeting and seeing off millennia, they never revealed their secret.

The pyramids are as exciting today as they were in antiquity. The Guinness Book of Records is proud to announce that the record for the concentration of cultural property per square kilometer holds Egypt. Indeed, there is no place on our planet where, on an area of ​​only 1000 square kilometers, there would be as many monuments of world culture as in Egypt.

The ancient inhabitants of the land of the pharaohs left us a truly priceless legacy. 2.1 The most famous pyramids of Egypt The oldest - the pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser - was erected about five thousand years ago. Its height is 60 meters.

Djoser's pyramid is a step pyramid.

The builder of the first pyramid Imhotep was an architect, doctor, astronomer, writer, adviser to the pharaoh, for many centuries he was considered the greatest sage of antiquity, and in later times was deified, statues and temples were erected in his honor.

The pyramids served the pharaohs, according to their religion, as a ladder along which they ascended to heaven.

Therefore, the most ancient pyramids were stepped, had the shape of stairs, and only the later walls are smooth.

Why this happened is still not clear. Archaeologists have counted 80 pyramids. Not all of them have survived to this day. The most famous are the three large pyramids in the Giza valley near Cairo: Cheops (Khufu), Khafre (Khafre) and Mekerin (Menkaur). The three large pyramids are part of a complex that also consists of a sphinx, several temples, small pyramids, tombs of priests and officials.

The largest of them, the Cheops pyramid, was built in the XXVIII century BC.

Initially, it rose to 147 meters, but due to the advancing sands, its height decreased to 137 meters.

Each side of the square base of the pyramid is 233 meters, or, to be precise, one side is 20 centimeters longer than the other, that is, the error is only 0.0009. The area of ​​the pyramid is more than 50 thousand square meters.

The pyramid of Cheops is almost solid masonry. Its internal premises occupy a very small volume - no more than 3 - 4%. The pyramid consists of two million three hundred thousand cubic blocks of limestone with smoothly polished sides. According to Napoleon's calculations, the stone blocks from the three pyramids of Giza would be enough to encircle the whole of France with a wall three meters high and 30 centimeters thick.

It was calculated that each block weighs mainly 2.5 tons, and the heaviest one weighs 15 tons. The total weight of the pyramid is about 5.7 million tons. Its stones are held by their own weight - there is no binding material.

Despite this, the blocks are so carefully fitted to one another that the gap between them is no more than five millimeters. Such skillful work of stonecutters is surprising. After all, it was made mainly with stone tools.

The architect of this pyramid is also known - Hemuin.

There are no inscriptions or decorations inside the Cheops pyramid. There are three burial chambers.

The burial chamber of the pharaoh is a room about 11 meters long, five meters wide and almost six meters high. The walls of the tomb are finished with granite slabs.

The red granite sarcophagus is empty. Neither the pharaoh's mummy nor the funeral utensils were found.

It is believed that the pyramid was plundered in ancient times. On the southern side of the pyramid is a ship-like structure. This so-called Solar boat is one of five, on which Cheops was supposed to go to the other world. In 1954, a boat 43.6 m long, disassembled into 1224 parts, was discovered during excavations. It was built of cedar without a single nail and, as evidenced by the traces of silt preserved on it, before the death of Cheops, it was still floating on the Nile.

The second largest pyramid of Giza belongs to Pharaoh Khafren. It was built 40 years later than the first one. Sometimes it seems that the pyramid of Chephren is even larger than Cheops. In fact, it is slightly smaller.

The side of the square base of the Khafre pyramid is 215 meters.

Height - 136 meters.

However, in ancient times, like the Cheops pyramid, it was 9 meters higher. The angle of inclination is sharper than that of the first pyramid: 53 o 8 ". The whole complex of structures, consisting of a temple in the valley, a road, a temple of the dead and the pyramid itself, is more clearly visible here.

The lower temple, which once housed 25 statues of the pharaohs, is known for the fact that here, on the threshold of the kingdom of the dead, Khafre was mummified.

The ensemble of the great pyramids of Giza is completed by the pyramid of Mikerin. Its construction was completed in 2505 BC.

This pyramid is much smaller than its predecessors.

The side of the base is 108 meters, the initial height is 66.5 meters (today it is 62 m), the angle of inclination is 51 o. The only burial chamber of the pyramid was carved into its rocky base.

The pyramid of Mikerin emphasizes the greatness of the pyramids of Cheops and Khephren Scientists have discovered that the plates of the pyramids were not fastened with mortar, only an extremely precise fit holds them. In ancient times, the pyramids were faced with polished slabs of white limestone, their tops were covered with copper slabs, sparkling in the sun (only the pyramid of Hefron retained the limestone cladding; the Arabs used the covering of other pyramids in the construction of the White Mosque in Cairo). If you drive away from Cairo twenty kilometers further from Giza, namely to the Dashur region, you will see a majestic view of two more Great pyramids in everyday life called Red (so named for the unusual shade of limestone that covers its surface) and Broken (got its name in connection with fracture of the edges). The construction of both of these pyramids by the classics of Egyptology is almost unanimously associated with the predecessor of Cheops, Pharaoh Sneferu. Well, if you drive another sixty kilometers further south and visit the Medum area, you can see another ancient structure only vaguely resembling a pyramid, but more like a bastion. This pyramid is called False, as it differs significantly from its sisters.

The beginning of its construction is attributed to one of the members of the III dynasty - Pharaoh Huni, who, as many believe, planned to make a stepped structure, similar to the pyramid of his predecessor, Djoser.

It is believed that for some reason, Sneferu, who ruled a little later, decided to improve the creation of Huni and not only increased its size, expanding and building on the old steps, but also tried to give it the classical shape of an even pyramid.

Now it is difficult to determine whether his last undertaking should have been brought to the very top, or whether it was immediately conceived as a partial arrangement, since only the lower parts of the inclined smooth edges were preserved.

In fact, about a hundred pyramids or their remains are known in the Nile Valley, but the seven listed clearly stand out among others, and not only for their size, which are simply amazing, but also for a number of other, less noticeable signs. 2.2 Assumptions of how the pyramids were built.

Around 1719, the Frenchman Paul Luca claimed that the pyramids were lined with cement, not stone.

The Englishman R. Pocock in 1745 suggests the pyramids as mountains faced with stone slabs. Already in our time, just a few years ago, chemical engineer Joseph Davidowitz revived the cement lining hypothesis, citing the results of its confirmation scientific research... But the American engineer Bush again returned to the stone, but expressed the opinion that the stone blocks were equipped with segments on both sides and thus turned from rectangles into cylinders. Bush successfully tested his method by rolling a nearly three-ton cylinder down an inclined plane with the efforts of four people. In 1978, a group of Japanese enthusiasts tried to build as little as an 11-meter pyramid using an inclined embankment and scraps to lift stone blocks, but failed.

The embankment turned out to be too steep to be dragged along it with a load, and modern technology had to finish building the pyramid. That's all of the methods known today.

Moreover, any of them is questionable for another reason.

Herodotus writes about 100 thousand people who worked for 20 years on the pyramid of Cheops. How were they located on an area of ​​only 5 hectares? But so far no one has given an exact answer to this question.

Gradually, the secret of the construction of the pyramids was revealed.

It is now believed that the pyramids were most likely built like this. On the right bank of the Nile, in the quarries near Memphis, thousands of people were engaged in the extraction of white, fine-grained limestone. The boundaries of the future block were marked in the rock, then a deep ditch was gouged along these boundaries, and wedges made of dry wood were driven into it, which were poured over with water.

The tree swelled, increasing in volume, the crack widened, and, in the end, the monolith separated from the rock. Then the stone block was processed on the spot with tools made of stone, copper and wood. It took the form of a standard cube. In the vicinity of Aswan, there are still ancient quarries, on the territory of which many ready-made blocks have been found. As it turned out, it was a marriage.

The processed blocks were transported by boats to the other side of the Nile.

Then they were taken along a specially paved road, the construction of which took 10 years and which, according to Herodotus, is only slightly simpler than the construction of the pyramids. Then, at the foot of the future pyramid, the front side was carefully polished using stone and sand.

The pyramid was erected on a bedrock limestone massif, cleared of alluvial sand and gravel. As already mentioned, Herodotus claims that the construction of the pyramid lasted 20 years. During the annual floods of the Nile, the peasants were free from agricultural work, and they worked on the construction of the pyramid continuously during each three months 100 thousand people each.

English archaeologist Flinders Petrie estimates that 100,000 builders, working three months a year, could build the Great Pyramid in less than 20 years. To raise the blocks, the Egyptians built an inclined embankment from brick and stone with an angle of rise of about 15 0. As the pyramid was built, the embankment was lengthened.

Diodorus of Siculus claimed that the stone was dragged along these embankments on a wooden sleigh. Indeed, archaeologists have discovered the remains of such a sleigh.

Modern researchers believe that to reduce friction, the track was constantly wetted with water, so that the runners easily glided over the mud. Then, using wooden levers, the blocks were set in place. When the construction was mostly finished, the inclined embankment was leveled, and the surface of the pyramid was covered with lined blocks.

The construction of the pyramids is a mystery to mankind, there are many opinions about how they were built, but there is no single one.

No wonder the pyramids are one of the wonders of the world. 3. Hypotheses and opinions of scientists of different eras The mystery of the Pyramids in different parts of the world interests many.

The riddles of the Pyramid are often as interesting as they are difficult. It is no secret that the Egyptian Pyramids in Giza (especially the Pyramid of Cheops) are very popular in the world.

Despite centuries of efforts by scientists, none of them is able to accurately answer the simplest questions regarding, for example, the pyramid of Cheops: what was its initial height? Base side length? Build time? The goal of such a fantastic effort to build it? Finally, how was it built? And even - in the light of the latest discoveries - by whom? 3.1. "Ancient Egypt - a highly developed civilization" Many scientists believe that the Egyptians had great knowledge, otherwise they would not have built such amazing buildings. A clear confirmation of the inexplicably high knowledge of the Egyptians in the field of astronomy and civil engineering is the location of the Cheops pyramid in relation to the cardinal points. As the researchers point out, there can be no question of any coincidence here. The fact is that the pyramid points almost unmistakably to true north. As a result of the most accurate measurements carried out in 1925, an incredible fact was established: the error in its position is only 3 minutes 6 seconds. For comparison, the following case is usually cited: in 1577, the brilliant Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe, through long and complex calculations, oriented the Observatory so that it "looked" to the north, but in the end he was still mistaken by 18 minutes.

By the way, the minimum error of the ancient Egyptians is explained by the insignificant displacement of the north itself over the past millennia! It is also surprising that with an average side size of about 230 meters, the difference between the largest and smallest sides does not exceed 20 cm, i.e. about 0.1 percent, which is surprisingly low when you consider that it comes on the surface, composed of multi-ton limestone blocks. But that's not all.

The ancient builders of the pyramid contrived to erect this majestic monument of theirs with almost perfect right angles (if you put plumb lines at the corners of the pyramid). It remains a mystery why the advanced knowledge of the ancient Egyptians was lost to the world for such a long time. 3.2 Opinion of Abbot Moret Abbot Moret, director of the Bourges Observatory in France, who devoted his life to solving the mysteries of the pyramids, discovered an amazing thing. Thus, multiplying the height of the Great Pyramid, which he took at 148.21 m by one million, he obtained the distance from the Earth to the Sun in kilometers - 148,210,000 km. But until 1860, this distance was considered to be slightly more than 154 million km. The same can be said about pi, which Abbot Moret claims can be obtained by adding the four sides of the base of the Great Pyramid, each of which, in his opinion, is 232.805 meters long, and then dividing the result by two heights of the pyramid ...

The pyramid conceals not only the pi proportions, but also another, more useful proportion, which in the Renaissance was called the golden ratio; today it is denoted by the Greek letter phi and can be expressed as 1.618. This value, like "pi", cannot be deduced arithmetically, but it can be easily obtained using a compass and a ruler.

Golden ratio ( golden proportion) - dividing the AC segment into two parts in such a way that most of its AB refers to the smaller BC, as the entire AC segment refers to AB (that is, AB: BC = AC: AB = 1.618). In the Great Pyramid, the rectangular floor of the Tomb of the King (consisting of two equal squares, or a rectangle 1x2) also meets the requirements of the golden ratio. Abbot More, by the way, believed that the architects of the Great Pyramid knew many other things, which they managed to embody in stone: the length of the leap year; the distance that the Earth travels in its orbit in 24 hours; the density of the Earth's matter, as well as the average temperature of our planet, since the thermal unit of the Great Pyramid is equal to the value of the average temperature of the Earth's surface, etc. From all of the above, we can conclude that the ancient Egyptians knew the shape of the Earth to within one degree, while the rest of the world recognized it only in the 18th century, when it was established that Newton was right in his theory and our planet was flattened from the poles; the ancient Egyptian dimensions of the Earth were not specified until the middle of the 19th century. 3.3 "Curse of the Pharaoh" In popular literature, you can often find a mention of the so-called "curse of the Pharaoh". It is believed that a person who entered the tomb of the pharaoh is subjected to the curse of the pharaoh and soon dies. Apparently, before closing the tomb, the Egyptian priests left some special substances that contained disease-causing lung bacteria. In the pyramid, under the influence of the effect of mummification, they seemed to fall asleep, but did not die.

However, when a person entered the pyramid, most often for the purpose of robbery, he carried these bacteria outside and there these bacteria woke up and infected the robber with an incurable disease.

It has been noticed that most of the so-called "damned" died from diseases associated with the respiratory system. Here's an interesting version. It has not yet been proven.

The most sensational case is known - the discovery of the burial of Tutankhamun in 1923.

The sensation spread all over the world, but after that inexplicable events began, symbolically later called the "curse of the pharaohs" - a more accurate name for this strange phenomenon v human language was not found.

Most of the members of the expedition - 11 people, led by its main sponsor and patron Lord Carnervon and scientific director Howard Carter over the next six years, died for various reasons and under various circumstances, which are outwardly in no way connected with each other and cannot be connected if be guided by the human logic familiar to us. But in this case, obviously, it is not enough. 3.4 The hypothesis of Graham Hancock and Robert Boval Egyptologist Graham Hancock and his colleague Robert Boval reject the generally accepted view of the Great Pyramid as the tomb of Cheops, because none of the pyramids have been found dead. When in the 9th century A.D. e. the expedition penetrated the pyramid of Cheops and explored the royal crypt with great difficulty, the large stone sarcophagus, as it turned out, was empty, but there were no signs of the preceding ruin.

The truth, according to Hancock and Bovel, lies in astronomical data.

Due to the so-called procession (swaying of the earth's axis under the gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon), the constellations change their position in the sky with a period of 25920 years. With the help of a computer, it was possible to reconstruct the starry sky above the Great Pyramid in 2500 BC.

It turned out that at that time one of the southern corridors of the Pyramid was precisely directed to the star Sirius, which the Egyptians identified with the Goddess Isis.

Another southern corridor pointed to the lower of the three stars that make up Orion's Belt, a constellation believed to be the home of the god Osiris who brought civilization to the Nile Valley. These coincidences, according to Hancock and Boval, are not accidental. Moreover, the third largest pyramid (Menkaure) is knocked out of the straight line connecting the first (Cheops) and the second (Khafre) pyramids. Looking at Orion's Belt, Robert Bovel noticed a completely similar arrangement of three stars! Thus, the scientist concludes, apparently the three largest pyramids in Giza symbolize Orion's Belt on earth! However, the angle of inclination of the Belt now does not exactly coincide with the axis of the location of the three pyramids.

The use of a computer that calculated the exact coincidence of the Belt of Orion and the three largest Egyptian pyramids, showed that this moment belongs to the time of 10642 - 10546 BC. e., that is, for half the precession period to the present day, in 25920 years, as in the ancients, or 25729 years according to modern data, the year BC. According to Boval and Hancock, although all three pyramids were completed around 2500 BC, the plan for the Giza complex was 8000 years earlier! It was passed down from generation to generation until the time when it was possible to combine the inner corridors with the direction of the desired stars! 3.5 The hypothesis of a "single plan" Calculations of modern scientists show that everything related to the location of the three main pyramids, and perhaps all others that are located on the Giza plateau, is by no means accidental: their design height, tilt angles, perimeter, even mutual arrangement on earth - all these parameters are related to each other, and were chosen deliberately, with a special meaning. In the 1930s and 1940s, the American architect James A. Cain studied the structure of the pyramids on the Giza board and made the assumption that all the pyramids were built in accordance with a single original concept. This plan, Kane argued, was developed in accordance with astronomical observations. Already in the 30s, many Egyptologists were convinced that the pyramids were related to astronomy. For example, a pyramid is oriented along the meridian, and its edges face the four cardinal directions. The entrance is always on the north side of the structure, and thus all internal structure the pyramids are also planned along an axis from north to south, emphasizing the importance of the meridional location.

Recently, the American archaeologist Martin Ayler, having carefully studied the orientation of the pyramids, said with confidence that "such an accuracy in orientation could have been obtained only as a result of observing the stars." Indeed, the accuracy is amazing - the deviation averages 1.8 minutes. "Ayler suggested that this did not" tune "on such large" targets "as the moon or the sun; it was a point source of light, a star." More like then, - he writes, - that high degree accuracy was achieved by observing the star, not the sun. "We know that there were excellent astronomers in ancient Egypt. R.O. Faulkner, translator of the Pyramid Texts, wrote:" It is well known that the Egyptians closely watched the stars, not only for purely practical reasons ... but for the compilation of star maps and tables that they depicted on their coffins and tombs ... since the stars were considered gods or souls of the blessed dead "Unfortunately, James Kane's assumptions did not become known in the circles of Egyptologists. he published his theses, they were forgotten.

A few decades later, in 1984.

American Research Center in Egypt (AIZE) has launched its project to study the location of the Giza facilities.

The project was designed for 1984-1986.

It was headed by Mark Leener, an Egyptologist at Yale University.

The scientist investigated only the geometry of the area and took the main coordinates for analysis geological structure the Giza plateau.

Leener did not hide how he was struck by the scale of the pyramids at Giza and Dashur: “This short period gave rise to such a monumental architecture that everything created by other pharaohs seems dwarf.” It was Leener who suggested that the line between the pyramids served to align them. the line stretches from the southeastern corner of the Khufu pyramid to the southeastern corner of the Menkaur pyramid; later it became known as the "Leener line". " The very first assumption about the existence of a single plan for the construction of the pyramids was expressed by John Legon, a private practitioner from Surrey (Great Britain). “It is obvious that the construction of the pyramids was carried out according to a single plan ... which has not been taken into account until now.

It was because of this design that the third pyramid was smaller, although it is clear that Menkaure wanted a pyramid at least equal, if not larger, than those erected by his predecessors.

Since all three pyramids at Medum and Dashur appear to have been built by Sneferu, it seems that Khufu also intended to create three pyramids, in accordance with some specific design. ”Kane and Leener were pioneers of a new direction of research.

It was after them that people began to think that the pyramids could have a single plan. And at least two scientists have taken advantage of this research to move on to the solution; they have come up with amazing results. 3.6 Discovery of the amazing properties of the pyramids. When the Frenchman A. Bovy visited the Great Pyramid, he noticed dead cats and other small animals in the tomb of the king in the trash cans, which accidentally wandered into the pyramid and died there. Their corpses looked rather strange: there was no smell and no signs of decay were noticeable.

Surprised by this phenomenon, Bovey examined the corpses and found that they were dehydrated and mummified, despite the humidity in the room. Bowie wondered what was the reason for this amazing phenomenon.

Assuming that the whole thing is in the shape of a pyramid, he made a wooden model of the Cheops pyramid, the base side of which was 90 centimeters, and oriented it strictly to the north.

He placed the cat that had just died inside the pyramid at one third of the height. A few days later, the corpse was mummified. Then Bovy experimented with other organic materials, in particular with those that under normal conditions quickly deteriorate, such as bovine brains.

The food did not spoil, and Bowie concluded that the shape of the pyramid had miraculous properties.

Czechoslovak radio engineer Karel Drbal read about Bovy's experiments and conducted his own experiments with the pyramid model. Drbal suggested: does the shape of the pyramid accumulate? electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays or some kind of energy unknown to science.

Placing a dull razor blade inside the pyramid, Drbal found that the blade sharpened again, so that he was able to shave with one Gillette blade 200 times. 4. Exploration of the pyramids in the end of the 19th century of the 20th century 4.1 The assumption of today Some scientists of our day have put forward the assumption that the Egyptians are well aware of everything about the pyramids.

It would be strange to think that they just sit and wait for the clever Japanese, American or French to reveal their secrets! The pyramid is regularly repaired, restored, and Egyptian scientists know everything that is published on this topic in the world, all our hypotheses and fantasies.

Getting permission to conduct an expedition is a whole problem. There are dozens of world famous universities in line.

Probably, if the application contains something really capable of leading to the unraveling of the pyramidal secrets, the expedition is unlikely to take place.

It is noteworthy that the ancient Egyptians themselves avoided any mention of the pyramids. By the time of Tutankhamun (c. 1399 BC), the pyramids of Giza were already more than a thousand years old, and the memory of those who built them and for what purpose was lost. Greeks and Romans who occupied Egypt from the fourth century BC to the seventh century AD, did not show much interest in these structures, although the Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the fifth century BC, tried to explain their origin and purpose in his writings. This first surviving testimony is a mixture of myths, local legends and the author's personal impressions.

It was not until the seventh century AD, when the Arabs invaded Egypt, that real attempts were made to explore the pyramids.

There are legends (not only in Egypt) that the discovery of the secret of the sphinx and the pyramids is directly related to ... the end of the world. "When the last riddle of the Sphinx is solved, he will burst out laughing and the world will cease to exist ..." There are also technical difficulties: Egyptian scientists are well aware of how quickly the most valuable finds turn to dust, except, probably, gold, if they are not immediately preserved on the spot. It's too difficult for now.

There should be, judging by Scheherazade's tales, extremely curious things: “silicon boards of wisdom, on which the deeds of the Magi are written”, it would, of course, be worth seeing them. One way or another, it all belongs to Egypt. But the pyramid is attractive not only for this. Almost everything is known about the pyramid - and nothing. 4.2 Research by Dr. S. Liman In 2003, an independent group of experts-archaeologists published research data, which, apparently, will reveal the secret of the Egyptian pyramids.

The discovery that threatens a revolution in Egyptology was made largely due to chance. It all started with measures to strengthen the foundation of one of the pyramids (the Cheops pyramid is the largest): the engineers who surveyed the foundation told archaeologists that the foundation goes into the depth of the sand not three and a half meters, as was believed, but deeper.

The archaeological emergency response team, which immediately arrived at the site, confirmed a strange fact: an excavation trench dug near the pyramid showed that at a depth of three meters the foundation did not really end. For further investigations, it was decided to call a special detachment with a deep echograph from the central laboratory of the London Archaeological Society.

The echograph is a new device for archeology, - says one of the authors of the discovery, Dr. Sh. Liman, - behind which, undoubtedly, the future. This device, transmitting ultrasonic impulses of a special kind into the earth's surface, makes it possible to obtain an echo picture of the occurrence of archaeological finds.

It was the last feature of the new device that made it possible to make the discovery: having arrived at the place, the detachment with the echograph determined that the Cheops pyramid continues into the depths of the earth by one hundred and thirty-five meters, and possibly deeper.

A detailed examination with an echograph of the underground parts of the pyramid closest to the surface revealed that it was not the foundation of the pyramid that was found. In fact, it turned out that the object, formerly called the Pyramid of Cheops, is the upper part (simply - the roof) of a high-rise building, almost entirely covered with sand. We have undoubtedly discovered the oldest known skyscraper, buried in the depths of the desert, - concludes Dr. Sh. Liman. It remains unclear whether the discovered skyscraper is part of the urban development of the ancient capital of Egypt, covered with sand, or it was a detached building. In 2004, Dr. S. Liman, famous for his Egyptian finds, made another sensational assumption related to Ancient Egypt, which allows for a fresh look at the archaeological nature of the Egyptian pyramids. My group of excavators and I, - says Dr. Sh. Liman, - have been working with the Egyptian pyramids for many years. But they never cease to enrich us with new discoveries.

Presenting something special every time. In 2004, Dr. Sh. Liman studied the physical parameters of the pyramids, in particular, refined their weight.

Knowing the exact weight of a particular pyramid, the doctor explains, would allow us to say a lot about their structure and, possibly, shed light on the mystery of their origin.

Dr. Sh. Liman, known for his craving for a variety of technological innovations, did not change his habit and for his research used a unique complex that had just entered service with archaeologists - a mass seismograph, recently developed by a group of physicists interested in excavations and Egyptian antiquities. A mass seismograph uses seismic ground vibrations to determine the mass of objects standing on this ground.This is exactly what was done in relation to the Cheops pyramid, as soon as the mass seismograph came to the disposal of the permanent Egyptian expedition of Dr. Sh. Liman.

The result shocked all eyewitnesses: the mass of the Cheops pyramid calculated by the device differed from the generally accepted one by almost an order of magnitude! Yes, it was amazing, - shares the joy of the transferred sensation scientific discovery Doctor, - we made measurements again, then again, thinking that an error had crept into the measurements. But there was no mistake! Indeed, the real mass of the pyramid is much less than the previously calculated one. One of my assistants even fainted from surging feelings! It should be noted that the previously generally accepted calculated mass of the pyramid was obtained by a simple geometric calculation of the volume followed by multiplication by the average density of the material from which the pyramid is made. And, as we have already noted, the real mass, determined by Dr. Sh. Liman, turned out to be less by an order of magnitude. But that is not the sensationalism of the doctor's discovery. According to the doctor, the reason for the mismatch of the masses of the pyramid is in the material from which it is made. In fact, the Cheops pyramid was not made of a stone of unknown origin. The fact that for a long time was taken for a stone, - Dr. Sh. Liman comments on the essence of the discovery, - in fact, fossilized foam that has absorbed sand! The outer layers of the pyramid's foam masonry, from which pieces were chipped off to determine the density of the material, literally soaked in sand for many thousands of years, hardened - as you know, the foam hardens over three hundred to five hundred years - and became heavy.

However, the inner layers of the pyramid, where sand could not penetrate, still retain a small mass. They are airy. And we were convinced of this by drilling, with the permission of the Egyptian authorities, a deep, several meters, hole in one of the walls of the pyramid.

The sample obtained from the inside is as light as the silk dress of my translator! This is the best confirmation of the foam theory.

Where did Styrofoam come from in Ancient Egypt? - Dr. Sh. Liman asks himself. - Well, it is up to historians to answer this question. We are archaeologists, we only make finds. 4.3 The theory of D.G. Pavlov D.G. Pavlov in 2004 investigated Pyramids of Egypt.

He paid more attention to the False Pyramid, the scientist came to an amazing conclusion. Walking along one of the corridors, about ten meters from the entrance, so almost perfectly smooth and even, it suddenly sharply changes the roughness of its surface, as if, starting from this place, it was deliberately disfigured with a pickaxe. The walls, floor and ceiling, without any transitional section, become covered with uneven and rather deep chips, in places forming grottoes up to half a meter deep.

Going down a little lower on the pitted walls of the corridor, you can see a solid translucent film 2-3 millimeters thick, which sometimes appears inside the limestone layers, dividing the blocks facing the corridor into separate scales. If you do not disdain and try such a film on your tongue, the taste of ordinary table salt will remain in your mouth. Thus, it becomes perfect clear origin the chips mentioned above.

However, for the formation of salt build-ups, water is needed, which, when dry, would leave a solid residue. But today, as in the days of the pharaohs, in the places where the Great Pyramids are located, no more than a few centimeters of precipitation falls per year. This moisture is not even enough to wet the surface of the pyramids, let alone penetrate tens of meters into the depth. Then how to explain the formation of such impressive salt films, and only in the lower rooms of the pyramid? Pavlov made the assumption that the inner corridors, vestibule and chambers of the False Pyramid stood long before the Dynastic Egypt known to us arose in northern Africa. Indeed, according to paleontologists in the Nile Delta, until about the seventh millennium of the old era, there was a relatively humid climate.

This means that salt build-ups must have appeared in that era, or even somewhat earlier. Thus, the above-mentioned differences in the surface structure of the upper and lower parts of the Corridor of the False Pyramid are most likely explained by the fact that one of the pharaohs, namely Huni, came up with the idea of ​​restoring more ancient structure, perhaps, with its outlines resembling a stepped pyramid, only very dilapidated. Then the first fine masonry appeared, making the former remains similar to another stepped pyramid bearing the name of Djoser and located in the town of Sakkara. A clear sign indicating deep antiquity internal premises, is the fact that inside the Medum pyramid there is a second corridor running parallel and slightly higher than the first, but not going out like that, but ending long before the surface. This feature indicates that the restorers of the time of the pharaohs either did not know this corridor at all, or the restoration of two descending passages at once seemed an unnecessary luxury.

By the way, the pyramids of Khefren, Mikkerin and one of Dashur have similar double corridors. At the same time, in the Mikkerin pyramid, the upper of the corridors is also a dead end.

It is quite possible that in all these cases we are not dealing with a sudden change in the plans of the builders, but with a very thoughtful one that is not clear. Thus, D.G. Pavlov put forward a hypothesis that the well-known Egyptian pyramids were not built during the time of the pharaohs, but long before that, when there was a humid climate on the territory of Egypt, that is, before the seventh millennium of the old era. And the pharaohs were only engaged in the reconstruction of these amazing structures.

Having examined the pyramids, D.G. Pavlov made the following conclusions: 1. The Great Egyptian pyramids were built long before the Ancient Kingdom known to us arose next to them. At the same time, when and by whom is absolutely not clear. 2. The pharaohs, with whose names it is customary to associate the Great Pyramids, are most likely involved only in their relatively modest restoration, which consisted in clearing the interior and exterior decoration. 3. Some premises of the Great Pyramids are not connected with their original concept, but appeared at different times and for different reasons, which somewhat complicates the reconstruction of the true purpose of these structures. 4. Beginning with the fifth dynasty, in Egypt, they really began to build pyramids-tombs, but these are much more primitive structures, moreover, provided with clear written evidence of their purpose. 5. The true function of the pyramids is most likely due to technical goals, the essence of which is very vague.

It is possible that their form and purpose are somehow connected with the geometry of space, which has the right to be called four-dimensional time, however, since this geometry still remains poorly understood, it is not possible to make an unambiguous conclusion. 5. Conclusion The pyramids are striking in their grandeur.

They enchant with their secrets and riddles.

Endless assumptions are made about their creation, new and new versions are put forward about how they were built.

The Egyptian pyramids are one of the wonders of the world, and it is not surprising, because the idea that people armed only with simple mechanical devices have built similar masses that continue to delight us, although thousands of years have passed since their creation. Looking at these marvelous monuments of the era, one gets the impression that time bypasses them, or maybe it was the magic of the sphinx that stopped him, glorifying the greatness of the pharaoh. There is a version according to which the roots of the civilization that created the pyramid are much older, especially bold ones even suggest that it was aliens who erected the Egyptian pyramids. A photo with the pyramids in the background is a favorite pastime of tourists.

Mysticism and reality, myths and facts are so tightly intertwined on the stone steps of these silent giants that you begin to believe in myths and doubt facts.

The pyramids at Giza are many structures that differ in size, but are shaped like a pyramid.

"Pyramid Grade 10" - C. Truncated pyramid. What is called a pyramid? Base. Hexagonal pyramid... What is called the lateral surface area of ​​a pyramid? Pentagonal pyramid. How to find the radii of the inscribed and circumscribed circles for an arbitrary triangle? Apothem. What is called the total surface area of ​​a pyramid?

"Pyramid lesson" - N-gon at the base and. Content. The objectives of the lesson are to shape. Conduct research, consolidate the knowledge gained; “The pyramids of the pharaohs froze in a silent distance, there were ancient sarcophagi. Pyramids around us. The height is projected to the center of the inscribed circle. Formulate a conclusion about the significance of the pyramids from a historical and mathematical point of view.

"Volume of the pyramid" - The base of one of the tetrahedrons is rotated 60 ° in relation to the base of the other. The side of the base is 1 cm. The height of the pyramid is 3 cm. One tetrahedron is rotated 90 ° with respect to the other. Consider now the pyramids A1ABC and CA1B1C1. Two regular tetrahedra with edges a have a common height. The sides of the bases of the tetrahedra are pairwise parallel.

"Pyramids in Egypt" - Who Built the Pyramids? Two types of pyramids. The statue of Cheops. The structure of the pyramids. Khafre's pyramid. Djoser's pyramid. There are about 2 million such blocks in the pyramid. The pyramids of Egypt are rightfully considered one of the wonders of the world. How were the pyramids built? Pyramids of Ancient Egypt. The pyramid of Cheops is one of the seven wonders of the world.

"Pyramids" - The area of ​​the pyramid. Quadrangular pyramid... All apothems of a regular pyramid are equal to each other. Truncated pyramid. All side faces of the truncated pyramid are trapeziums. Side faces... The theorem on the lateral surface area of ​​a regular truncated pyramid. Correct pyramid... Apothem d of a regular truncated pyramid.

"Egyptian pyramids" - It is possible that the pyramids were erected by the peasants, who were free during the flooding of the Nile from field work... A total of 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt (as of November 2008). The construction of the pyramids according to Herodotus. The largest is the Cheops pyramid. The length of the side of the pyramid is 230 m. Broken pyramid. Company Logo. The predecessors of the pyramids.

The ancient Egyptians considered Pharaoh to be the son of the sun god (^ mon-Ra). The sun god can penetrate everywhere, which means that Pharaoh sees everything that is happening in the country, in every house. Just as the sun is inaccessible to people, so the ruler of Egypt is inaccessible to mere mortals.

The scene of the battle of Pharaoh Tutankhamun with the Asians. Casket of the Valley of the Kings
Why do you think the figure of the pharaoh in the drawings was depicted larger than the figures of other people?
Sphinx near the pyramid of Khafre in Giza
As "the son of the sun god," Pharaoh did not die like everyone else. According to the ideas of the Egyptians, the king went to heaven and was numbered among the gods. One of the concerns of the pharaoh ascending the throne was the construction of an afterlife refuge for himself - "the house of eternity."
The ancient Egyptians tried to preserve the memory of the departed kings, because they believed that the pharaoh continued to care for the well-being of his country even after death.
The last refuge of the pharaoh, according to the belief of the ancient Egyptians, should have been as strong and memorable as possible for people. That is why, during the time of the Old Kingdom (about 3000-2050 BC), they began to erect grandiose tombs - pyramids. Pharaoh Djoser was the first to build a stepped pyramid for himself.
In the area between present-day Cairo and the Fayyum-kim oasis, on the border of the sands of the Libyan Desert, more than 80 pyramids are scattered over 70 kilometers. In most cases, they are destroyed. For centuries, they served as a source of building material for the local population. The pyramids were located on the west bank of the Nile.

Є Why did the ancient Egyptians build tombs on the west bank of the Nile?

Of the pyramids, three are especially known. They are striking in their size: the pyramid of Pharaoh Mikerin is 66 meters high, the pyramid of Pharaoh Khafre is 137 meters. The largest of them is the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops. In ancient times, she was considered one of the seven wonders of the world.

Pyramid, Djoser Pyramids at Giza Pyramid of Cheops
in the context
(you will learn about some of them from the history of Babylon and Ancient Greece). Its height is about 147 meters, and the length of the side of the base is 233 meters. It is composed of blocks of golden limestone weighing from 2.5 to 30 tons each.
Until now, scientists are trying to understand how the ancient Egyptians achieved incredible precision when processing stone blocks and stacking them on top of each other and end to end without the slightest gap. At one time, the pyramids were crowned with conical stones (tops) of red brick. But they disappeared just like the facing of the pyramids - finely polished slabs of white limestone. Under the rays of the scorching sun, it hurt eyes to look at the sparkling pyramids. It was a kind of reminder to people that Pharaoh is the son of the sun god.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu rises above the ground as a majestic testament to the extraordinary imagination and engineering of the ancient Egyptians. This is the only one of the seven wonders of the world that has survived to this day.

Pyramids of Giza. The tombs of the pharaohs of the fourth dynasty - Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin - are the most famous monuments of Egypt. Although the structure of the pyramids remains unchanged, their limestone cladding was peeled off in the Middle Ages. It was used in the construction of buildings in Cairo. Therefore, today we see these stepped surfaces.

Three large pyramids of Giza stand alone in the middle of the desert 8 km from Cairo. They tower above the surrounding complex of minor pyramids and tombs. Nearby is a statue of the Great Sphinx. These wonders the ancient world for almost 5000 years, but only in the 19th century archaeologists began to understand how and why they were built.

Who and why?

The city of Giza is located in the upper reaches of the Nile Delta, where the border between Upper and Lower Egypt once passed.

Around 2925 A.D. e. these two kingdoms united, and Memphis, located on the western bank of the Nile, became the capital of the new Egyptian state.

This city was made the seat of the pharaohs, whose 30 dynasties, successively, ruled Egypt for about 3000 years.

According to the official historical version, the three Great Pyramids were erected at Giza during the fourth dynasty (circa 2575-2465 BC).

The first to be built was the largest of them, the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu, whom the Greek historian Herodotus called Cheops. The second is the central pyramid, which is slightly smaller than the first and bears the name of the son of Cheops, Pharaoh Khafre, or Khafre. The third, smallest pyramid belonged to Pharaoh Menkaur, or Mikerin, the grandson of Cheops.

Pharaohs were considered living deities, who were destined after death to join the numerous family of gods revered by the Egyptians. Egyptian rulers built for themselves "houses of death", which had a full set of underground rooms, provided with everything necessary for the afterlife, including food, dishes and jewelry.

These tombs are located at the edge of the desert, on the west bank of the Nile. (Since the sun sets in the west, the ancient Egyptians associated it with death.) The first pharaohs of the first and second dynasties erected small rectangular tombs, or mastabas, similar to those found at Saqqara, west of Memphis, and in Abydos.

A revolution in burial architecture

But 100 years before the construction of the pyramids in Giza began, a representative of the third dynasty, Pharaoh Djoser, revolutionized burial architecture by building the first pyramid.

It rose above the Sakkar desert to a height of 60 meters with six majestic ledges and, unlike all other previously erected buildings, was faced with stone.

Later, the pharaohs began to make the edges of the pyramids smooth, as can be seen in the example of the Red Pyramid at Dashur. The pinnacle of this style was the majestic pyramids of Giza.

The original height of the huge pyramid of Cheops (the top of which has not survived to this day) was 146.6 m.About 2.3 million stone blocks were used for its construction, each of which weighed 2.5 tons on average.

The blocks were connected to each other without the aid of cement, but they were fitted together so tightly that the British Egyptologist Flinders Petrie (1853-1942) remarked that “neither a needle nor a hair would fit into the joints.”

This massive structure, which took about 30 years to build, was not only an amazing feat of engineering. It was also necessary to organize the transportation of many tons of building materials and the efficient work of about 100,000 builders.


For the first time since ancient times, people entered the tomb of Cheops in the 9th century by order of the Baghdad Caliph Mamun, who hoped to find treasures there. His men broke through the northern wall of the pyramid and eventually reached the royal tomb, but there were no treasures or other property in it.

Archaeologists are still racking their brains over why the burial chamber was empty - after all, there were no signs that robbers had previously visited it.

Next to the pyramid of Cheops are the tombs of his entourage and relatives. Here, mastabas and graves are lined up in rows, in which small ships are buried. Grave robbers had devastated them long ago.

In 1954, scattered parts of a large boat were found in the sands near the southern wall of the pyramid. They were collected again and the rook was restored. It took 10 years. Perhaps it was a royal ship used during the life of Cheops, or maybe it was supposed to be used after his death.

Extravagant hypotheses

The impeccable spatial position of the Great Pyramid, whose square base was almost ideally oriented in the north-south and east-west directions, as well as numerous mystical interpretations of its size led to the emergence of several extravagant hypotheses explaining the purpose of the pyramids.

Some 19th century English astronomers argued that the pyramids were astronomical observatories and could be used as sundials.

One astronomer, Charles Smith, tried to prove that the size of the pyramids testifies to their creation by God - the "Divine Geometer" - and that they contain information about the time of the second coming of Christ.

Other pyramidologists believe that the pyramids are the work of aliens from space.

Archaeological and literary sources indicate that the pyramids were burial structures, but they were not necessarily used as tombs of the pharaohs.

It is possible that the pyramids, like other tombs, served as a repository ka , the soul, which, according to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, continued to live after death.

The inconceivable grandeur of the pyramids was criticized during the time of the Romans. Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) called them "an empty and stupid demonstration by the kings of their wealth."

But Pliny could not foresee that, thanks to its ostentatious greatness, the Great Pyramid of Cheops would fulfill the dream of its creator of immortality, preserving his name for posterity for 5000 years.

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