If you do not come to the appeal of the exam. Is it possible to appeal the results of the exam and in what time frame - how to file an appeal for the exam correctly? Statement of claim in court when appealing the results of the exam - rules for writing a document and examples

No matter how accurately the creators of the exams formulate the criteria for checking creative tasks, controversial situations in the assessment are inevitable. If after the announcement USE results you decide to defend your detailed answers to open tasks and thereby increase the final score, you can appeal.

But there is one unpleasant detail: after a repeated independent check, your result can either be improved or lowered. For example, they can detect errors that the first reviewer did not notice. Is this fair?

No, according to the Society for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Educational Services. Its chairman, Viktor Panin, is going to send a proposal to the Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, to ban the appeal commissions from grading a graduate lower than that given by the first inspector. “If the grade has already been set and suddenly they want to lower it, this is not only unfair, but also raises a lot of questions for those who initially checked the work,” Panin explains in an interview with RT. “Alumni are deliberately frightened with stories about declining scores so that they do not submit documents for appeal.”

Appeal from within: a negative experience

In an interview with RT, other people shared their opinions who know firsthand what an appeal is. So, tutor Tatyana from Nizhny Novgorod stated that in ten years of work, all of her students who filed for appeal were unable to increase their scores. “Checkers review all work and may reduce points for other tasks. As a result, the student comes out with an even lower USE score,” she notes. About the manner of communication of the members of the appeal commissions, the woman responds as follows: "Very rude, harsh, on the verge of rudeness."

Natalia is the mother of one of the 2016 graduates. “If a child is confident in his knowledge and is ready to fight for his innocence, then you can only wish him good luck. Because there are such people in the commission that parents cannot put in a word,” she says. “There are a lot of cases of declining points, but there are others when smart guys earned themselves up to 15 points on appeal.”

Another mother, Evelina from Moscow, was recommended by the teachers to file an appeal. They were sure that her son's work deserved a higher appreciation. But the commission had a different opinion. “The spectacle is not for the faint of heart: humiliation, insults, no one raises points, only lowers,” she says. - They called my son an ignoramus, they said why the hell did he come to beg for a point, and even sarcastically wished him good luck in the end. And all this in the presence of the father.

A student at a Moscow university, Maria, went on appeal because of an essay on literature. She recalls: “The inspector was not in the mood to sort out my problem, he began to find fault with the handwriting, intimidate that he could count a sloppy letter for a mistake. As a result, they didn’t raise my points, which is why I couldn’t enter the budget at the faculty international relations where I dreamed of going since childhood.

Inside Appeal: A Positive Experience

In an interview with the Mel portal, student Anastasia Trifonova from the DSTU in the city of Shakhty recalls the appeal as follows: “My mother at the appeal in 2014 said something for me, directly participated in the conversation. I really needed support then, I was terribly worried. In literature, they greatly underestimated my points in part “C”: we argued with the commission for a long time together with my mother, forced them to re-read the entire work again. I ended up getting two primary scores. It was 72, and it became 78 points. This helped a lot during admission, already at the first wave I knew that everything was fine. Take your parents with you and don’t be afraid, you have more chances with them.”

The appeal of the current student of Moscow State University Ekaterina Kazachenko turned out to be quite easy: “At the appeal in literature, they told me that they had decided to raise the result by two primary points. We didn't even discuss anything. I just signed, said "thank you" and left. If it weren't for the added points, I wouldn't have entered. It was 87 - now it's 96, the threshold for entering a university is 329, and I have 334 points.

Approximately the same situation is with the student of Moscow State Pedagogical University Darya Telesnitskaya: “I did not defend my points in any way. I came to the appeal, the commission checked the work and added four points to me. I was satisfied, I did not dispute. This did not affect my admission, but I was pleased that everything went honestly.

As you can see, everyone's story is different. One thing is obvious - it is not worth filing an appeal simply for reasons of “maybe they will increase the score”. It's really risky. If you really feel injustice and are ready to fight, be sure to go to the appeal. It will not help in admission, so at least it will increase self-esteem.

Many graduates will breathe a sigh of relief after graduation, leaving behind a difficult and nervous period of preparation, extra classes, worries and worries about how the test will pass. It remains to wait for the results and hope for the best with. However, there is another category of schoolchildren - guys who do not agree with the assessment for the Unified State Examination and believe that they actually earned more points, and the mark given by the members of the commission does not reflect their real level of knowledge.

Graduates who wish to challenge the result of the exam can resort to an appeal - a procedure aimed at protecting the rights of examinees. Whether or not to file an appeal is a personal matter for everyone. On the one hand, this is additional stress. But sometimes two or three points can be decisive when entering a dream university or enrolling in budget place, so that the student is ready to fight to the end, challenging the points.

Of course, a competent appeal to the commission is not just a scandal about the fact that you were unfairly assessed. In order for everything to be successful, you need not only to be sure that your answers are correct, but also to be able to communicate with the members of the commission, file an application on time and correctly, and also clearly understand which aspects of the work can be challenged. Let's find out all the nuances of this process, so that if necessary you are fully equipped!

If you do not consider fair the results of the exam, they can be challenged!

When can an appeal be filed?

At a time when the Unified State Examination was only part of the all-Russian practice, it was believed that such an appeal was a disastrous business. The commission was reluctant to issue works for review, and outsiders, including even the parents of schoolchildren, were not allowed to attend the procedure. Moreover, the students were scared that the commission might reconsider USE results only in the direction of lower scores, and not all graduates were ready to take such a risk.

To date, the appeal is not considered such a difficult matter. The main thing at the same time is to understand what exactly you disagree with and how to proceed further. In Russian practice passing the exam There are two options for appeals:

  • challenging the examination procedure itself, the violation of which led to the fact that you could not write the exam as successfully as possible. For example, such a case is considered to be a shortage of draft forms for students. The appeal must be filed immediately at the end of the exam and, as practice shows, it is satisfied;
  • challenging the points received for the exam - such appeals most often affect subjects of a humanitarian nature. Many students dispute the results of the essay on,. The exact subjects are rarely disputed. This appeal must be filed after the announcement of the results of the exam. You need to write a statement within two days after the result is brought to your knowledge.

An appeal is written to the conflict commission - a special structure that was created to protect the rights of students. It is worth remembering that the powers of this body do not include such matters as:

  • a score for solving short answer tasks - there is nothing to interpret in this part of the KIMs, so the written word, combination of words or number is simply evaluated on the fact of their correctness;
  • violations that were committed by the student himself. Disputing the fact that you were sent out the door because of conversations with a neighbor or cheating will definitely not work;
  • lost points due to the fact that the student incorrectly completed the work, mixed up the lines of entering answers in the examination form, and the like. The inattention of the student remains only on his conscience;
  • assessment of draft forms. Even if you wrote an excellent essay, but did not have time to rewrite it in the answer sheet, it is useless to demand that this sheet be checked. At the exam, they immediately warn that the draft exists only for the personal convenience of the examinee, but is not checked by the members of the commission.

When and how does an appeal take place?

Schedule conducting the exam, as well as the deadlines for filing appeals and their consideration, Rosobrnadzor will publish by mid-January. Based on the practice of past years, we can say that usually an appeal is scheduled 2-3 days after the receipt of applications (but no later than on the 4th business day). For example, if the results of the exam were announced on June 14, then no later than June 15-16, you will need to apply for an appeal, and the procedure itself will be scheduled for the 17-20th.

If the order of the exam was violated, you will be allowed to rewrite it

As mentioned above, this application must be submitted immediately on the day of the exam - before the student leaves the exam class. You need to write an application in two copies - the first of them goes to the conflict commission, and the second remains with the student. The graduate must ensure that a member of the examination committee puts a note on the application that the document has been accepted for consideration. The appeal procedure is carried out with the obligatory presence of certain persons, including:

  • organizers who were not part of the observers at the exam;
  • specialists responsible for the technical part (for example, video surveillance in the classroom);
  • public observers;
  • security officers;
  • health workers.

The application must be registered in a special journal and considered within two days after submission. The date, place and time of the procedure must be communicated to the student and his parents or legal guardians.

As a result, the commission may satisfy the requirements of the student, or, on the contrary, decide that they have no reason to satisfy. A positive decision of the commission means that the result of the work will be canceled, and the student will be able to rewrite the exam - special days are allocated for this in the schedule. If the decision is negative, the exam result remains unchanged.

Appeal in case of disagreement with the points received

This type of appeal must be filed within two working days from the date of announcement of the results of the exam in the subject. As in the previous case, you will need to write two copies of the application, sending one of them to the conflict commission (through the school principal or an employee authorized by him), and keeping the second for yourself. The application must be marked with a note that it is accepted for consideration and drawn up in accordance with the form. You need to require a form with 1-AP encoding.

Note: if the appeal is filed by a person who graduated from school earlier than the current school year, it must be given to the employee representing the place of your registration for the exam.

The decision to hold an appeal must be made no later than 4 working days after the receipt of such an application by the conflict commission. Each application goes through a registration process, and information regarding the date, time and place of the appeal is communicated to the student (his parents or guardians). If the student is under 18 years of age, legal representatives may come to the appeal without the student. You need to come to the indicated place with a passport and a pass.

Memo: in what cases and how to appeal the results of the exam

The student must be shown a package of his documents and a written conclusion of the commission on the subject. At this stage, you need to be especially careful: the student will have to sign that the scanned or written work, audio files with answers and minutes of the oral part of the exam are yours. Members of the Appeal Panel must be clear about why certain scores were awarded. The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes per student. As a result of this event, the commission may decide:

  • reject the student's requirements and keep the assigned points if no technical or other errors were found in the assessment process;
  • satisfy the appeal and change the points if errors were found in the technical part or the scoring procedure. However, it is worth remembering that points can be revised in both directions (increased or reduced).

How to behave on appeal?

Pupils who have previously encountered the appeal procedure formulated for the graduates of 2017/2018 several useful tips and recommendations. So - how to increase your chances of a favorable outcome of the procedure?

  • Go to your appeal with your mom, dad, or another adult who can represent you. Yesterday's schoolboy, most likely, will be confused in the face of the conflict commission. In addition, he may be given an answer devoid of specifics. Mom, dad or another close person will help you feel much more confident, and their opinion and arguments can play a decisive role in the dispute.
  • Insist that the work be rechecked in your presence. Quite often, the graduate is told that the work has already been rechecked, and the commission decided to leave the result unchanged. Remember that this state of affairs grossly violates your rights - an absentee appeal is possible only if the student and his representatives simply did not appear at the procedure. The final decision on the work must be made in the presence of the appellant, and the members of the commission must explain each deducted point.
  • Do not leave the venue of the appeal until a full explanation of the work and decision of the commission has been given. All low scores must meet the criteria put forward for evaluating the work, so do not accept as an answer the general wording that the scores for the solved CMM are already high enough. Until you are satisfied with the explanation for each deducted point, do not sign the appeal documents.
  • Don't give up halfway. If you have already decided to appeal, then, in fact, there is nothing to lose. If they try to intimidate you, the commission does not give clear answers, and the procedure is far from objectivity, you can file a second (federal) appeal. With this procedure, the work is sent for re-checking, and the new commission does not know how many points you were awarded last time. Of course, this is not a clear chance of success, but you will know for sure that you did your best.
  • Do not be afraid of this procedure. A significant part of the students who are not satisfied with their results are simply afraid to go to the appeal so as not to lose extra points. Of course, if a member of the commission finds additional errors during the check, the points may be revised downward. However, if you look at the statistics of appeals, you can see the following figures: in 2015 alone, the commission of the Tomsk region made a positive decision on 25% of all appeals. The same percentage of positive outcomes was registered in the Tyumen region - out of 900 appellants, only eight had their points lowered. The commission, which met in the Khabarovsk Territory, raised the marks of a third of the guys who applied, and the rest of the works remained at their points.
  • Be calm and confident. Take this procedure as an opportunity to defend your position, and not as a showdown on raised voices. If you are rude, yelling, or throwing accusations and threats, you are unlikely to be met.

What should be done before the day of the appeal?

Check your work and make sure you really didn't make any mistakes!

It is quite clear that the passage of such an exciting procedure as an appeal will require a certain moral and psychological preparation. Here are a few helpful tips to help you:

  • Refresh your work. After the announcement of the scores, the work of schoolchildren is displayed in their personal accounts. Carefully read the scoring criteria to understand how objective you think the commission's decision on each item is;
  • approach the subject teacher or tutor with whom you were preparing for the exam - they will help you sort out the ambiguous points and give recommendations on how to behave and explain your opinion. In some cases, teachers can prove to you that there is no mistake, so you should not waste time and nerves on appeal procedures;
  • for each point with which you disagree, formulate an exact question to the commission in advance so that the conversation is substantive, and you can explain why you used this or that argument, quote, analogy or characterization. Argumentation supported by concrete facts looks more weighty.

The appeal commissions for the Unified State Examination have finished their work, but there are still letters from those who tried to compete for their points. They will be useful to future graduates, and perhaps they will reassure those who are still tormented by the fact that they did not dare to appeal.

The commissions accepted and considered appeals of two types: on the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination and on the results of the Unified State Examination. Appeals are not accepted on the content of control measuring materials. Appeals are also not satisfied if the instructions for filling out the USE forms are violated. In cases where the claims of graduates are recognized as fair, they are issued new certificates with an already corrected grade.

The most important thing to remember is that an appeal is a request for a revision of the score, and it can be revised upwards or downwards. So an appeal is a risk.

From eyewitness accounts, it becomes clear that those who went for it are just kamikazes. Here is the story of one Moscow mother.

“At the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, we had the highest possible score in part C - 20, and overall result- 58 raw points. It would seem that 58 out of 60 should be rejoicing, but it wasn’t there: it’s only 88 in the USE certificate, in a prestigious university it’s already a four. We decided to go see the work. We were greeted with surprise

Do you have such high scores. The task from part C is generally beyond praise, it was even interesting to look at the child who wrote this.

It was a preliminary conversation, it was conducted by two ladies, who, apparently, were among the inspectors, if they remembered our essay in part C. They very reluctantly pulled out the work for us, let us look at it. In part B, points were reduced for one task. It was necessary to choose from the text a word formed by a prefix method. That's exactly what was written in the answer. The lady says: “Apparently, this word is not in the text, your child invented it himself.” The daughter showed that the word is in the text. But the answer, nevertheless, was counted as incorrect: there was more than one word in the text formed in this way, there could be more than one correct answer, but only one was put into the computer.

They began to explain to us that parts A and B were not considered on appeal. We tried to say that if there is no mistake, why is the score lowered? To which the lady, who until recently wanted to personally meet the child who gave such a wonderful answer to part C, said that if we insist on a conflict commission, then part C will also have to be reviewed, and there is something to reduce for ... So she asked: "Do you want this?" Obviously we didn't want to. This is the end of our attempt at appeal.”

Nina Somina from St. Petersburg also appealed and remembers this in the detective genre. “Before filing an appeal: well, that's it, I'm finished ... I'm unlucky in life. Add points? Yes, if I myself were sure that I answered as written in the instructions for the inspectors. Mom connected heavy artillery in the face of her grandmother and a familiar lawyer ... I wonder if it will help?

I open the door... There are five teachers in front of me. I am finished. Now they will prove to me, with examples, that I am an inferior person. Get ready. Okay, time to fight. And suddenly I understand: it seems that they themselves raised my points for the last three tasks in part C ... They lowered me for the second task. I don't care, now I have not 50, but 52 points. It's a four! And my heavy artillery continues to attack the commission, it is not for nothing that it is in conflict. And I feel so good that I can’t hear anything anymore ...

After the appeal, I realized: I will never, never appeal again. I've had enough. (I also had to pay 300 rubles for a power of attorney for a lawyer friend who became my uncle: they only let one adult in there.)
But I worked through all the questions of part C anew the day before. It seemed to me that they would terrorize me there. There was little blood."

The guys share their impressions on the forums.

"Viss:... one problem C was solved orally, moreover, correctly, but I was given 0 for it, because they didn’t believe that I had solved it orally, and motivated by the lack of a solution ... During the appeal, they said that the inspectors are given criteria by which the work is checked. If there is no necessary element of the task, which is estimated at 1 point, then you will not get this point, even if the logic is correct.”

"Cut: they wanted to add 6 points to me on appeal, but they asked the chief, and he said: we don’t add more than 4, low ... I later found out that they can add as many points as they like, but if more than 4 points are added for work, then she goes to Moscow for a check, and if something goes wrong, then there will be a commission for it.”

It's terribly disappointing when those few points that can become decisive are missing, but whether to file an appeal is up to you.

And Rosobrnadzor, which is now collecting proposals for organizing the Unified State Examination for next year, has such a wish from our readers: to be allowed to take the Unified State Examination twice in one year: both in the school, May stream, and in the university, July. In reality, you can learn something in two months, especially after it became clear why and where you missed it. Why is it necessary to lose a year? Maybe then there will be much fewer appeals.


Fixed the computer

All appeals on the Unified State Examination in the Omsk region were considered by a commission under the regional Ministry of Education. The most controversial was the exam in mathematics - 197 graduates appealed the results. 19 complaints were satisfied. In four cases, the computer made a mistake, incorrectly interpreting the symbols set by the examinees, and in the rest, the experts admitted that the teachers undeservedly underestimated the score.

70 students challenged the USE result in social science, 16 in history, and everyone was convinced that they were wrong. A revision of the grade in chemistry was achieved by one student who, by mistake, wrote down the card number in the wrong field: the computer gave her 3, and the commission rated the work at 5.

According to the director of the regional center for education systems Vitaly Fedorov, none of the graduates and their parents complained about the commission itself.

Georgy Borodyansky


How to win a commission

Over the year, Saratov residents have become adept at solving tests - in bookstores, collections of tasks for the Unified State Examination did not leave the “Leader of Sales” shelf. No wonder they suffered: GPA, for example, in the Russian language has grown by as much as two positions. Last year, almost every tenth schoolchild in the region (nine percent) passed the exam in Russian with a deuce. This year, 5.9 percent of graduates received “failures”. Most know native language C-grade - 45.6 percent (in 2006 it was more than half). 11.5 percent reached the top five (8.4 percent - a year ago).

By choice, children could write social studies, geography and biology in the form of tests (voluntariness is conditional: the results of the USE are necessary for those for whom these subjects will be profiled when entering a university). And here the estimates were better than last year. In social studies, more than 60 percent of the subjects received fours and fives. The exam in biology was taken for the first time. 59.5 percent of graduates coped with the tasks. As noted in the regional Ministry of Education, "this is much higher than the national level." Geography didn't work out. 18.4 percent of schoolchildren earned deuces (against 14.8 percent in 2006).

A year ago, the conflict commission received more than a hundred appeals. Now 56 people have decided to protest. Most regretted this: the ratings were left unchanged or lowered. No one complained about the examination procedure. The results in the Russian language were challenged by 49 people. For twenty works, the points were increased, in 25 additional errors were found. Of the four "biological" appeals, one was upheld. In social studies, two appeals were filed, one grade was lowered, the other was left unchanged.

Nadezhda Andreeva


The results of the exam are encouraging when not everyone passes it

This year, in the Rostov region, 527 appeals were filed against the results of a unified state exam, which amounted to 1.3% of all submitted works. 85 complaints were satisfied - USE scores were raised.

Every year the number of children who received fours and fives on the exam is growing. But in the Ministry of Education of the Rostov Region, this is due to the fact that now the Unified State Examination for school graduates of the region is an optional exam. Approximately 60% of schoolchildren pass it - those who are going to enter a university are confident in their knowledge. The rest of the exams do not pass.
Seven years ago, when the experiment was just beginning, the region held the Unified State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language for all schoolchildren. The results were horrendous, especially in mathematics - almost a fifth of the students could not get a positive mark, and half received triples.

However, the experiment ends after a year. In 2009 USE year will be mandatory. What number of graduates will not be able to receive certificates then, even experts cannot predict.

Anna Lebedeva

Filing and going through the appeal process

The appeal procedure is as follows:

1) in the main, first "wave" (the last days of May or the first days of June) graduates in a certain for the whole Russian Federation a single day pass the exam;

2) in reserve days(approximately mid-June) graduates who fall ill on the day of the exam take the exam;

3) on the same day, the first and second groups of those who took the exam will find out the results at their school where they studied.

In the same day in case of disagreement with the points received the graduate is obliged to come to the director of his school, where he studied, having his passport in hand, fill out a standard application form for an appeal (which indicates whether the graduate will be present personally at the appeal or asks to conduct it in absentia, without his presence) and find out from director date and time of the appeal. The school administration forwards the application to the appropriate organization. At the appointed time, the graduate must appear in person at the appeal point (if it is impossible to arrive at the place, the appeal will be held in his absence). At the appeal, to take part in the procedure (that is, to enter the audience where it is held and participate in the discussion of the work, in a conversation with experts, independent experts, representatives of the Ministry of Education, employees of the RCOI - that is, members of the conflict, appeal commission) have the right, except for the graduate himself, only the parents of the graduate or persons endowed with their rights and obligations (adoptive parents, guardians). Other persons related to the interests of the graduate (other relatives, teachers, friends, acquaintances) cannot exercise this right.

The appeal is carried out in order to identify real discrepancies between the answers indicated by the examiner in the answer form and those answers that computer system"read" when checking. Such facts can occur extremely rarely, most often in those cases when the examiner vaguely, dimly (weak pen pressure, light black gel paste) entered the answer in the appropriate column of the protocol. This recheck applies to parts A, B.

The appeal regarding Part C, Essay, is intended to reveal real errors made by experts when checking part C. The analysis of the points given by experts is carried out in the presence of a graduate on the basis of the source text on which the work was written, on the basis of the assessment criteria and assessment standards that are and are used in this case written works, common for the entire Russian Federation. The scores are analyzed strictly according to the criteria, but not by revising the grade for the entire essay in general. On this basis, the graduate should be aware of the existence of assessment criteria, should be able to formulate your claims to the examination carried out by the experts. Despite the fact that the members of the appeal commission will explain the situation to the appellant regarding the assessment for each criterion, the conversation on his part should turn out to be constructive.

It should be taken into account that the computer system, based on the results of evaluating the same work by 2-3 experts, chooses the best option that considers each controversial case. in favor of the student , i.e. chooses more appreciated. From this it becomes clear why in the process of real appeals recent years there were almost no works that deserved an increase in points for certain criteria. In addition, experts of the highest qualification work in the commission for checking part C of the USE, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the quality of the test and does not give grounds for revising the results.

Appellants should especially note that an appeal is not a means to increase the scores already declared on the certificate to the desired ones. For example, a graduate planned to receive gold medal. Having passed the exam in the Russian language, he received 2 points less than required. On appeal, it turned out that in parts A and B there were no discrepancies in the answers handwritten and “read” by the machine. Real There are no mistakes made by experts when checking the essay and affecting its evaluation. This means that the score for any of the criteria cannot be increased, total score You can't get promoted for writing.

You should know that the work, after discussing which the members of the conflict (appeal) commission decided to increase the scores for the essay according to certain criteria, is sent to the Moscow conflict commission, to the center of the Unified State Examination. Submitted work is accompanied by explanatory note, comments on each of the increased points. Only after its repeated consideration in the specified instance, the decision of the commission can be confirmed or, on the contrary, canceled. This suggests that the desire of many appellants to influence the feelings of the members of the conflict commission remains unattended for a reason. The appeal is intended to restore fairness and objectivity in the evaluation of works, but not to arbitrarily inflate points out of pity or sympathy for the situation of individual graduates.

A few years ago, on appeal for USE scores it was better not to interfere. It was more than problematic to look at your own work properly; accompanying persons, even if they were the parents of the appellant, were ruthlessly cut off from attending the commission.

And in order to finally discourage children from complaining about injustice, the appeal commissions were allowed not only to refuse to increase points, but these points lower. And in a number of cases they did just that, after which the movement of the appellants did not quite, according to Radishchev, “get into a stump”, but noticeably subsided for several years.

The new appeal rules are more comfortable for children. Now in Moscow you can see your work in personal account, analyze it, consult with the teacher and parents, and only then decide whether to go for an appeal. In addition, for the second year now, public observers have been present at the appeal. But...

Writing an appeal for violations of the procedure is not difficult: the main thing to remember is that this can only be done immediately, without leaving the exam. This is exactly what, we note, during the current campaign, the guys who did not have enough additional forms for the exam in literature did. And their appeals were granted.

But with an attempt to increase the score, the situation is more complicated. Especially in the humanities with their inevitable interpretative bias: “In the exact sciences,” mathematics and physics teachers assured “MK”, “there are no problems with evaluating works, including during appeals, because a number is a number, and a formula there is a formula - either they are correct or they are not.

The bulk of the appeals current year still ahead. However, a couple of typical situations can be considered using the example of last year.

This is a very nervous and unpleasant procedure: the children do not understand why they were lowered the score, and sob, and the members of the commission sit with stone faces, do not listen to explanations and insist on their own, - Olga, mother of a graduate of last year, told MK. - Parents they are sure that they have an unspoken order not to raise their grades: they say that in this case they are deprived of bonuses.

And this is very similar to the truth: my daughter, for example, was lowered her score for using not two quotes, but five in her mini-essay in the Unified State Examination in Russian. And at the appeal they said: “You will download the rights, we will count one more quote and generally lower the score.” In general, they behaved very harshly. The baby started crying and we left.

I filed an appeal in the Russian language, - says a graduate of last year, an excellent student Liza. - I wrote samples for 100 points, but received only 82.

In particular, it seemed unfair to me to reduce the score for the speech turnover “listen to persuasion” (it was about the dialogue between Lopakhin and Ranevskaya in The Cherry Orchard. - "MK"). But they didn’t add a single point to me: the members of the appeals commission said that they “didn’t hear such a turn of phrase,” although I consulted with the teachers, and they confirmed that it was quite possible. At the same time, none public observer there was no appeal - only two members of the commission ...

Nikita's problem at last year's USE in the Russian language turned out to be typical. He, like many other graduates, had his marks lowered for incorrect, according to the inspectors, definition of the problem and topic of the texts they received.

So, in the case of Nikita, it was believed that the correct answer was "ecology of speech", and not just "ecology", as he wrote. True, the members of his appeal commission were polite and friendly. And they even recognized the reason in the reference of Nikita's mother to the phrase from the keys to the task, which allows interpreting the ecology, which was discussed, in the literal sense of the word. But the appeal was nevertheless rejected, advising to file a complaint with Rosobrnadzor. Mom did just that. And there the rating, although partially, was raised.

However, this happened only at the end of July, when Nikita, with his initial scores, was already forced to enter Moscow State University for paid education ...