Tatar fairy tale two daughters to read. Three sisters (Tatar fairy tale): Fairy tale

Tatar folk tale"Three Daughters"

Genre: folk fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Three Daughters" and their characteristics

  1. An old mother, elderly, sick, loving her children.
  2. Zorenka, eldest daughter. Important, beautiful, lover to look at her reflection.
  3. Asterisk, middle daughter. Cold, beautiful, lover of spinning.
  4. Swallow, the youngest daughter. Cheerful, sympathetic, hard-working, responsible, kind.
  5. Squirrel. Small and fair.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Three Daughters"
  1. Mother and her three daughters
  2. Zorenka and her basins
  3. Asterisk and her yarn
  4. Swallow and Squirrel
  5. Departure of daughters
  6. mother's illness
  7. Turtle
  8. spider
  9. Good Swallow.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Three Daughters" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. There was an old mother who had three beautiful daughters.
  2. The eldest daughters of the mother did not help, they went about their business
  3. The youngest managed to do everything and was friends with Squirrel
  4. Daughters parted, mother fell ill, Squirrel hurried for help
  5. The older sisters refused to go to their mother and turned into a turtle and a spider
  6. The youngest daughter ran to her mother, cured her and thanked her mother.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Three Daughters"
We should never forget our parents, no matter how busy we are.

What does the fairy tale "Three Daughters" teach
This story teaches you to love and respect your parents. Teaches how to help them and take care of them in their old age. Teaches not to be selfish, teaches responsiveness and kindness. It teaches that good is rewarded and evil is punished.

Review of the fairy tale "Three Daughters"
I really liked this tale, and especially the youngest daughter - Swallow. When she lived with her mother, she was the most cheerful, the most hardworking, the most beautiful, and when she left, she was the only one who responded to a request for help. I put aside everything and rushed to my mother. Because a mother is the most precious thing that every person has.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Three daughters"
Mother's heart in children.
Whoever honors his mother and father never perishes forever.
There is no dearer friend than a dear mother.
Queenless bees, lost babies.
What is the mother, such is the daughter.

To read summary, brief retelling Fairy tales "Three daughters"
There lived an old woman with three daughters in a forest clearing.
Like the morning dawn her eldest daughter was beautiful. That's what her mother called her - Zorenka. More than anything in the world, Zorenka loved to polish copper basins to a shine. As he cleans the basin to a mirror shine, he admires his reflection.
And the mother asks her to bring water, look after the geese. But Zorenka refuses, looks at her reflection. The mother is crying, and Zorenka is asking for marriage.
Beautiful and cold as an evening star was the middle daughter. She only looked at the stars all night long and considered them her friends. Asterisk, her mother called her. All the time Asterisk was spinning and it seemed to her that the threads could reach the very stars. And Zvezdochka considered herself unhappy, she cried all day long.
The slender youngest daughter was hardworking and lively. She managed everything, helped everyone and called her mother Swallow. She was friends with a squirrel that lived in a tall pine tree.
And now the dream of the older sisters came true - they got married, went in different directions. And then the turn of the Swallow to get married came. At parting, she ordered her Squirrel to call her and her sisters on a rainy day and left with her husband.
Three years later, my mother became very ill. Squirrel galloped to her older sister, calling home to help her mother. But the older sister refused, she admired everything in the copper basins. Squirrel got angry with her and turned her into a turtle.
Squirrel rode to the middle sister. But even that one has no time to take care of her mother, she spins all her moon yarn. Squirrel got angry with her, turned into a spider.
Squirrel rode up to her younger sister. And she just baked pies. As soon as she heard about mother’s illness, she collected pies, rushed home headlong. She fed her mother, she did not leave the bed until the old woman recovered. Mother Swallow and Squirrel began to thank, and the older sisters are still going.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Three Daughters"

Dear parents, it is very useful to read the fairy tale "Three Sisters (Tatar Fairy Tale)" to children before going to bed, so that the good ending of the fairy tale pleases and calms them and they fall asleep. The story takes place in ancient times or "Once upon a time" as the people say, but those difficulties, those obstacles and difficulties are close to our contemporaries. All images are simple, ordinary and do not cause youthful misunderstanding, because we encounter them daily in our everyday life. A small amount of details of the surrounding world makes the depicted world more saturated and believable. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages rethinking oneself, is crowned with success. Here, harmony is felt in everything, even negative characters, they seem to be an integral part of beingness, although, of course, they go beyond the boundaries of what is acceptable. It is amazing that with sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all troubles and misfortunes. The fairy tale "Three sisters (Tatar fairy tale)" can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

Zhila - was a woman. She worked day and night to feed and clothe her three daughters. And three daughters grew up, swift as swallows, with faces like the bright moon. One by one they got married and left.

Several years have passed. The old mother fell seriously ill, and she sends a red squirrel to her daughters.

- Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

“Oh,” the elder sighed, having heard the sad news from the squirrel. - Ouch! I would be glad to go, but I have to clean these two basins.

- Clean two basins? - the squirrel got angry. - So be with them forever inseparable!

And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the door of the second daughter.

“Oh,” she answered. “I would run to my mother now, but I’m very busy: I need to weave canvas for the fair.

- Well, now weave all my life, never stopping! - said the squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger one was kneading the dough when the squirrel knocked on her. The daughter did not say a word, did not even wipe her hands, ran to her mother.

“Always bring joy to people, my dear child,” the squirrel told her, “and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when the time came for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer long, day by day, the bee collects honey for people ... And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and wakes up - eats only honey and sugar.


Lyubov Vladimirovna Volkova
Summary of the lesson on familiarization with fiction Tatar folk tale "Three daughters"

Software content.

Introduce children to Tatar folk art.

To teach children to feel and understand the characters, to perceive the originality of plot construction, to notice genre features of composition and language fairy tales and stories; teach children to convey their attitude to the characters.

To promote in children the need to improve good deeds, the desire to do good deeds. Cultivate love for customs and traditions Tatar people.

Material. Planar panel Images: houses, trees, mother, three daughters, squirrel. Toys: pelvis, spider, bee. Hero coloring pages fairy tales: bee, spider, squirrel, turtle. Colour pencils.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance of children with Russians folk, Mordovian, Nanai fairy tales. Examining illustrations for fairy tales, watching cartoons by fairy tales. Parsing, drawing fairy tales with children, coloring coloring pages by fairy tales.

Educator. - Children, what is your mood now?

Children. - Good.

Educator. - Then let's collect all the good things in our palms, squeeze our fists tightly, and then open them and blow on our palms,

Let's send everyone a charge of vivacity and good mood.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Guys, since you all have good mood then I have to you question:

please tell me you love fairy tales?

Children. -Yes.

Educator. - And what fairy tales and fairy tales of what peoples do you know?

(The teacher listens to the children's answers.)

Educator. - Children, it's good that I came to you today. And I did not come alone, I brought a fairy tale. We open the curtain fairy tale start. There are a lot of pictures here, who is this about? fairy tale we learn about it, if we collect the whole picture as a whole.

(The teacher, together with the children, lay out planar attributes fairy tales and consider placed on blackboard: a house, trees, a squirrel, a figure of an adult woman and three daughters.)

Educator. - Children, what affectionate words do you say to your mother?

Children. - Kind, beloved, beautiful, sweet, dear, etc.

Educator. - Moms always take care of their children, however, sometimes mom will scold, but then she will definitely caress. There is such proverb: "A mother's affection knows no end". But children are not always caring towards their mothers! Listen Tatar fairy tale"Three daughters» and then tell me who daughters truly loved his mother.

Tatar folk tale"Three daughters»

There lived a woman. Day and night she worked to feed and clothe her daughters. And three grew daughters are fast like swallows, with a face like a bright moon. One by one they got married and left.

Several years have passed. The old woman's mother fell seriously ill, and she sent to her red squirrel daughters.

Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

Oh, - the eldest sighed, having heard the sad news from the squirrel. - Ouch! I would be glad to go, but I have to clean these two basins.

Clean two basins? - the squirrel got angry. - So be with them forever inseparable!

And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the second daughters.

Oh, she replied. - I would now run to my mother, yes very busy: I need to weave canvas for the fair.

Well, weave now all my life, never stopping! - said the squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger one was kneading the dough when the squirrel knocked on her. Daughter not didn't say a word, without even wiping her hands, ran to her mother.

Bring joy always to people, my dear child, - the squirrel told her- and people will cherish and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when the time came for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer long, day by day, the bee collects honey for people ... And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive, and wakes up - eats only honey and sugar.

The teacher asks questions children:

Did you like fairy tale? How? Why?

Who is this about fairy tale? And about whom?

Which of the characters did you like the most? Why?

What was in the beginning fairy tales?

What then?

How she loved her mother daughters?

Why did the squirrel punish the elders daughters?

How can talk about them?

How did the squirrel reward her youngest daughter?

What words can tell about her?

Why do you think the youngest daughter turned into a bee, and not into a hare or a hedgehog?

Consider whether you are always kind to your mothers.

(The teacher listens to the children's answers)

Educator. - Children, want get acquainted with the Tatar game"Timerby".

Children. - Yes.

Educator. “Then get up, hold hands and make a circle. They choose the driver - Timerbay. Children take tokens from the basket, whoever has the image of a boy on the token, that child becomes in the center of the circle.

The teacher and the children walk in a circle and say words:

Timberaya has five children,

Friendly, fun play.

We swam in the fast river,

Well washed

And dressed up nicely.

And neither eat nor drink,

looked at each other,

They did it like this!

With the last words, this is how the driver makes some kind of movement. Everyone must repeat it. Then the driver chooses another child instead of himself.

(After the game, the children sit on the chairs)

Educator. And now I offer you a dramatization of this fairy tales.

Children are selected for the roles of senior, middle and junior daughters, squirrels and the author; Children optionally choose tokens with the image of a hero fairy tales which will be performed. The teacher puts them on Tatar attributes - skullcaps. One of the children says the words of the author, others play the roles they have chosen.

Educator. Children, the bees really liked how you listened carefully fairy tale, your statements and reasoning. For this, she decided to bring joy to you, and gives coloring pages depicting different characters. fairy tales.

The teacher offers the children to choose the coloring they like and color it colorfully. Then the children's work is placed on a magnetic board, the teacher thanks the children for their creativity.

Educator. Guys, today you learned Tatar fairy tale"Three daughters» , met with fairy tale characters . I want you to never leave fairy tales and smart, good books.

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Image Library:

Once upon a time there lived a woman. And she had three daughters. A woman had to work hard to clothe, shoe and feed her daughters. And the daughters grew up good. And they grew up one more beautiful than the other. And they all three got married, parted, and the mother was left alone.

A year has passed, another, a third. And it so happened that the mother fell ill. So she asks the squirrel that lived in the forest nearby:

Squirrel, squirrel, call my daughters to me! The squirrel immediately ran to fulfill the request. A squirrel ran up to her eldest daughter and knocked on the window.

Oh, - said the eldest daughter, after listening to the squirrel. - I would immediately run to my mother, but the basins need to be cleaned.

And she really cleaned the basins.

Oh, so, - the squirrel got angry, - then don’t part forever with your basins!

She just said - the basins suddenly slammed shut, and the eldest daughter turned into a turtle.

Meanwhile, the squirrel ran to the middle daughter. I told her the sad news about my mother.

Oh, I would run to my mother, but the canvas needs to be finished by the fair.

And she really wove a canvas.

Ah, so, - the squirrel got angry, - well, then just do this all your life, weaving canvases!

She said so, and the middle daughter instantly turned into a spider.

And when the squirrel knocked on the window to the youngest daughter, she kneaded the dough. When she heard that her mother was ill, she did not have time to wipe her hands - she ran to her.

You have a good heart, - said the squirrel. - So let people always be kind to you. Live, dear, happily and make people happy! And people will love you and your kindness will never be forgotten.

And so it became.

Three daughters. Tatar folk tale

Oriental sweetness chak-chak is a national Tatar and Bashkir dish, which is a pastry dessert with sweet filling. This peculiar cake can be prepared with honey, nuts, condensed milk, sugar and even chocolate.

There are several variations of the preparation of chak-chak, but in fact they differ from each other only appearance. Tatar and Bashkir chak-chak are usually made from balls of dough, while Kazakh and Tajik ones are made from oblong strips resembling vermicelli.
Tatar chak-chak

In order to cook chak-chak in Tatar style, it is necessary to divide the process into 2 stages: kneading the dough and preparing the caramel filling.

Eggs (3 pcs.);
Vegetable oil (0.5 liters);
Flour (500-600 g.);
Granulated sugar (1 cup);
Honey (3-4 cups;
A pinch of salt;
Alcohol (2 tablespoons) or 4 tbsp. spoons of vodka or cognac.

We drive 3 eggs into a bowl, add alcohol and a pinch of salt. Mix it all in a bowl with bare fingers.
Gradually add flour, kneading with your hand, until you get a dough that looks like dough for noodles (it should come off your fingers).
Cover the dough with a bowl and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.
Cooking syrup. To do this, mix sugar with honey and put in a small saucepan over a small fire. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved in the honey.
We cut the noodles. To do this, we pinch off a piece the size of a plum from the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 2 mm, then generously sprinkle with flour.
Cut the dough into strips about 3-4 cm wide and fold them in a pile. Cut the folded sheets into noodles 5 mm wide.
Let's start frying: in a deep frying pan (or cauldron), heat the vegetable oil. We throw a pinch of chopped noodles into hot oil - it should swell from the evaporating alcohol.
Fry the noodles until golden brown, immediately take out with a slotted spoon so that the excess oil is glass, and put in a deep enameled bowl.
Similarly, in small batches, overcook all the noodles.
We form the cake: pour hot syrup into a bowl with fried noodles. Immediately, without letting the syrup harden, mix everything thoroughly with a large spoon so that the caramel evenly covers all the noodles.
Grease a wide flat plate with a little butter. We dip our hands in cold water, grab a handful of chak-chak and put it on a plate, compacting the mass with your palms.
Thus, portion after portion of chak-chak is pressed on a plate, giving it the shape of a cake, which will be conveniently cut into slices.
Allow the cake to cool and serve cold. When cutting, it is recommended to lubricate the knife with water so that chak-chak does not stick to your hands.

Such a recipe for a dish is quite laborious and it takes 1.5-2 hours to prepare it. The process can be facilitated if you make chak-chak in Tatar style together: one chop the noodles, and the other fry it.

Bashkir chak-chak

This recipe for chak-chak is distinguished by the peculiarity of preparing dough for noodles, the syrup is prepared in a similar way with Tatar chak-chak.

Eggs (3 pcs.);
Butter (1 tsp);
flour (2 cups);
A pinch of soda;
A pinch of salt;
Honey (60 g.);
Sugar (100 g);
Water (1 tablespoon).

Sift flour beforehand. Beat eggs (should be at room temperature), beat with salt, gradually add soda and melted butter.
Gradually add flour to the whipped mass, kneading a soft dough. Cover the resulting dough with a slightly damp towel and let stand for about an hour.
While the dough is “resting”, prepare the syrup: pour sugar into the water and heat to room temperature, then add honey.
Ready dough roll out a layer of about 5 mm and cut into thin strips. Then we roll the straw into flagella, let it dry a little and cut into pieces of 1-1.5 cm.
Throw the pieces in portions into boiling vegetable oil and fry until golden brown. We take out the noodles with a slotted spoon, let the excess oil drain, and put them in a deep bowl.
Pour the fried noodles with hot syrup and mix.
Dipped in water, we form a cake with our hands - in the form of a slide or a pyramid. Let the chak-chak cool down.

You can decorate the Bashkir chak-chak with chopped dried fruits, nuts, monpasier, grated chocolate. Moreover, all this can be added to the dish and when mixing dough and syrup.

Chak-chak with condensed milk In this recipe for making chak-chak, ready-made sweet filling is used.

Flour (2-3 cups);
Vegetable oil for frying;
Eggs (3 pcs.);
Water (1.5 cups);
Sugar (6 teaspoons);
Salt - ¾ spoon;
Soda (1/2 teaspoon);
Condensed milk (1 bank).

Beat eggs with sugar, add soda, salt and dilute with water.
Knead a stiff dough so that it does not stick to your hands.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of up to 0.5 cm. Cut it into strips 1-1.5 cm wide.
We roll each strip into flagella and cut into pieces no more than 1 cm.
Throw the heated pieces into the heated oil in portions and fry until golden brown.
We take out the fried noodles and let the excess oil drain. We cool the pieces.
Pour the condensed milk into the cooled noodles and mix thoroughly.

The resulting dish should be left for impregnation for 1 hour (preferably for a day) - then chak-chak with condensed milk will be tastier.
To make homemade chak-chak, use only the highest grade wheat flour.
If the dough for chak-chak in Tatar is dry and does not absorb flour, add a little milk to the dough.
It is most convenient to cut the resulting cake with scissors.
To get a delicious chak-chak, you need to make sure that the syrup does not start to burn when heated. You can’t let the sling boil, but you can’t let it cool before pouring it into chak-chak.
Chak-chak tastes best 2-3 days after preparation. Moreover, the cake can be stored for several months - it does not lose its taste.

Even an inexperienced cook can prepare a delicious chak-chak, and the resulting quick cake will delight the taste of even spoiled sweet teeth.

There lived a woman. She worked day and night to feed and clothe her three daughters.
And three daughters grew up, swift as swallows, with faces like the bright moon.
One by one they got married and left.
Several years have passed. The old mother is seriously ill, and she sends a red squirrel to her daughters.
- Tell them, my friend, to hurry to me.

Oh, - the eldest sighed, having heard the sad news from the squirrel, - oh! I'd love to go, but I have to clean those two basins first. -
Clean two basins?! - the squirrel got angry.
- So be with them forever inseparable!
And the basins suddenly jumped up from the table and grabbed the eldest daughter from above and below. She fell to the floor and crawled out of the house like a big turtle.

The squirrel knocked on the door of the second daughter.
- Oh, - she answered, - I would now run to my mother, but I am very busy: I need to weave canvas to the fair.
“Well, now weave all my life, never stopping,” said the squirrel.
And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger one was kneading the dough when the squirrel knocked on her door. The daughter did not say a word, did not even wipe her hands, ran to her mother.
“You always bring sweetness and joy to people, my dear child,” the squirrel told her, “and people will take care and love you, and your children, and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Indeed, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when it was time for her to die, she turned into a golden bee.
All summer long, day by day, the bee collects honey for people. And in winter, when everything around is dying from the cold, the bee sleeps in a warm hive.

Tatar folk tale with pictures. Illustrations