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Uzbekistan - ancient state located in the very center Central Asia. There are UNESCO heritage cities in Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva. These cities are the places most visited by tourists. Each of these cities is saturated with history and ancient monuments of architecture. Everyone who is at least somehow interested in history knows that Uzbekistan is the cradle of Central Asia, and there is something to see in this republic.

Everything here is thought out for any type of tourism, from extreme recreation in the Chimgan and Nurata mountains to elite five-star hotels in Tashkent. It would seem that things could go wrong. However, there is something that can adversely affect your vacation - not knowing the Uzbek language. In order for you to remember your stay in Uzbekistan only with positive moments, we suggest downloading an excellent Russian-Uzbek translator You can do this absolutely free. This translator consists of the most important and necessary words and phrases for a tourist, and is divided into topics so that you can quickly find the right words. Below is a list of these topics and their short description.

Common phrases

welcomeKhush Kelibsiz!
Come inKiring
Happy New YearYangi Eilingiz Bilan
It's good that you cameKelib Judah Yakhshi Kilibsiz
We are always glad to see youSizga hamma vakt eshigimiz ochik
I'm at your serviceMen sing hissmingizga tyerman
What is your name?Isminges nim?
Wait a minuteBir dakika
Your face seems familiar to meMenga tanish kunyapsiz
How are you doing?Yahshimiziz?
How are you?Ishlingis kaley?
What's up?Yakhshi jurisprudence?
Everything is fine?Hammasi joydami?
I heard you got marriedYestishimcha uilanyabsiz
Please accept my best wishesMening eng yakhshi niyatlarimni kabul kilgaysiz
What happened?Nima Buldi?
I wish a speedy recoveryMen sizga tezda sogaib ketishingizni tilaiman!
I have to goEndi ketishim kerak
See you on SundayYakshanbagacha
Please come againYana Keling
Give my best wishes to your parentsOta-onalaringizga mendan salom aiting
Kiss the kids for meBollaring life upip queing
Don't forget to call meKungirok kilishni unitmang
Come to usBiznikiga keling
What time is it now?Soat necha?
Then byeHair Endy
How are you?Kalais?
Good morninghairley tong
good dayhairley kun
Bon VoyageOk yul
WelcomeKhush kelibsiz
I AMMaine
You youSen, siz
He sheAt
Can I help you?Sizga kandai yordam bera olmaman?
How to get there?Does erga kandai boraman have?
How far is it?Kancha uzoklikda zhoylashgan?
How long will it take?Cancha wakt fritters?
How much is it?Bu cancha turadi?
What it is?boo nima?
What is your name?Sisning ismingiz nima?
Where/where?Kaerda / kaerga?

City walks

At the restaurant

BeefMol goshti
I do not havemenda yuk
There isBor
Forgive meKechirasiz
A fishBalik
Do you have...?Seaslarda... wrestle?
The maleErkak
MuttonKui Gushti
You are welcomeMarkhamat / Iltimos
PorkChuchka Gushti
Thank youRahmat
WaitKutib touring


No I can't do itMen kila olmaiman
no wayHatch-yes
The pump is not workingIslhamayapti pump
Mechanism out of orderYahsha emas mechanism
I'm sorry I can't helpKechiring, yordam kilolmayman
Of course notYok, Albatta
It's not even discussedBu tugrida gap ham bulishi mumkin emas
It is forbiddenMumkin emas
This is not trueBulmagan Gap
Oh noYeok, yoge
In no caseIloji yok
Never!Hatch kachon!
Stop making noise!Shokin kilmasangiz!
I do not knowBilmadim
Can not promiseSuz Berolmayman
Let's seeKuramiz
I'm busyKechirasiz, bandman
I'm up to my neckMeni ishim boshimdan wrong yotibdi




Days of the week

Common phrases - words and phrases that will be useful in Everyday life. There is a translation of words that can be used to get to know the citizens of Uzbekistan, words of greeting, farewell and many more phrases that will be very useful to you during your trip.

Refusal - phrases and words with which you can refuse something to representatives of the local population. Also very necessary useful topic.

Consent is the exact opposite of the Rejection theme. By opening this topic, you will find suitable words of consent for any proposal, in different forms.

The telephone is an incredibly important and useful topic, thanks to which you will be able to communicate on the phone with someone from the local population. For example, you can call a taxi, order dinner in your room or call the maid, and much more.

Numbers - a list of numbers, their correct pronunciation and translation. Knowing how this or that number sounds is very useful, because you will make purchases, pay for taxis, excursions and more.

Days of the week - a topic in which you will find how to translate correctly and sounds every day of the week.

Restaurant - walking around the city, you will probably want to look into a restaurant to taste national dishes or just have a cup of tea or coffee. But in order to place an order, you need to know how to do it in Uzbek. This thread will help you deal with this situation.

Orientation in the city - phrases and words that you will need sooner or later while traveling.

Thanks to this theme, you will never get lost, and even if you get lost, you can easily find the right path by asking the locals where to go.

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Changelog / What's New

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- database bilan bog "liq xato to`g" irlandi;
- sekin ishlab qolishi to "g" rilandi;
- ikkita bo "lib qolayotgan so" zlar tozalandi;
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AND . There are diasporas in, and others. The Uyghur languages ​​are close to Uzbek. The modern form of the language is formed on the dialects of the Ferghana Valley.

History of the Uzbek language

The Uzbek nation was formed as a result of the merger of several ethnic groups with Turkic and Iranian languages. The history of the people led to the formation of dialects that are very distant from each other, differing in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The dialects of the Ferghana Valley are close to the language of the Turkmens, the southern dialects - to the Karakalpak language.

The history of the Uzbek language is divided into three periods:

Old Turkic (V-XI centuries)

The Turks settled along the rivers Amudarya, Syrdarya and Zeravshan already in the 5th-6th centuries. At the same time, they forced out the Indo-Iranian tribes that had previously lived on these lands. The language spoken by the ancient Turks later became the basis for the formation of many Asian languages. Samples of ancient Turkic writing have come down to us in the form of inscriptions on tombstones, etc.

Old Uzbek (XI-XIX centuries)

Many languages ​​that were widespread in the Karakhanid state and Khorezm were involved in the formation of this language. In many ways, this form of language became literary thanks to the work of Alisher Navoi. The language remained unchanged until late XIX century.


It began to form at the beginning of the last century in the Fergana dialect, the most common dialect in Uzbekistan. The speakers of this dialect called themselves Sarts, and the language - Sart. Ethnically, the Sarts were not Uzbeks, but in 1921 the concept of "Sart" was withdrawn from circulation. Since that time, the entire Turkic population of Uzbekistan began to be called Uzbeks.

Since ancient times, Uzbek writing has used the Arabic alphabet. The transition to the Latin alphabet began at the end of the twentieth century. From 1940 of the last century until 1993, the Cyrillic alphabet was in use. After Uzbekistan gained independence, the Latin alphabet was returned. Currently, the Arabic alphabet, Latin and Cyrillic are used in parallel in writing. Older people are used to Cyrillic script, and Uzbeks living abroad traditionally use Arabic letters. New textbooks for schools and universities have been translated into Latin, so young people have difficulty understanding books published under the Soviet Union.

There are many Persian borrowings in the language, the influence of this language on grammar and phonetics can be traced. The twentieth century is marked by the penetration of the words of the Russian language. Now Uzbek is getting richer English vocabulary. At the state level, a program has been adopted to cleanse the language of borrowings, which are replaced by words from.

  • In the Uzbek language, nouns do not have a category of gender, but change by case. Reconciliation of the category of plural and singular is not always observed.
  • Uzbeks of middle and older age know Russian, while young people prefer to communicate in Uzbek and practically do not speak Russian.
  • Spoken Uzbek is very close to Kyrgyz, but the vocabulary literary works, scientific and technical works is completely different.

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