What does the hidden one say? Can secretive people be trusted? What does it mean if the result is positive

Internet- one of the best inventions of mankind. You can get great amount information at the click of a finger. I am very grateful to the Internet for Tumblr, Youtube and other social networks such as . Tons of blogs and forums help us express our individuality behind a halo of anonymity. There are many advantages, but also many disadvantages, of being able to hide your identity on the Internet. And the reasons for anonymity are different for everyone.

1. Fear

Someone is very afraid to say what he really thinks, so he hides behind his nickname on the Internet. Some create several accounts and communicate in a way that they never could in real life. This is one of the main reasons to remain anonymous.

2. Restraint

Absolutely similar to the previous paragraph, people tend to constraint. Someone does not want everyone to know that it was he who wrote or posted certain photos. Basically, this happens because they know that their personal opinion or life, in principle, is not very popular with friends and the whole environment. They are not yet ready to come forward, tell everyone about their sympathies and ideas, and therefore hide behind all sorts of nicknames and accounts.

3. Anger

Unfortunately, one of the reasons people act anonymously is displacement anger and hatred. They want to pour dirt on others, and they do not bear responsibility for this. They intimidate others, show their hatred, call names with abusive words, and do it completely anonymously and with impunity. I don't like this approach at all. If you really don’t like someone, and you don’t have the strength - you want to express everything to this person, do it in person! Be honest, don't stealthily ruin someone's life.

4. To hide

Someone is ready for anything, just not to be recognized. Such people want to find a secluded corner and quietly go about their business there, which no one even suspects. In fact, it is not necessary to hide so much. You can just not tell anyone about it, and not invent tricky nicknames and addresses for yourself.

5. Self-expression

It is very easy to express yourself on the Internet. Many remain anonymous because they don't want everyone to know they did it. They do not want fame and PR. They hide everything even from friends and family members. Many write songs, compose poetry, sing - and everything is anonymous.

6. Honesty

You can’t argue here, it’s much easier to be honest anonymously. Returning to our list, many hide their faces to tell the truth. And, of course, often this truth is connected with matters of the heart, and they hide because they are afraid of rejection.

7. Low self-esteem

Some go online to re-create themselves. In fact, they are completely different, but like everyone else, they are afraid to be funny, stupid or ridiculous. On the Internet, we are all perfect, because no one can refute it. Thus, some acquire complete freedom of action and flight of fancy. Dreaming is not harmful, but you should not get carried away either.

8. Privacy

Last but not least, privacy. Many do not want people to know something about their personal life, but they want to talk about it, so accounts are created on a different behalf. No matter who condemns them, no one will ever know who is hiding behind the nickname. This usually happens on services like LiveJournal.

There are many reasons to remain anonymous. Some of them are not very significant, but still have a place to be. What could you say about this?

It can be said that various negative inclinations of a person (for example, drinking, smoking, gossiping, boasting, etc.) are a kind of substitute for good qualities that a person had earlier

Hidden tendencies and inclinations of a person

The negative qualities of a person contain, oddly enough, positive tendencies, which are their basis, root, and if these positive tendencies are developed, this leads to a harmonious and happy life.

A person is basically good, and any bad character traits that he has are not his true nature. In other words, the original positive aspirations and inclinations of a person under the influence of various circumstances of the material world ( environment) can be distorted, transforming over time into negative qualities. And this transformation is, of course, reversible.

It can be said that various negative human tendencies (for example, drinking, smoking, gossiping, boasting, etc.) are a kind of substitute for the good qualities that a person had earlier.

In this article, we will look at some of the negative character traits along with the positive tendencies they contain, which will allow us to analyze ourselves (and others), identify our good tendencies and aspirations, and then develop them, and thus improve our lives.

Any of the negative tendencies listed below is a misuse of the energy of the soul, which, of course, causes no less negative consequences. However, bad qualities do not need to be fought, they do not need to be suppressed, you just need to change the direction of efforts. You can’t just take and stop the flow of energy, but it can be redirected where we need. This is similar to how it is impossible to stop the river, no matter what kind of dam we build, but you can let the river go into another channel that we need. Often a person tries to fight negative character traits by suppressing them in himself, and for a while this can work, but then the dam breaks, which brings even more destruction. Therefore, there is only one reasonable way out - to transform energy, change the vector of movement, and this article will help you understand how to do this.

Interpretation of the qualities and hidden tendencies of a person


This is a latent tendency (striving, craving, inclination) towards wisdom, which implies diving into the depths of the problem in order to solve it. In a state of intoxication, a person craves communication (will you be the third?), because proper communication is a problem solver (but not in a drunken state). Having found an interlocutor, he establishes a foundation for communication, (do you respect me?) and begins to pour out his pain. Of course, in this state, problems are not solved, since alcoholism is only a crude surrogate for wisdom and philosophy. It is a distorted desire to communicate with wise people, a substitute for such communication. A little change in the direction of efforts - and a person can reach heights in philosophy and become a sage.


Propensity for honesty. A smoker is usually fairly honest with himself, so he feels uncomfortable doing not right enough, and this causes a desire to smoke (to relieve tension). This bad habit occurs in people who tend to evaluate the correctness of their actions, but do not know how to tune in, meditate. Cigarette smoking is a substitute for meditation. A little effort in the right direction, and a person can achieve success in meditation and learn all the secrets of the universe.


Distorted manifestation of personalism. The egoist is focused on himself - on his own interests, desires and pleasures. He sees his difference from others and, after a little analysis, he can realize that each person is a unique individuality, with a unique worldview, a set of desires and interests. By understanding this, a person can easily build relationships that will benefit everyone, including himself. Selfishness is a hidden tendency to be a teacher (in the realm of personalism), but to become one, you need to transform this negative quality by associating with those who are devoid of selfishness.


Indicates a tendency towards spiritual leadership. A person gets angry when he does not like stupid behavior. But he needs to properly analyze and understand what is actually reasonable and what is stupid. If anger is directed in the right direction (on one's own stupidity), it can be beneficial, as it will encourage the study of wisdom. This quality (anger) is the opposite of the desire to save people from degradation and self-destruction.


This is perverted restraint and humility. When a person does not consider himself worthy of someone else's care and attention (realizing or not realizing it), he avoids responding to the care shown by someone. He feels that he is not yet ready for such personal relationships, since he cannot give anything in return, and he is embarrassed to “borrow” because of his egoism (unwillingness to give). Such a person lacks understanding and happiness, but his ingratitude can be transformed into true humility through association with the society of personalists. Humility is the most important spiritual quality of a person, leading to true happiness, but now few people correctly understand the true positive meaning of this term, interpreting it completely wrong.


Indicates the hidden tendency of the follower - the ideal student who wants to have the same qualities of character as his teacher. When we envy something other than what really should be envied, our life becomes not better, but worse. By choosing the right object of envy and changing the vector of our actions, we will be able to progress (get success in spiritual practice), and then this quality will be transformed into a positive one that will change our life for the better.


Distorted aspiration to spiritual enrichment. Having slightly transformed this quality, a person will become greedy for the study of wisdom and communication with intelligent spiritual people. best view enrichment is the accumulation in the minds of the sayings of the great sages and saints, because such positive greed allows us to progress spiritually, for which it was created human form life. Ordinary material greed is a substitute for the desire to learn and accumulate wisdom.


It is the tendency to inspire others by igniting in them the desire to achieve the same. A braggart in the future can become an ideal preacher or inspirer, you just need to choose a worthy field of activity. For example, if such a person realizes his quality in the spiritual sphere, he can become a real spiritual leader, followed by others, which will bring great benefit to all mankind.


Hidden desire to help people (spiritual healing). Such a person subconsciously knows that material things bind a person to this world of suffering and sorrow. The deprivation of valuable things makes us think that in fact nothing belongs to us in this world; the thief proves this fact by his actions, although in our time this approach is ineffective. By changing the vector of his efforts, the thief can learn to remove people's attachment to things, gain the ability to inspire a healthy lifestyle and renunciation of the unnecessary. He can become a successful preacher, showing by his example that happiness is not in money, and that simple life(no frills) elevates our consciousness and brings true joy - spiritual happiness, which is inaccessible to materialists.

Cunning (as a negative quality)

Hidden tendency to care for others. Cunning is the opposite of parental love and the ability to properly educate. It is very beneficial to use cunning to sincerely care for others (then this is a positive quality), but if a person is cunning for his own benefit, he will inevitably degrade.


A very interesting hidden tendency of mindfulness, which can bring many benefits and change fate, if developed. The critic notices the smallest details that are not visible to others, and if he turns his attention to the positive aspects of a phenomenon or situation, he will also see many things that are inaccessible to others. Such people can become great discoverers and even geniuses. They can solve problems that others cannot, find a way out of impasses and see global perspectives. You just need to shift your focus.


This is the tendency to endure. A lazy person endures inconvenience or the absence of some benefits, just not to do some “unnecessary” actions. By transforming this character trait into a positive one, a person will continue his work (or his path), despite the hardships, and will certainly achieve what he wants.


A distorted display of generosity. All that is needed to transform this quality is to figure out what, to whom and when to sacrifice, so that it would benefit everyone. Waste brings no real benefit to anyone, because it is an unwise act. But if you show generosity in the right place, at the right time and to the right people, it will bring great benefits to everyone, including the one who gives.


This quality indicates a tendency to purity, external and internal. Purity is necessary condition for a happy (spiritual) life. In the depths of his soul, a person understands that purity is closely related to happiness, but may not yet realize that if there is no spirituality, then purity in itself will not make him completely happy. A squeamish person seeks spirituality by secondary signs, rejecting everything impure. He reaches for the light of knowledge, avoiding the darkness of ignorance, preferring the positive to the negative. Communicating with spiritual people, a person ensures the transformation of disgust into legibility. Thanks to this, his life is cleansed of everything impure and unnecessary, and a person begins to understand what it means to be happy.


Indicates a tendency to protect, but now this tendency is distortedly manifested as attempts at self-defense (protection of one's selfish interests). Rudeness is the opposite of patronage, and if a worthy object of protection is chosen, this quality undergoes a transformation and becomes positive and useful.


At the heart of this quality is the forgotten ability to distinguish truth from illusion, the soul from the body, the spiritual from the material. A person who himself led a double life (in any of its manifestations) can understand that every person would like to be good, but often life forces us to play by different rules. Such a vision makes a person tolerant and understanding, able to easily understand the depth of various psychological problems and help solve them. Such people, having transformed hypocrisy into thoughtfulness and harmony, become good psychologists and consultants. We need to learn how to find a balance between the spiritual and the material, between different areas of activity, between the external and the internal, which will make our life harmonious and positive.

Treason and betrayal

These negative qualities point to their underlying ability to easily give up the worst for the best. The rejection of bad for good is a fundamental principle of human development. Reasonable people give up the dirty for the sake of the pure, from the negative for the positive, from stupidity and ignorance for the sake of gaining knowledge and wisdom. From the outside, this may look like betrayal and betrayal, but reasonable people who refuse harmful for the sake of useful will not be guided by the opinion of those who are below their level of development. However, one should try not to spoil the relationship by giving up one thing for the other, if this relationship can be maintained in order to benefit others. The art of human development consists in giving up stupidity in such a way as not to offend those who are not yet ready to follow our example. Treason and betrayal is the opposite of positive qualities - determination and determination.

Lust for fame

It's a hidden drive to be effective. A famous person, covered with glory, attracts masses of people who copy his words and actions. People tend to imitate celebrities. The only question is what qualities such a public leader possesses, because thanks to him the fate of people changes - for better or for worse, and he will receive "his percentage" of this contribution to society, according to the law of karma. If such a person has good qualities, then it is very effective method improve the life of society as a whole.

How to transform your qualities

The secret of transformation is very simple: you need to communicate more with people who have those qualities that you lack. In other words, connect more with those who have strong positive tendencies. It is not for nothing that they say “with whom you will lead, from that you will gain”: under the influence of a positive environment, our own negative qualities are transformed into the original positive ones. In addition, one should try to avoid communicating with people who have negative qualities, as this has the opposite effect - we become infected with negativity and adopt a bad character.

What to do if in our environment there is no the right people, but you don’t want to look for them, there is no time, we are afraid, shy, etc.? There is a way out - you need to listen to their lectures, watch their videos, read their books or attend their seminars. Of course, preferably live communication, but if it is not there, then the listed options will also work. The transformation of qualities occurs in those moments when we contact with the corresponding qualities of another person or people, and regardless of whether we are aware of this, or even have no idea about what and how is happening. Just socializing more good people, we begin to notice how our inner transformation is taking place, how positive trends are reviving in our heart, how our character is changing. In addition, we begin to understand the highest goal and go towards it.

More details about the qualities and trends can be heard in the lectures of Ruzov Vyacheslav Olegovich, on which this article is based. Listen also to other no less interesting Vedic lectures on various areas of life, and let your own life always changing for the better!

The difference between modesty and secrecy is huge! What more in Kurganinsk, you can guess.
A modest person is a person completely devoid of any bragging or boasting. This is a highly moral person who has a true upbringing and at the same time high demands on himself.

A modest person, clearly aware of his obvious advantages, deliberately avoids loud public recognition, nobly and tactfully helping others to show off their unique virtues. Usually humble people express their opinion with pleasure, benevolence and sincerity, you just need to ask them about it. They are firm, active, consistent and thorough in critical situations. Their position is clear and open.

Sometimes modesty is also confused with timidity and shyness. And in vain, because timidity and shyness determine only the degree of a person's lack of confidence in the correctness of their actions.
The above can in no way be attributed to the concept of a secretive personality, because the secrecy of a person comes from the ability to hide one’s not talents and virtues, but true beliefs and habits.

A secretive person seems to wear a mask pleasing to the environment, skillfully misleading others about his own tastes, preferences and opinions. He is able to imitate noble feelings, but not experience them. And if a real modest person avoids recognizing his merits out of delicacy and respect for others, then the motives of a secretive person, as a rule, are not so noble.

A secretive person hides not at all out of delicacy and respect for others, but out of deep arrogance, aggression and distrust, and sometimes contempt for others. Sometimes even relatives and friends of a secretive person have no idea about who exactly they have lived next to and continue to live for many, many years. It seems to be quiet and modest, such a family member or neighbor, laconic and complaisant.

It seems to be saying what everyone is used to saying and hearing. But, if you think about it, it is almost impossible to get a completely clear, definite explanation from a secretive person on this or that occasion, and even his actions are sometimes so inexplicable ...

If a secretive person is a leader, then the formulation of tasks in his performance is a real torment for subordinates. The fulfillment of the task itself is reminiscent of the game "Battleship". The handwriting of such a person is too intricate. Subordinates spend too much time and effort on solving the "mysteries" of the secretive boss, who is also an avid hustler.

Often a secretive person, due to the structure of his personality, experiences a piercing antipathy for truly modest, contact, hardworking and sincere people. Of course, a secretive leader will express such antipathy implicitly, but in the form of a series of unexpected and much more urgent, important and difficult production needs that have fallen on the head of a modest person. Moreover, lazy and evasive subordinates, with such a distortion of labor relations, will feel quite comfortable.

The sincerity of a radically secretive person in the family can not be counted on. The nature of such a radical is such that he will definitely find something to hide from the second half. For example, the true size of your salary or some suspicious addictions. Life with a werewolf is unpredictable. And sometimes dangerous.
Therefore, before marriage, young people of both sexes, out of respect for themselves, their parents and their future children, should try with great attention to investigate who is who your future second half.

Belgorodskaya Pravda tells how at different times and for various reasons people attributed or reduced years to themselves

Many people sin with age-related fraud. “If they ask, say that you are five years old,” the mother of a first-grader son teaches on the bus, saving on a ticket. "I'm already 18!" - the teenager proves at the tray with cigarettes. “Uncle, skip it, we are students,” the senior students are trying to deceive the security guard of the club. And few people understand: a small lie gives birth to a big lie.

Marry and survive

When the Belgorod merchant and philanthropist Nikolai Chumichov passed off as a 40-year-old merchant of the 2nd guild Nicholas Slatina his eldest, 15-year-old daughter Alexander, then added a couple of years to her in the documents: and then, it turns out, unequal marriages had to be consistent with the law.

In the time of our grandparents' youth, people were driven by hunger, despair, patriotic feelings, and more often both together. For example, in the 1930s, workers were recruited for large construction sites. And young people, especially from collective farms, threw themselves a year or two in order to enlist, earn money and at least somehow help their families.

The language does not turn to call 15-year-old boys who are in the Great Patriotic war took years to themselves to be taken to the front.

There was something else. For dead fathers, minors were awarded cash benefits. When the guys turned 16, the surcharges were removed. And mothers, in order to somehow survive, reduced their childhood years. So, in any case, Belgorod old-timers remember.

It also happened vice versa, when the age was raised under the preferences of the state.

"My father Vasily Pereverzev was born in May 1935. During the war he was left an orphan, he lived with his aunt, who had three children of her own. Since 1943 in Suvorov schools countries began to recruit 10-year-old children, orphans went on preferential terms. Aunt seized this chance - she wanted her father to go on state allowance, study, go out into the people, and she would be relieved. I agreed in the village council, and a year was added to my father’s certificate, ”says Ivan Pereverzev.

But the boy did not pass the health competition - the selection at the school was serious. Later he studied as a mechanic, worked and retired earlier due to the lost years biological age.

In general, the metrics of children of the war and post-war period are full of inaccuracies. Go figure it out today, whether they did it intentionally or out of illiteracy and what they gained at the same time.

Baba berry again

The Buryats have a proverb that a toad in love will swim across the sea. A woman, for her love happiness, will change her appearance, lifestyle, country, not to mention her age. Of course, to a smaller number. The classics of literature laughed at the young ladies to their heart's content. One patient of Professor Preobrazhensky, in love with the card sharper Moritz, what is it worth. But every invented story, as you know, always has a real prototype.

“After the war, when there were few men, my aunt decided to increase her chances of marriage and reduced her date of birth by five years,” says Viktor Ermakov. – In the 1950s, collective farmers did not have passports. When my aunt turned 23, she took time off to study in the city. At the same time, she arranged everything so that the certificate from the village council indicated that she was 18.

This helped, or fate favored, but the woman got married, and more than once. However, the final denouement came when the time for retirement came, and the “young woman” had to work for an extra five years. Nothing can be done: you have to pay for love, her relatives made fun.

Eternal item

Today, of course, such a feint with documents will not work: a birth certificate, and then a passport, accompany a person all his life. And if you can change your name repeatedly, then the line about the date of birth is unshakable.

“An exception is the case if an error in the date of birth is made in the birth certificate and, accordingly, in the documents of a citizen issued on it. But this will have to be proved in court by providing the testimony of witnesses, documents confirming the correct data. And only by a court decision will the registry office correct the date in the birth record so that the person can then replace the passport, ”emphasizes the head of the registry office of the Belgorod Region Tatyana Slyusarenko.

And do not try to correct the objectionable date in the documents with your own hands - this is a direct path to criminality.

"Such actions Part 1 Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation qualify as a forgery of documents, - clarifies the head of the inquiry department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Belgorod Igor Motuzov. “Depending on the circumstances of the crime committed, it is punishable by restriction of liberty, forced labor or imprisonment for up to two years.”

Uncles and children

Intentional age change is seen in many sports. Sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity when 30-year-old men compete with 16-year-old youths. Most often indicate the wrong age in martial arts: wrestling, boxing and kickboxing. In 2012, State Duma deputy and three-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling Alexander Karelin even canceled the tournament named after him in Novosibirsk because of this.

Mass violations occur in the most popular sport - football. Rumor has it that the players of the Russian national team Alan Dzagoev and Alexander Kokorin older than they appear. We can’t say anything about Dzagoev, but we know what caused doubts about the age of our countryman. The fact is that young Kokorin was taken to tournaments with older teams. That is why his dates of birth - football and passport - are different.

Football players do this in order to attract the attention of large clubs with their victories and their game. Often this is the fault of the coaches, as their salary depends on the results. Here we are not even talking about the quality education of a football player.

“A few years ago, when teams brought older players to junior competitions – we call them bases – this problem was everywhere. Then we gathered the coaches of the youth teams and told them to come to the competition with documents, and if they are not there or we identify a rewritten player, or after the game they do not provide a suspected player, then we will act tough, - says the president of the Belgorod Football Federation areas Denis Shpilyov correspondent Alexander Kulikov. - In case of violation, we will disqualify coaches and inform the heads of sports schools and heads of districts about this. Now every coach understands that this can hit him as an employee - they can deprive him of his bonus, or even fire him. And we publish all this on all our information resources so that everyone knows about it. Previously, such cases were analyzed by dozens, now they are isolated. ”