Open lesson “We are going to school soon - what are we going to study there? Abstract of an open lesson for the preparatory group "soon to school" Types of children's activities.

Implementation period: long-term (September - May).

Project type: psychological and pedagogical.

Children's age: preparatory group

Project participants: educators, children of the preparatory group, parents, primary school teacher, educational psychologist, head of the art studio.

Relevance of the project:

Entering school is a new stage in a child's life. Many children with trepidation and anxiety and excitement cross the threshold of the school. After all, their personality began to occupy a more significant social position - a schoolboy. This solemn event is sometimes overshadowed by anxiety, fear of the unknown. In order to avoid negative emotions among first graders and help them adapt to school, information about the school and the way it is presented by parents and kindergarten teachers play an important role.

A child's attitude to school is formed before he goes to school. Many parents try to create an emotionally attractive image of the school: “You will be an excellent student with us”, “You will have new friends”, “Teachers love those smart ones like you”. Adults believe that by doing so they instill in the child an interested attitude towards school. In reality, a child who is tuned in to a joyful, exciting activity, having experienced even minor, negative emotions (resentment, jealousy, envy, annoyance), can lose interest in learning for a long time. The school provides enough reasons for such emotions: failure against the background of seeming general success, difficulties in finding friends among classmates, discrepancy between the teacher's assessment and the usual parental praise, etc.

The theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature and these practices convinced us to carry out purposeful work to form a positive attitude towards school in children of the preparatory group using a variety of forms and methods of work, through the creation of a subject-developing environment, through pedagogical education of parents, interaction with primary school teachers.

School-oriented projects contribute to an increase in the social and cognitive activity of children, the purposeful formation of their integrative qualities, which are necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.

Target: to form an idea of ​​school and a positive attitude towards school life.


For kids
1. Formation of motivation for learning and interest in the learning process itself
2. To promote the development of creative abilities, cognitive motivation, intellectual qualities of children;

3. Development of communication skills in interaction with peers and a teacher, arbitrary behavior;

For teachers:

Formation of social personality traits of a future first grader, necessary for successful adaptation at school;

For parents:

Expanding the range of knowledge about school readiness among parents of kindergarten children

Expectationdesired result:

Favorable course of the adaptation school period.

Formation of motivational readiness for school in children;

Increasing parental competence in preparing children for school;

Reducing the level of situational anxiety among parents about the upcoming transfer of children to school.

Analysis of work:

The diagnostics showed that at the end of the school year, all children had an educational and cognitive motive for learning; all children in the group are ready for school . Projective drawing "School" presented the effectiveness of the work done to form a positive image of the school in the perception of future first-graders - the motivation of all children has acquired an optimal character (educational and cognitive).

Project implementation plan

Preparatory stage:

Prepare the necessary material in the group for cognitive and productive activities;

Prepare homework for parents, collect the necessary information and arrange it;

Help from parents in the selection of literature and board - printed games on school topics;

Collaboration with the school library and primary school teachers;

Diagnostics of children at the beginning of the year;

Individual counseling of parents based on the results of children's diagnostic readiness for school.

The main stage

Cognitive development

Educator's story "Children went to school."

Making riddles, reading proverbs, solving puzzles, crosswords about school.

The educator's story "The history of the origin of the school."

Excursion to school (attending a lesson, meeting a teacher).

Excursion to the library (exhibition of books on school subjects).

Intellectual quiz "We play - we develop" (psychologist).

Participation in the interregional tournament of abilities "RostOK - UnikUm".

Play exercises with Lull's circles.

Didactic games: "Collect a portfolio for school", "Wonderful bag", "Confusion", "Live week", "What is superfluous", "Add a letter", "Logic beads", "Guess where it is hidden", "When it happens ? "," What first, what then ", etc.

Desktop-printed: "Sea battle", "Who will reach the goal faster", "Games with beads", lotto "Get ready for school", "Let's make numbers from counting sticks", "Find the treasure on the map", puzzles, mosaics.

Plane Modeling Games: Tangram "," Columbus Egg "; chess, checkers.

Speech development


"How does school differ from kindergarten", "What do we know about school", "Why do you need to study", "Who teaches the children?"

Conversation: "How a librarian works", "What do we know about the library."

Examination of paintings, illustrations about the school of the past.

"What will be my first day of school?" (fantasy story)

"Why I want to go to school" (monologue story)

Correctional lessons "What school is she?" (psychologist)

Word games: "Radio", "Travel", "Chain", "Guess who is my friend", "The fourth extra", "I know ...", "Telegraph", "shape-shifting words", "Who flies (runs, jumping, walking) "," Memorize the words "," Add a letter ", etc.

Decoration of the exhibition in the book corner on the topic: “School. School supplies ".

Reading fiction (listed below)

Social and communicative development

Subject - role-playing games:


"Score. School supplies "


Entertainment: "Meeting with students - kindergarten graduates." (Examining a portfolio, books, notebooks, pencil case, etc.)

Theatrical activities: puppet show "Kolobok", director's game "Little Red Riding Hood" (for kids)

Playing around and discussing the situations "School uniform", "It's hard for me!", "Change", "Lesson".

Manual work "Bookmark for a book" (gifts for grade 4 pupils), notebooks, textbooks for playing school, forms.

Repair of books for kids.

Conversation "People familiar and unfamiliar", "Safe behavior on the street", "Rules for handling dangerous objects."

Didactic games "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Who is superfluous", "Which of these people are your relatives", "Put the pictures in order."

OBZH situations "I fell", "Alone on the street", "Help phones".

Artistic and aesthetic development

Compilation of illustrated books for kids "Baby Books".

Collage: "My future portfolio"

Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "What did you like at school"

Drawing "Pictures for the alphabet", "Goodbye, kindergarten", "School", "Bouquet for the teacher."

Modeling "Letters", "Numbers".

Integrative lesson (artistic and aesthetic, cognitive) "I'm at school."

Construction: "My school" - building material (by submission)

Planar modeling - drawing up scenes from a mosaic on a school theme.

Physical development

Games with elements of competition: "Who is most likely to crawl through the hoop to the flag", "Whose team will throw more balls into the basket", "Who will reach the middle earlier"

Relay games: “Fun Competition”, “Pair Relay”, “Obstacle Course”, “Ball Over Head”, etc.

Conversation: "How to take care of your clothes", "Food culture is serious business"

Reading "Y. Akim" Inemeyka ", S. Mikhalkov" I myself ". N. Litvinova "Kingdom of cutlery".

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Joint activities of parents and children

  • Orientation in space: scheme - route "I go to school" (together with parents);
  • compilation of a family tree (3 - 5 generations);
  • come up with and draw the coat of arms of the family
  • pick up photos of parents in school years, family photos for the design of a portfolio of children.

Interaction of teachers with the family

Parents' meeting: "Preparing children for school"

Training "My future first grader"

Articles and consultations in the folder for parents “What a child who is going to school should know”.

Psychologist's consultation: "What aspects of readiness for school are especially important", "Tips for parents whose children are preparing for school"

Reading books about school together with children at home.

Workshop for parents "The first school difficulties: how to cope with them?" (psychologist)

Registration of memos:

"Cheat sheet for parents of future first graders."

"Wise advice".

The final stage

For kids

Exhibition of children's creative drawings "What did you like at school".

For teachers

Project presentation: "We are future schoolchildren" (progress report)

Diagnostic drawing "School"

Diagnostics of children at the end of the year.

For parents

Design a portfolio of children.

Manuals and fiction used for the implementation of the project.

1. V. Bardin "Preparing a child for school."

2. T.N. Doronov "From preschool educational institution - to school".

3. T.B. Anisimova "Preparing a child for school."

4. Moscow "Education" "educational literature" 1996. "Children, get ready for school."

5. S.V. Chirkov "Parents' meetings in kindergarten".

6. S. Soloveichik "Pedagogy for all".

7. Handbook of a teacher-psychologist 1, 2014.


1. N. Nekrasov "Schoolboy".

2. L. Tolstoy "Filippok".

3. I. Lystsov "How the notebook was born."

4. A. Barkov, R. Suryaninov “Where did the book come from”.

5. S. Marshak "Yesterday and Today".

6. M.A. Panfilov "School".

7. A. Barto "First grader"

8. L. Tolstoy "Stories from the" ABC ".

9. B. Zakhoder "This book is ill."

10. L. Barbas “Who needs an A”.

11. Internet materials (cognitive information), etc.

Illustrative and printed-visual material:

1. Selection of subject pictures "School supplies".

2. Selection of illustrative material on the topic “School. Past and Future ".

3. Photo materials on the theme "Our graduates", "Chronicles of the family album".

4. Paintings by artists:

5. B. Kustodiev. School in Moscow Russia. 1912.

6. F. Reshetnikov. Again a deuce. 1951.

Prepared by: educator of the highest qualification category Davydova Svetlana Alekseevna.


Teach preschoolers to develop their research skills: identify a problem, collect information, observe, analyze, generalize, conduct experiments, draw conclusions.
Develop an interest in research and experimentation.
Determine the most effective ways to dissolve substances in water.
Establish a connection between the structure of a bird feather and its function.
To bring children to the conclusion about the need for stereoscopic vision for a person, to form knowledge about proper eye care, to teach how to relieve eye fatigue (from accommodative stress).
Establish the dependence of the distance from the Sun and the temperature of the planets.
Explain to children through experience that the earth has a force of gravity.
Consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand.
Enrich children's active vocabulary.
Develop the ability to draw conclusions from research results and clearly state your thoughts.
Promote the development of children's cognitive activity, curiosity, observation, striving for independent knowledge and reflection.
To motivate children to study at school, to interest them in various school subjects.


Audio recording of a school bell.
Pictures "Solar System", "Desert".
Textbooks "biology", "chemistry", "physics", "geography", "anatomy", "astronomy".
Magnifiers, feathers and feathers.
Two glasses of water for each child, spatulas, pipettes, containers with dissolved paint.
Sheets of paper, pens with a cap, pictures depicting children correctly and incorrectly sitting at the table, caring for their eyes.
Desk lamp.
Satchel, notebook, pen, ruler, eraser, diary, pencil, textbook, sketchbook, colored pencils, doll, bottle with a pacifier.
Plastic plates with sand, empty plates, wooden balls, table tennis balls, balls rolled from napkins, oilcloth.

Course of the lesson:

Hello guys! Please tell me which group are you from? (Answers of children). From the preparatory group. So you are the oldest among the children of the kindergarten. Tell us what activities do you have? (Answers of children). But, very soon the time will come to say goodbye to the kindergarten. Why? (Answers of children). Because you will become schoolchildren. There are no classes at school. Instead of them - ... lessons. You will learn many different school subjects in the classroom.

What is this sound? (The bell rings.)

It rings, it rings, it rings
He tells a lot of people:
Then sit down and study
Then get up, disperse.
And what was that ringing?

(Answers of children).

It's a school bell. He informs about the beginning and the end of the lesson. And now we will jump into the future: imagine that you are already schoolchildren, go to school and study many interesting school subjects in the classroom.

(The bell rings.)

The bell calls us for a chemistry lesson. (Showing the textbook). Chemistry is the science of substances, how they behave in different conditions. In chemistry lessons, you will learn why some substances do not want to mix, while others dissolve, and still others explode when mixed.
- Now you can feel like students in a chemistry lesson.

Chemistry lesson - "How do substances dissolve in water?"

Using a pipette, drop paint into one glass of water. What do you see? (Answers of children). The drop dissolves slowly and unevenly in water.
Also drip paint into another glass of water and stir with a spatula. What do you see? (Children's answers) The paint dissolved quickly.
What conclusion can be drawn from what he saw? (Answers of children). If we want to quickly and evenly dissolve a substance in water, we need to stir it.
In ordinary life, how do we use the knowledge of this feature of the dissolution of substances in water? (Answers of children). Stir sugar in tea or salt in soup.

(The bell rings.)

The bell calls us for a biology lesson. (Showing the textbook). Biology is a science that studies all living things. In biology lessons, you will learn a lot of interesting things about different plants, about the largest inhabitants of the planet - whales and the smallest - microbes.
Now let's introduce ourselves to a biology lesson and talk about birds.

Biology lesson - "How are feathers in birds?"

Birds need different feathers. Before you is a feather and a feather. Let's take a look at them. What about the size of the feathers? (Answers of children). The flight feather is much larger than the down feather.

Let the fly feather fall and watch it fall. How did it fall? (Answers of children). Slowly, smoothly spinning. Now do the same with the down feather. How did it fall? (Answers of children). Slower still.

Now let's look at the core of each feather. What is the difference? (Children's answers) The feather has a thick and empty core. A down feather has a thin, soft core.
Wave the fly and down feathers. How did you feel? (Answers of children). The flight feather cuts the air sharply, with a sound. A down feather does not cut through the air.

Examine the feathers through a magnifying glass. Notice how the feather hairs are positioned relative to each other. In the flight feather, the hairs are interconnected, and in the downy hair, they are located separately.

Let's think about why birds have such feathers? (Answers of children).
Conclusion: the flight feather and down feather are different. The flight feather helps the bird to fly, and the down feather helps to keep warm.

(The bell rings.)

And this call is not calling for a lesson, but for a break!

Dynamic pause "Change"

Children line up in a column, the first child has a knapsack, the last has a set of objects, which he passes one by one to the one in front. When the object reaches the first child, he makes a decision: to put this object in the knapsack, or does the student not need it? The assembled knapsack is transferred in reverse order.

(The bell rings.)

The bell calls us to an anatomy lesson. (Showing the textbook). Anatomy is the science that studies the human body. In anatomy lessons, you will learn what determines the color of the child's hair, how many bones a person has, how the heart works. Introduce yourself to an anatomy class.

Anatomy lesson - "Why does a person need two eyes?"

I wonder why a person needs two eyes? What if there was one big eye?
Let's find out how many eyes are better, two or one?
Place a blank sheet of paper in front of you, grab a pen and mark a dot on the sheet. Now get up and try to quickly hit the drawn point with the pen. Happened? (Answers of children). This is easy to do.

Now do the same, covering one eye with your hand. What do you think? Was this task easy to complete?

Let's try another experiment: remove the cap from the handle and quickly put it back on. Are you having difficulty? (Answers of children). No. This is a simple task. Now remove the cap from the pen, close one eye and quickly put the cap on the pen. How about this time? (Answers of children). The task was not so easy to complete.
“This is because our eyes transmit two pictures to the brain that are slightly different from each other.

So how many eyes does a person need? (Answers of children). Two eyes.

Didactic exercise "Right and wrong"

The eyes must be protected. Look at the pictures.
Didactic exercise "Right and wrong"
- Who cares for the eyes correctly? Why? (Answers of children). Why can't you rub your eyes with your hands? Hands can get dirty and get dirt in your eyes. Cross out the wrong picture.
Now tell me, who is sitting at the table correctly, a boy or a girl? Why? (Answers of children). Cross out the wrong picture. Do not lean close to a book or notebook. The eyes get tired quickly when they look at what is close to them. And if your eyes get tired of looking at the close, then you need to look at ... (children's answers) - distant. For example, what? (Answers of children). To the sky outside the window, to the ceiling.

(The bell rings.)

The bell calls us to an astronomy lesson. (Showing the textbook). Astronomy, what is this science about? "Astra" in translation from Greek means "star". So what does the science of astronomy study? (Answers of children). Astronomy is the science of stars and all celestial bodies: planets and their satellites, comets and many others. Introduce yourself to an astronomy class.

Astronomy lesson - "Far, close"

Take a look at the picture. (Show).

This is what the solar system looks like. Here is our planet, which is called what? Land. And the sun is a star.

What is the sun
If they ask you,
Answer boldly -
Hot gas.

Let's imagine that the lamp on is the incandescent sun. Clench two fists - these will be the planets. Now bring one fist close to the sun lamp and the other fist away from the lamp. How did you feel? (Answers of children). The closer the fist is to the lamp, the warmer it is. The farther from the lamp, the more the rays diverge to the sides and the less they fall on the fist.

But what about the planets? On which it is hot and warm, and on which it is cold. (Answers of children).

The closer the planet is to the Sun, the hotter it is, and the further the planet is from the Sun, the colder it is on it. Show the hottest planet. (Show). Show the coldest planet. (Show). And our planet is not very close and not very far from the Sun. And only sweet Earth in everything is suitable for habitation.

(The bell rings.)

Physical education lesson

In physical education lessons, you will get acquainted with different sports, become strong, agile, fast. Now let's practice.

Physical minutes "Let's go in for sports"

(Children perform movements to the music according to the text and show of the teacher).

(The bell rings.)

The bell calls us to a physics lesson. (Showing the textbook). Physics is the science of the laws of nature. In physics lessons, you will learn why planes fly, why some objects float and others sink.
- Now let's imagine ourselves in a physics lesson and try to figure out why everything falls down.

Physics lesson - "Why does everything fall to the ground?"

The earth has the power of gravity. Anything we throw up will fall down to the ground. Jumping up, we also go down. But how the earth attracts different objects, we will try to find out now.

Stand next to a plate filled with sand. Take three balls in your hand: wood, plastic, paper. Which one is the hardest? The easiest? (Answers of children).

Lift up and release the balls in turn, so that they fall on the sand. Note which of them will fall faster - will be pulled to the ground, and which slower. Also pay attention to the trail left by the ball in the sand at the place of the fall.

Tell us about the results of your observations. (Answers of children).
The lighter the object, the slower it falls - it is attracted to the ground. Heavy objects hit harder. The blow is stronger if the object falls from a greater height, then the depression in the sand increases.
Conclusion: all objects are attracted by the ground and fall, but with different strength and speed.

(The bell rings.)

The bell calls us to a geography lesson. (Showing the textbook).

Geography lesson

- "Geo" in translation from Greek means "Earth". Geography is the science of the Earth, of the surface of the planet Earth. In the most interesting geography lessons you can get acquainted with all corners of the planet - hot Africa, icy Antarctica, mysterious Australia.

Guys, do you know what this is? (Show. Answers of children). This is a globe.

We will find cities, seas,
Mountains, parts of the world.
Fits on it
The whole planet.

What do the colors on the globe mean? Green color? (Answers of children). Green means forests. White color? (Answers of children). Ice and snow. Brown color? (Answers of children). The mountains. And yellow? (Answers of children). Deserts.

Show the big African Sahara Desert on the globe. (The child is called.)

We will talk about sandy deserts. What is a desert? (Answers of children). A piece of land covered with sand. From what word did this name "desert" come from? Listen to the word. (Answers of children). From the word "empty". And why? Because almost nothing grows or lives in the desert. But why not? There is no water in the desert. Lots of sand that can flow. Like this? Let's try to figure it out.

Transfer the sand to an empty plate. Just try to pour it in a trickle into one place. What happened? (Answers of children). At the place where the sand fell, a sandy hill was formed. The sand slides, as it were, flows down the slopes of the hill.

Now let's try to depict the wind. How can I do that? (Answers of children). Blow on the sand? (Answers of children). Blow lightly on the sand. What happened? (Answers of children). The sand began to move.

Let's try to figure out why rivers don't flow through the deserts. Pour water onto the sand with a pipette. What happened? (Answers of children). The sand has absorbed water. Even if it rains in the desert, the water is instantly absorbed by the sand.

So why is there almost no water, plants and animals in the desert? (Answers of children). The sand is constantly moving, water is quickly absorbed by the sand.

Our lesson has come to an end. We have not had time to talk about many interesting sciences that you have to study at school. There are many interesting discoveries ahead of you. I wish you a lot of knowledge and a lot of good grades at school. Thanks! Goodbye!

Summary of the lesson for the preparatory group "Getting to know the school"

Target: development of cognitive abilities.
- to expand the vocabulary of children on the topic "school";
- to develop cognitive processes (elements of logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention), coherent speech;
- to educate preschoolers in a positive emotional attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards school;
- foster independence, the ability to work in a team, the ability to negotiate.
Preliminary work.
- Learning poetry, proverbs, making riddles for school and school supplies.
- Reading fiction, conversations, viewing illustrations on the topic, learning outdoor games.
Pictures about the school, pictures of schoolchildren, CD with music about the school.
Prizes: cardboard medals.

Course of the lesson: Educator: Guys, you are already children of the preparatory group. What does this mean?
Answers. Educator: That's right, soon you will go to school and be schoolchildren.
Listen to a poem about school.
What is school

School is a bright home
We will study in it.
We will learn to write there,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land
About mountains and oceans
About continents and countries;
And where the rivers flow
And what were the Greeks
And what are the seas
And how the Earth turns.
The school has workshops ...
There are countless interesting cases!
And the call is funny.
That's what school means!

Educator: But in order to go to school, you need to find out what you know you can do. Do you think a school is different from a kindergarten?
Answers. Educator: What should you do when you enter class?
Answers. Educator: That's right, and our guys have prepared poems.

Educator: Do you think school rules differ from kindergarten rules?
Answers. Educator: What is your address, the address of your kindergarten?
Answers. Educator: How should you behave at school?
Answers. Educator: Tell us what you know about the school? How do you know when a lesson starts?
Answers. Educator: And after the lesson, what do the children do?
Answer. Educator: That's right, they have a rest at break. So I suggest you take a little rest.

Educator: Who works at the school?
Answers. Educator: What does the teacher do?
Answers. Educator: Well, let's go to school, start studying?
Answers. Educator: Your first assignment, you have cubes with letters on the tables. Try to put words that are familiar to you out of them.
Children are spreading.

Educator: Look, there are pictures on the board, you need to find objects that start with the same letter.
Game: "Find the words, with the letter ...".

Educator: And now everyone stood up together, pricked up their ears and repeated the physical minutes (we repeat the movements in the text).
And now a step is in place.Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)Raise your shoulders higherAnd then we omit them. (Raise and lower your shoulders.)We put our hands in front of the chestAnd we do jerks. (Hands in front of the chest, jerking with hands.)You need to jump ten times,Let's jump higher, let's jump together! (Jumping in place.)We raise our knees -We carry out the step on the spot. (Walking in place.)We stretched from the heart, (Stretching - arms up and to the sides.)And they returned to the place again. (The children sit down.)

Educator: And now, I read riddles,
And I will count the answers.

In a snowy field along the road
My one-legged horse is racing
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

There is a wonderful bench
You and me sat on it.
The bench leads both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

Though not a hat, but with a brim,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

Over black white
They write every now and then.
Rub it with a rag -
The page is blank.
(School board)

Who am I if straightforwardness
My main feature?
Now I'm in a cage, then in a ruler.
Manage to write on them!

For me, an elastic band, brothers, is a fierce enemy!
I can’t come to terms with her in any way.
I made a cat and a cat - beauty!
And she walked a little - no cat!
You can't create a good picture with her!
So he scolded the rubber band in full ...

Huddle in a narrow house
Multi-colored kids.
Only release it into the wild -
Where there was emptiness
There, you see - beauty!
(Colour pencils)

If you give her a job -
The pencil worked in vain.

In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, nibs, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul.
(Pencil case)

Your pigtail without fear
She dips in paint.
Then a dyed pigtail
In the album he leads along the page.

In a black field, a white hare
He jumped, ran, made loops.
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this hare? ...

I carry a new house in my hand
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

Game: "Find your house".

Educator: Let's play a game"One is many."
I name one subject, and you name many subjects. For example: pencil - pencils.
Pen - …,
Ruler - …,
Eraser - ...,
School desk - ...,
Student - …,
Two - ...,
Letter - ... etc.
Educator: It seems you know the letters and remember the school supplies, but can you count? I offer you puzzles for your mind.
1 boy sits at a desk, and 1 girl sat next to it. How many children are sitting at a desk?
Answer. Educator: There were 3 apples, they were divided in half. How many people can you feed with apples?
Answers. Educator: We need a pencil in red, blue and green. How many pencils did we take?
Answer. Educator: Physical minute.

Educator: Let's consolidate the material we have covered. I ask questions and you answer “Yes” or “No”.

Do we go to school to play?
- Or get fives?
- Shall we sleep during the lesson?
- Or play with dolls?
- Will we offend our friends?
- Will we respect teachers?
- Shall we give the diary to the teacher?
- Are we going to read every day?
- Shall we rest at break?
- And we will begin to study again?
Educator: I liked the way you worked today. Listen to the poem.
Child: Everyone will say goodbye
Leaving, "Goodbye" to everyone.
It's time for a friend to leave -
We will tell him "Goodbye".
Educator: So to our today's lesson we say "Goodbye", I thank you for the lesson and I present medals to everyone, however, so far only cardboard ones.
Independent activities of children on the topic "School".

Organization: Kindergarten number 295

Locality: Chelyabinsk

Target: development of cognitive processes in preparing children for school.


  1. Develop voluntary attention, memory, fine motor skills.
  2. Develop children's spatial awareness and perception.
  3. To activate and expand the vocabulary of children.
  4. Build communication and teamwork skills.

5. To cultivate diligence, perseverance.

Children's age: 6 - 7 years old

Duration of the lesson: 35 -40 minutes


  1. Bell
  2. Proofreading forms (for each child)
  3. Simple pencils
  4. Magnetic board
  5. Free images: sparrow, dove, woodpecker, grasshopper, fox, bee, wolf, ant, swallow
  6. Large cage notebooks

The course of direct educational activities

"Soon to school"

1. Greetings

Target: establishing contact with children, targeting them to complete assignments.

Psychologist: Hello guys. I'm glad to see you all. You are already big

attend a preparatory group for school. You will soon be attending school. What do you know about the school? ( children's answers).

Psychologist: Well done! Right! Do you want to play school?

Let's imagine that our group is a class, I will be your teacher, and you will be students. And as in a real school, we will have lessons, a break, a bell.

The psychologist rings the bell and announces the first lesson .

Psychologist: Guys, call for lesson. We sit down at the desks.

2. Proof test(Annex 1)

Target: development of concentration of attention

On the table of each child there is a form with test material and a simple pencil.

Psychologist: You have different figures drawn on the forms: flowers, apples, mushrooms, leaves, pears. You need, looking through line by line, put a plus in the flower, minus in the apple, a circle in the leaf, etc. Let's repeat: what do we put in the flowers? And in apples? In the leaflets? etc. Take pencils and start the assignment.

Psychologist: We finished. Well done! We put the pencils and the form on the edge of the table (the psychologist notes the children who managed to complete the task completely)

Now, guys, we will complete the next task. (Children stand on the carpet in a semicircle at the easel)

3. The game "We answer quickly"

Target: development of thinking skills, attention and spatial perception

Psychologist: Consider and name all the pictures (top row: sparrow, dove, woodpecker. Middle row: grasshopper, fox, bee. Bottom row: wolf, ant, swallow.)

Then, you must answer my questions as quickly as possible. Are you guys ready? Let's try it!

  1. How can you name everyone who is drawn in the top row? (birds)
  2. Who is more in the pictures - animals or insects? (insects)
  3. What three groups can all the pictures be divided into? (birds, animals, insects)
  4. Look at the pictures in the third column. What do everyone who is drawn on them have in common? (woodpecker, bee, swallow - they all fly).

The bell rings, the psychologist announces a change

Finger gymnastics

Target: development of fine motor skills

Psychologist: Now let's play a little with our fingers.

Teremok in the glade (we show the roof of the house with both hands)

The door is locked (put their hands together in the castle)

Smoke comes out of the chimney (the thumb meets each finger,

forming rings)

There is a fence around the tower (fingers spread)

To prevent a thief from getting in (clicks)

Knock - knock - knock - 2 times (fists on the palm)

Open (arms spread wide to the side)

I am your friend! (palms closed one across the other)

4. Game "Nose - floor - ceiling"(attention development)

The psychologist resembles the rules of the game. Children follow the commands that the psychologist says and shows. The nose - they point a finger at the nose, the floor - they put their hands down, the ceiling - they raise their hands up. The psychologist names and executes all the commands together with the children, but at the same time he is deliberately mistaken. The task of children is to listen carefully and precisely follow only those commands that the psychologist calls.

One two Three, four five.

We start to play!

You guys don't yawn

Repeat after me.

Do what i say

And not what I will show!

At the end, the bell rings, the children take their places at the tables, the psychologist announces the second lesson.

5. Work in notebooks(Appendix 2)

Target: development of fine motor skills.

Psychologist: Now you will complete the assignment in the notebooks.

  1. task: to perform hatching in a given direction.
  2. task: to draw the picture along the dotted lines. Well done!

6. Exercise "Magic squares"

Target : development of spatial representations, consolidation of knowledge of color

Equipment: magic squares (Appendix 3)

Description: children run their fingers over the multi-colored cells and follow the commands of the psychologist, up, down, right, left. Having named several commands, the psychologist asks one of the children to name which cell they all stopped at.

7. Game: "Find an extra word"

Target : development of logical thinking and speech.

Several groups of words, 4 in each, are read to children. Three of them are united by a common concept, and one is superfluous. It is necessary to exclude it and explain your choice.

Suggestions for suggested words:

  1. Old, decrepit, small, decrepit.
  2. Brave, evil, brave, courageous.
  3. Apple, plum, cucumber, pear.
  4. Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, bread.
  5. Hour, minute, summer, second.
  6. Spoon, plate, saucepan, bag.
  7. Dress, sweater, hat, shirt.
  8. Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo.
  9. Birch, oak, pine, strawberry.
  10. Book, TV, radio, tape recorder.
  11. tulip, lily, tomato, chamomile, violet.
  12. table, armchair, carpet, bed, stool.
  13. chicken, rooster, eagle, goose, turkey.
  14. ice cream, cake, fish, candy, chocolate.
  15. river, lake, sea, pond, bridge.
  16. poplar, spruce, trunk, maple, oak.
  17. Sasha, Vitya, Katya, Petrov, Kolya.
  18. doll, ball, skipping rope, sand, whirligig.

The bell rings, the psychologist announces a change.

Dynamic pause:

Girls and boys

They jump like balls.

The ball bounces up.

Who will jump the highest?

Hush, hush, the ball is tired

The ball stopped jumping

And rolled under the desk.

Well, we sit down at the table.

For starters, you and me

We only twist our head.

We rotate the body too,

Of course, we can do that.

Now we squat

We perfectly understand -

You need to strengthen your legs,

One, two, three, four, five!

Finally stretched

Up and to the sides.

Have caved in.

Warm-up blushed

And they sat down at the desks again.

The bell rings, the psychologist announces the third lesson.

8. The game "Say the opposite"

Target: development of speech and thinking

Psychologist: I will speak a word, and you answer with a word opposite in meaning to mine. Words denote signs of objects. For instance, wide- narrow, high - low. Let's continue:

cheerful - sad;fast - slow; empty - full; thin- thick;smart - stupid;hardworking- lazy; heavy - light; cowardly - brave; White- black; dull - sharp; hard - soft;rough - smooth.

Psychologist: Fine. You are great! Coped with the task.

9 .Exercise: Complement the Row

Target : continue a series of concepts that match one generalization. Pick up at least 3 additional words. In each case, name a generalizing concept.

Instruction: “Table, chair, sofa. What other words can you add here?

How can these words be summed up in one word?

  • table, chair, sofa
  • floor lamp, sconce, table lamp
  • cottage cheese, cheese, butter
  • sausages, sausage, cutlet
  • doctor, cook, pilot
  • strawberries, cranberries, raspberries
  • juice, kefir, compote

Pine, birch, linden

Ship, boat, yacht

Steam locomotive, electric train, tram

Book, album, notebook

Jasmine, rosehip, lilac

Rain, wind, frost.

10. Game "Verbal analogies"

Target : the formation of the ability to identify the nature of logical connections and relationships between objects.

The psychologist invites children to think: "What is the connection between the two words" boat "and" summer "?" (They ride a boat in the summer). For the word "skates" you need to choose a word that will also refer to it in the same way as "summer" refers to the word "boat". So the ego will be the word ... "winter". Job options:

  1. The horse is a foal; cow ... (calf).
  2. Ear - to hear; teeth ... (chew).
  3. Cork - float; stone ... (sink).
  4. Rain is an umbrella; frost ... (fur coat).
  5. School - teaching; hospital ... (treatment).
  6. Knife - steel; table ... (wood).
  7. The bird is the nest; person - ... (house).
  8. Scythe - grass; razor "... (hair).
  9. Leg - boot; hand "... (glove).
  10. Water is thirst; food - ... (hunger).

The bell rings, the psychologist announces that the lessons at school are over for today .

The bell rings again

And the lesson ends.

We all did a great job

And they learned something.

Now it's time to go home

Everyone is tired: oh-oh-oh!

11.Exercise "Quiet Lake".

Target : relaxation and development of imagination.

Equipment: record player; cassette with calm music; rugs (according to the number of children).

Description exercises:

The psychologist plays calm, relaxing music and says, “Lie down in a comfortable position. Stretch out and relax. Now close your eyes and listen to me.

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet, beautiful lake. Only your breath and the splash of water are heard. The sun is shining brightly and it makes you feel better and better. You can feel the sun's rays warm you up. You hear the chirping of birds and the chirping of a grasshopper. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and motionless, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. Every cell of your body enjoys peace and sunshine. You are resting...

Now we open our eyes. We are in kindergarten again, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations will not leave us throughout the day. "

Reflection of the lesson:

Target: discussion of the lesson, summing up. (Children stand in a circle on the carpet)

Psychologist: Guys, did you like playing school? ( children's answers).

Psychologist: Which assignment did you like the most?

(Children take turns passing the ball to each other, and each one tells what he liked in the lesson)

Psychologist: Well done boys! You were very attentive and active today. They answered the questions well and did all the tasks perfectly. We learned a lot of interesting things and got ready for school. See you soon!


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