How to make money as a teacher, for example, working on a computer. Great extra income ideas for educators

The regions themselves decide how and for what to pay the teacher, choosing a particular model. Currently in use three models of wage systems. Although the models are built on common principles (see the article on this blog “Why teachers have such different salaries”), they have significant differences.

Model 1 based on base salary and bonuses. It allows, when calculating the permanent part of the salary of school employees, to rely on the base salaries approved at the regional level (for employees occupying the same position, the base salary is the same). For example, in Penza, the base salary of a teacher for 2015 will be 4,350 rubles.

Depending on the characteristics of the teacher's workload (the number of teaching hours, the amount of extracurricular activities carried out, etc.), increasing coefficients are applied to the base salary. different quantity students from different teachers when implementing this model, NSOT can also be taken into account when calculating salaries through a special coefficient.

Model #2 based on the official salary for 36 teacher hours per week. In it, all types of teacher activities are paid in salary for 36 working hours per week. Within these 36 hours there can be both study hours and extracurricular hours (for example, hours for checking notebooks or for parent meetings and etc.). The share of teaching and extracurricular hours of a particular teacher is determined by the employment contract between the teacher and the employer. The cost of teaching and extracurricular hours of work of a teacher can be approved at the level educational organization, municipality or region as a whole.

Model #3 based on "student-hour". It allows, when calculating the constant part of teachers' salaries, to take into account the difference in the number of teaching hours taught by teachers and the number of students with whom teachers work.

Each organization independently calculates the amount of a student-hour (the cost of a teacher working with one student for one academic hour) in the amount of the payroll fund. For each teacher, the number of student-hours of workload is determined. Thus, the intensity of his work is taken into account in the constant part of the teacher's salary.

What to do to get a decent salary?

AT modern conditions one can imagine the following options:

1.Select a region, an educational organization where teachers have higher salaries and vacancies. As they say, "the fish is looking for where it is deeper, and the man - where the fish is." To do this, you just need to be ready to change places.

2.The more you work, the more you get. It is not for nothing that they say: "as you stomp, so you will burst." RF legislation wage worker size limits are not limited. Part-time work is also not prohibited. So far, the concept of "rate of 18 hours a week" is used only in certain cases.

3.Highly qualified specialist gets more . You can improve your qualifications, for example: get more high education, the highest qualification category, degree, earn awards, undergo course retraining, actively participate in the work methodological organizations, methodological projects, master and use modern methods, technologies and teaching aids, etc., and thus provide more quality education, performance, prepare winners and prize-winners of olympiads, competitions, projects, etc.

4.Use the possibilities of grant support for teachers. We have quite a lot of events at the federal, regional and municipal levels (professional competitions, teacher support programs, etc.), as a result of which a teacher can receive grants.

5. The teacher's salary is also affected by the competitiveness of an educational organization, its image, income-generating activities of the organization, contributions from sponsors and philanthropists. By participating in these processes, the teacher contributes to the growth of the non-budgetary component of the organization's budget, part of which can be used to encourage teachers - bonuses, salary supplements. In addition, the more students an organization attracts, the larger its budget, and, consequently, the payroll fund.

6. Other options are also possible, not criminal ones. Good luck to you!

Regulatory framework and materials

The calculation of wages of state employees is formed on the basis of documents:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Uniform recommendations on the establishment at the federal, regional and local levels of wage systems for employees of state and municipal institutions for 2015;
  • Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers;
  • Regional regulations;
  • Local regulations of the organization;
  • Regulations on the system of remuneration in the organization.

Remuneration systems for employees in municipal educational organizations are established by agreements, collective agreements, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

These documents, as well as examples of teacher salary calculations using various models, can be found on the Internet.

For information.

1. In connection with the transition to an effective contract, the labor contract (additional agreement to it) of the teacher must indicate:

  • terms of remuneration;
  • the size of the official salary or rate, excluding compensation and incentive payments;
  • actual volume pedagogical work as part of the implementation educational program educational organization, established for teaching staff, for the wage rate;
  • sizes and conditions of additional payments: for classroom management, checking written works, managing an office, training workshops and other types of additional work.

2. The salary of teachers (excluding bonuses and other incentive payments) when changing the remuneration system cannot be less than the salary (excluding bonuses and other incentive payments) paid to them before the change, provided that the volume of labor (officials) ) the duties of a teacher and their performance of work of the same qualification. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than 2 months in advance.

3. The Ministry of Education and Science is conducting a comprehensive audit of the payroll of teachers in various regions of Russia.

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Website materials used in preparation:

Do you teach at a school, university, technical school or college and are you a real expert in your field? Now you have the opportunity to earn a decent income using your professional knowledge without leaving your home. Register on the zaochnik website and start earning today.

How to get started on the site?

In order to get started, you need to register. Fill in the basic information about yourself and indicate the phone number by which the company manager can call you to clarify the details of cooperation. To be accepted into the team of authors, you must prove your vocational training. Therefore, prepare a sample of your work, based on the results of the verification of which a decision will be made on the possibility of further cooperation. On the site you can find a list of vacancies at the current moment. However, if your subject is not on the list, this does not mean that you will not be accepted into the team. It all depends on the quality of your work and focus on results. Register, answer manager's questions, send test For checking. In case of a positive decision, you will find yourself in the best team teachers.

You only need to fill in 3 fields

How much can you earn?

Earnings depend only on how much time you spend on writing papers. It is easy to calculate the amount of earnings, the average cost of writing term paper varies from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, and a diploma from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles, you get the bulk of these funds. That is, if you complete 5 term papers and 1 thesis in a month, you can easily add 20-30 thousand rubles to your budget.

An example of the cost of ordered works

What is the job?

If registration is successful, a database of free tasks will open for you, which you can start to complete. The work consists in writing unique control, term papers and theses, reports on practice, translations, essays, drawings, as well as abstracts for individual orders. Share your knowledge, while receiving additional income, the amount of which depends only on you!

Why you should choose a job in the company "Zachnik"

Today it is difficult to find a teacher who would not be interested in the question of where and how to make money for a teacher. For those who want to develop in their field, the Zaochnik company offers a number of advantages:

  • work in a reliable company
  • additional income that does not interfere with the main activity
  • opportunity for career growth
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Having made a choice in favor of the Zaochnik company now, you will be able to receive a decent income doing what you love. So, if you're interested, where to make money as a teacher, register on the site, start writing and, perhaps, in the near future, work here will become your main type of employment.


There are no articles on this topic on my blog yet. It will be about whether it is possible to work as a teacher on the Internet. What should a teacher do on the Internet? That is, let's talk about the work for the teacher online.

The teacher is a way of life. Or a diagnosis former teachers can not be. And my 18.5 years of work as a teacher left a mark on my life. Both in my life and in the lives of my students.

But who said that a teacher can and should work only at school? Or in another institution where the salary is paid by the Ministry of Education?

They say that one of the leaders of the former Soviet Union, either Stalin or Khrushchev, said that people of two professions would never die of hunger, they would feed themselves: doctors and teachers. I don’t know if any of them really said this and what they meant. But now it seems more and more that teachers' salaries are calculated on the basis of this statement.

But this is already a type of politics. We won't go there.

Dear fellow teacher! Everything is solved. "Don't cry, don't be afraid, don't ask..." Go to the Internet. Now it is increasingly turning into a state without borders for those who teach and those who study.

Now I'm starting a new project. The goal of the project is to help your fellow teachers get online.

My mission in this project is to help an ordinary teacher find a “second wind” in his profession in order to stop depending on circumstances, gain confidence in the future and successfully earn on his knowledge and skills.

And for starters, I compiled a special report "", which shows 7 models of Internet access for a teacher, designed for different levels of qualification and employment, different technical capabilities. All from practice, since I myself have already gone through the Internet far and wide.

How did this project start?

In principle, such plans have been around for a long time. But, as they say, they hovered in the air, not turning into anything real. Works in bulk and in already existing projects.

But a month and a half ago, at the end of August, an event happened. It was a conversation with a former colleague. I did not ask permission to publish the name, so I will spell her name and patronymic S.P.

S.P. - teacher primary school with extensive experience and the first qualification category. Clever, very responsible, diligent. She works in a small school as an elementary school teacher.

The school is small. But it has big problems. Including the problem of school closures as part of general trend"optimization" of the network of educational institutions. That is, the sword of Damocles hangs. But until recently, it just hung around without creating a real threat.

But now he staggered menacingly. It's about to fall, crippling many. The reason was a public careless expression of dissatisfaction with the existing state of affairs of one of the teachers. I won't go into details, of course.

The result is an acute reaction from the higher authorities of education. A bunch of showdowns, checks and a real threat of closing the school for the next academic year.

The teachers are shocked. What if the school is really closed? Where to go? To a collective farm (we still have collective farms, more precisely, KSUPs)? Or work somewhere on the road, far from home?

In general, someone will be able to find a job in their specialty or master another. And someone is not.

Here's to S.P. Neither the first nor the second option will work. In particular, she will not be able to leave home and family for the whole day, there are circumstances. And transport problem not resolved.

This is where it's time to remember about working for a teacher online. But the vast majority of teachers do not know what and how to do a teacher on the Internet.

We talked with S.P. And even though she sees my example, and knows that I can and should be trusted, her brain hardly perceives information about the possibility of working and earning money from home.

Well, how is it? In 2-3 months, reach your school salary without leaving your home? Yes, a person who has been “going to work” all his life cannot be believed. Moreover, teachers are conservative people.

And if someone else was talking to her about this, and not me, she would not even listen. I would just brush it off like an annoying fly. And would continue to be nervous, plunging into depression.

But me S.P. believes. And now we have agreed: if anything, if it ripens, come to me. There is a way out, and there is absolutely nothing to panic.

What "if what" can be more when you urgently need the Internet?

This is the “if anything” that S.P.’s daughter already has. Clever beauty. A very young girl, not yet married. She graduated from a pedagogical college, works on an after-school program. Trips by car for 7 km, sessions at the correspondence course at the university eat up the lion's share of the salary.

Postponed all the past academic year money for a tourist trip, I wanted to relax in the summer. Did not work out. The car broke down, all the money was spent on repairs. Otherwise, after all, there will be nothing to go to work! Parents could not help, father without work. Now he goes to work again, earns money to maintain the car.

She definitely needs to get on the Internet urgently. At least in the evenings, devoting 2-3 hours a day, earn yourself a normal rest.

I can’t keep silent about maternity teachers.

Here I will give an example not even of a maternity teacher, but of a pediatrician. which, nevertheless, does educational activities online. While on someone else's project, since the son of 1.5 years old does not really let him turn around. But now he is preparing his own educational project.

And here I do not need to hide behind the initials. It's about about one of my daughters, Elena, who maintains the website of information businessman Mikhail Gavrilov on the "children's and mother's" theme

Moreover, he writes articles on his own behalf and with his signature. If you are not too lazy to go to the site, then in all articles on pediatrics and in some on obstetrics you will see the conclusion at the end of the article: “Oh ... a practicing pediatrician and twice mother Elena Borisova-Tsarenok told you.”

Lena went on her second decree on December 24, 2015. New Year with the family they met with us, the parents. Having met the New Year, on January 1, 2016, we sat down at my computer to open her electronic wallets. My husband came running: what are you doing, why, who will transfer money to her there, is it paid or free?

The money appeared in early February, as soon as the holidays were over. And slowly flowed in a thin stream.

At the end of March, Lena had a son. And on June 6, I had a conversation at home. I don’t remember the specific reason, but Lena said the following:

- If I need a million or two (then we had that kind of money, it's 50-100 dollars), then I won't bother. I'll go to the computer and earn money!

As they say, no comment. The person gained confidence that in any situation she and her children would not be left without a piece of bread.

The next conversation took place in November 2016, when my other daughter's child fell ill and she was in danger of losing her job. Again I quote Elena's words on this subject:

- And I think that before school I will survive all Vanya's tears-snot at home, working on the Internet. When I started, of course, I believed that I would earn money, but I thought of it as a part-time job. Now I see that getting up to my salary in the clinic and above is not a problem, it is quite possible.

How are you? I was happy to listen. After all, it is clear that the iron chain that binds to work, the employer, the level of wages is broken. There are no boundaries or restrictions. It would be the desire and strength to work!

By the way, out of my 5 children, three already work on the Internet. Everyone is doing different types activities from those listed in this . Everything works out.

The eldest daughter Larisa set aside 156 thousand Russian rubles earned on the Internet for summer holidays with her family (husband and two sons). Enough was enough. But no one believed either.

When she started with little Matvey in her arms, her husband smashed a laptop on his knee one evening. And here the order is on fire! I insured, completed, passed. And the next day I bought her a new laptop. No one else broke anything. And everyone in her family knows: her mother works at the computer, and does not play tsatski!

Larisa, by the way, does not think about her project. It is more convenient for her, a busy person who works at work, to work on one-time orders. There is time or money is needed - it works. Once or tired, you need to rest - it does not work.

Until now, we have been talking about young or middle-aged teachers. About people of pre-retirement age or recently retired - a separate conversation.

And the essence of this conversation boils down to one thing - you need to prepare exit routes, create a "safety cushion". So that it would not be “excruciatingly painful”, cold and hungry when they say at work: “Thank you! We no longer need your services. Go home and enjoy your well-deserved rest."

And then what? “And psyo,” is how one of my grandchildren says “everything,” “the pension has struck.” How much is 150-200 dollars? Live as you want.

And even worse, if at work they don’t seem to be driven, but there are no forces anymore. The profession of a teacher requires a lot of strength, not every young person will get it!

I dare say that the way out of this dark tunnel is through the Internet. It is not only possible to earn money there, but it should be. Only this way out must be sought as early as possible. Otherwise it might be too late...

And it is better to go with a guide who has already walked this path, knows all the potholes on the road. Don't go where you shouldn't go. Better take on what you know how to do - work in the field of educational activities.

And an important point. Make a decision for yourself - to pay for anything on the Internet only from the money earned there. Well, perhaps with the exception of the first steps, which should bring the first money that will start your development and building a business on the Internet.

Is it possible? Definite answer: YES. Lots of options. Start with work, and not with some mythical opportunities for quick earnings or investments. Do not climb into the pyramids. Don't start with partnerships. This is a way of earning money that involves costs. If you want, you can start affiliate programs when you earn money from them from the Internet.

The report turned out rather big, 24 pages. And I thought to meet 5.

But it turns out that for a teacher on the Internet there are a lot of points of application of forces and ways to earn money by applying their professional skills.

Are you a teacher with a capital letter? Is it about you - incredible hard work, high responsibility, great patience, incredible self-control and an all-consuming love for children? Is school/university more important to you than your personal life? But ... in this ideal picture of the work of a teacher, there is the most important minus - wages.

Why? Why do you give everything of yourself, but you cannot live with dignity in material terms? How to combine such concepts as a teacher and profit? The answer is simple - to find not only an intellectual, intense, emotional job, but also a well-paid one. Where? In the Internet! Specifically? On the website of the Academician.

It is clear that there are no people more conservative than teachers. But today, remote work as a teacher at home is no longer a fantasy, but a real everyday life. Moreover, they are real for everyone: even for a teacher of the Russian language, even for a journalist, even for a teacher who just writes a diploma.

Teachers of any discipline who are looking for a job remotely and choose us are guaranteed to receive:

  • decent pay, depending only on the teacher, and not on the whim of the administration,
  • regular flow of orders/customers,
  • free work schedule with the ability to combine work at school / university and tutoring,
  • convenient workplace at home (even with a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar),
  • independence from superiors, inspections, paperwork, claims modern parents and whims of students,
  • absolute realization of their professional and methodological skills.

So, we open the Academician website and use the modern way to earn money steadily and well with our mind!

Remote work as a teacher at home without unnecessary headaches with stable pay!

Find a job on the Internet with us and live with dignity!