Exercises aimed at developing the imagination. How to develop the imagination of an adult and a child? Develop imagination by reading books

Parent-teacher meeting

Imagination and its role in the life of a child.


1. Emphasize the importance of imagination, in general and aesthetic development child.

2. Help parents develop creativity in their children.

Assembly form: training session in the home school of the intellectual development of the child.

Issues for discussion:

The value of imagination in human intellectual activity.

Imagination and creativity.

The role of imagination in the development of the aesthetic culture of the child. Meeting of parents with a music teacher, music school teachers, art teacher and specialists working in the field of other arts.

Parent practice.

Preparatory work for parent meeting:

1. Class hour with students "The world around me."

One of the tasks class hour is student analysis ink blot on a sheet of paper. Students are invited to see the outlines of a drawing in the inkblot.

2. An exhibition of children's crafts called "Unusual in the ordinary."

For crafts, children are offered various materials: driftwood, plasticine, wire, wire, tree leaves, bird feathers, etc. From the material involved, they must make a craft and give it a name with an explanation.

3. Exhibition of children's projects called "Shifters".

Children are offered various familiar objects of everyday life. They need to be shown how they can be misused. Such items for analysis can be: an umbrella, a hat, a road sign, a bag, a heating pad, a belt, glasses, knitting needles, a brick, a sunbeam, a tram, etc. Each child must not only present his project, but also defend it, proving the usefulness of using this subject in new conditions.

Questionnaires for children and parents.

Questioning children.

Do you like it:

Watch the clouds;


Do creative projects

Invent in the classroom on the instructions of the teacher;

Make extraordinary things out of ordinary things;

Write poems and stories;


Fantasize and come up with something interesting;

Observe the phenomena of nature;

Imagine yourself in the past and future.

Parent survey.

Your child:

a dreamer

Inventor of various games and amusements;

· writer incredible stories;

Creator and inventor of improbability;

experimenter and inventor.

What do you do if you think that the child goes beyond all limits in his fantasies?

How do you develop the ability to imagine in your child?

Do you think these intellectual skills are important in learning activities?

Assembly progress.

Nature endowed every person with the ability to know the world in which he was born: to feel and perceive the world- people, nature, culture, various objects and phenomena; remember, think, think; speak and understand the speech of other people; Be careful.

All these abilities develop, improve, acquire individual coloring not by themselves, but in active cognitive activity child.

The development of the child is only in activity. Only by one's own efforts can one assimilate the experience and knowledge accumulated by mankind.

The mental processes by which a person cognizes the world, himself and other people are called cognitive processes or cognitive abilities. These abilities include: sensation, perception, attention, memory, thinking and imagination.

Today we will talk about imagination.

Psychologists believe Creativity is a criterion for human development. If a person does not know how to be a creator, it will be difficult for him in the future professional activity, it will be difficult to interact with people.

The basis of creativity is imagination. Without imagination, there is no mental activity.

Imagination is the process of creating new images and ideas by transforming previous experience. It develops gradually based on speech, perception, memory, operations of thinking.

It's no secret that the imagination is built from elements taken from reality, and is directly dependent on the richness and variety of experience gained.

Therefore, one of the main ways of developing children's imagination is to expand the child's experience and conceptual thinking, including necessarily the emotional sphere.

If an adult whom the child trusts supports the cognitive interest child, it manifests itself in the need for new experiences, in the desire to actively try, transform, invent.

At school, the child gets this opportunity, but it only awakens the interest of the child, and in the family this interest should be purposefully developed.

It is natural for a child to explore the world, he wants to try and touch everything. But this is not always possible, and then fantasy comes to the rescue. With the help of it, the child gets into such situations and tries such activities, which in real life may not be available. This stimulates his interest in activities, including educational ones.

The results of the survey of children.

They do not like to do creative projects - ( majority)

They do not like to invent in the classroom on the instructions of the teacher - ( majority)

They do not like to design - ( minority)

Not all children like to watch clouds, natural phenomena. Everyone loves to draw, compose, fantasize, do unusual things.

Parent survey results

There were interesting answers to the question “How do you develop observational skills in your child, the ability to imagine”:

We travel to other cities, relax on the lakes, try to ask about everything in detail, tell us what and where can be interesting and exciting, observe the environment through games, reading, conversations, developing visual memory, etc.

(Parents receive a printout of children's imagination exercises.)

Games and exercises for the development of creative imagination

1. Unfinished figures. The task of drawing unfinished figures is one of the most popular in the study and development of imagination and creativity. Children are given a sheet with the image of simple geometric shapes and lines of various shapes: straight lines, broken lines, in the form of an arrow, zigzags, etc. It is proposed to supplement each figure or line so that meaningful images are obtained. You can draw outside, inside the contour of the figure, you can turn the sheet in any direction.

2. The game "Magic blots". Before the game begins, several blots are made: a little ink or ink is poured into the middle of a sheet of paper and the sheet is folded in half. The sheet is then unfolded and the game can begin. The players take turns saying what objects of the image they see in the blot or in its individual parts. Whoever calls wins more items.

3. Game "Fantastic hypotheses". It was invented by the world-famous storyteller J. Rodari. In this game, the child must come up with different answers to the question: "What would happen if ...?" For a question, you can take the first subject and predicate that come across. Let the subject be "city", the predicate - "fly". “What would happen if the city started to fly?”

For the game, you need to prepare 10 cards: 5 - with nouns and 5 - with verbs. For example, on five cards - a table, a telephone, a traffic light, a spoon, an iron; and on the rest - to fly, invent, draw, dream, make friends. The cards are stacked in two. One for nouns, the other for verbs. Before each new round of the game, the cards are shuffled.

The player must, without looking, pull out one card from each pile and connect the received words with the question: “What would happen if ...?”

You can come up with many tasks of this type: for example, during an excursion, a walk: “Imagine that we are lost”, “Imagine that we are in intelligence”, “We are on a desert island”, “We have discovered an unknown planet”.

4). Think of a sequel to the story. The exercise can be done with a group of children. An adult begins to tell a new fairy tale, unfamiliar to children. It is desirable that the hero of this fairy tale be a child of the same age as the listeners. At a critical moment in the life of the hero, at the moment when something happened to him or he has to make a decision, the story is interrupted and the children are invited to come up with as many options as possible for what they would think or do in the place of the hero.

5).Writing fairy tales and stories. The child is invited to come up with a fairy tale or a story with some given character - a living creature (for example, a ballerina, a commander, a little fox that crawled out of a hole) or an object (for example, a window, a computer or an old suitcase).

6). Writing a story with individual words. For example:

a) wind, sun, path, snow, streams, birds;

b) girl, tree, bird;

c) key, hat, boat, watchman, office, road, rain.

7). Game "What does it look like?" This game can be played by multiple people. One is the leader. He leaves the room, and the others conceive some real person, character or object. The driver must guess what exactly was intended by asking questions like: “What flower does this look like?”, “What weather does this look like?”, “What brand of car does this look like?” etc.

8). Game "Nonsense" also consists in teaching children to understand and interpret absurdities and invent them on their own.

nine). Game "Unusual use". Children are encouraged to imagine as many uses as they can for a known object (such as a large plastic water bottle or string).

10). Exercise "Musical Instruments". Look at the things on the desk or in the briefcase and decide which of them can be used as musical instruments and played on them.

eleven). Exercise "Crafts". Make crafts using the same object in different functions (for example, a walnut shell as a boat, a hat, a tortoise shell, etc.)

12). The game "Drawing in several hands." They offer all participants to come up with some object and not talk about what was invented. Then, on a sheet of paper, the first member of the group depicts a separate element of the intended image. The second, starting from the existing element, continues the drawing, using the work of a friend to embody his plan. The third one does the same, and so on. The end result is most often something abstract, since none of the forms is complete, but all flow smoothly into each other.

13). A group of games using drawings. Tasks for: guessing an object by its parts (“Guess what kind of animal?”), By contour (“Whose shadow is this?”), Search for signs of similarity and difference, finding “hidden” objects in a maze of lines.

Exercises are read and explained.

Questions and suggestions from parents.

We live in a time of rapidly developing technologies that require from us and children a special concentration of attention, flexibility of thinking and quick adaptation. Such a world needs non-standard solutions and creative approaches to solving various problems. Therefore, the development of imagination in children and adults is important.

We are not born with the ability to create object images in our minds. This ability comes to us in early age, but fairy tales and poems, drawing and modeling, dances and music contribute to this. The first ways of thinking in children appear at the age of two, and by the age of three, with the development of speech, the imagination becomes richer.

But until the age of five, they cannot fantasize and not act at the same time - each of their fantasies is embodied in a game or a story. And only in the senior preschool age children begin to create objects of thought in their minds.

It is very important to support the development of imagination in preschoolers, to help them fantasize, for example, in the process of reading fairy tales and playing. They provide the necessary basis for the formation of imagination, teach to make decisions and take responsibility for it.

Here, control over games and imaginary plots is necessary, since it is difficult for children to separate the imaginary from the real. AND the main task parents - to distinguish fantasy from childish pranks and stupidity, which carries negativity and harm, and be prepared for the manifestation of childish aggressiveness. And you should also help create positive objects of imagination that will help set the child on positive things, as well as help solve a particular problem.

We help develop the imagination of preschoolers and schoolchildren

It is impossible for a child to develop object thinking at the proper level on his own, and parents should help in this process.

Presentation: "Developing imagination and attention"

  • The breadth of fantasies depends on the richness of life experience, so you need to expand the horizons of children, help them form an idea of ​​​​the world and events around. It is on the basis of existing knowledge that the development of imagination takes place, especially among younger students. It's no secret that an erudite child is able to create a brighter imaginary world.
  • Imagination can develop in preschoolers and on the basis of someone else's experience. For example, it can be based on a parent's story or a fairy tale read. Of course, this will have to learn and develop such a skill;
  • Remember that fantasy and emotional state go hand in hand. Depending on the mood, fictional objects are endowed with different properties, which is why it is so important to form a positive emotional background in children.

But it happens that a child has enough knowledge, and there are a lot of vivid impressions in life, but he does not want to fantasize and dream . Here you need to help - push him unobtrusively to this:

  • give various motivations, for example, figure out together how you will spend the weekend and, based on this, make up a story, and then bring this story to life;
  • explain that there is nothing shameful in invented stories, whatever they may be, but on the contrary, it is fun and interesting. A child who likes to invent different adventures for his favorite characters copes with any life situations more easily;
  • for the development of imagination in preschoolers, it is important to trust parents, because it is they who teach to fantasize and dream;
  • if you want a child to develop his creative potential, start telling him invented fairy tales, make some fakes. After all, children love to copy the behavior of adults.

Presentation: "Development and correction of imagination in children"

Helping kids discover creativity

Children at preschool age can be helped to develop their imagination with the following exercises:

  • read books to children, look at pictures with them, go to the theater and on excursions;
  • offer to draw what he saw in the play, tell what he did during the day;
  • sculpt and draw various plots that can be discussed in advance and help the child see what should happen;
  • praise for any composed stories, poems, songs;
  • preschoolers should spend time playing games, but their choice is your responsibility, surround the child with age-appropriate constructors and puzzles, use ready-made educational games and exercises.

If you think that junior schoolchildren to develop the imagination is more difficult, then this is an erroneous opinion.

They have more knowledge and life experience, and therefore material for fantasies and imaginations, but it may be more difficult to find an approach, the right game or exercise to develop this skill. Alternatively, ask them to imagine and describe some plot from the book they read, suggest making some changes to the development of events in their favorite fairy tale or cartoon. Remember that drawing, modeling, origami and various DIY fakes, as well as various vivid impressions that you want to tell everyone, are excellent tools for developing the imagination of schoolchildren and preschoolers.

Presentation: "Development of creative imagination"

We develop effortlessly

Here are some options for games and exercises that stimulate the development of imagination in older preschool children:

  • effective exercise - invite the child to circle his palms with a pencil or paints and let him tell you what they look like and draw a picture based on them, for example a bird, and the hand is its wing or bouquet, where the brush will be the branches of flowers;
  • to develop artistic skills, have the child choose any three colors of paint and sketch the entire sheet of paper with them, and then tell what it looks like;
  • a great game of imagination - put a large blot of paint in the middle of a sheet of paper, fold it in half and open it. Offer to tell what or who the blot looks like;
  • for many of us, a simple game is familiar when unfinished drawings are given and it is proposed to finish them and talk about the result, try this with your children;
  • draw two identical silhouettes of wizards, and let the child create one good and another evil character with pencils, and then tell what the bad one did and how the good one defeated him. Such an exercise not only develops fantasy, but helps to distinguish between good and evil;
  • dance exercises are also very effective. Offer to dance joy or delight, a fox or a flower that has just blossomed;
  • cut out various circles and stripes from paper different sizes, let the child tell what they look like - this game allows you to create new images;
  • offer the children an exercise in which it is necessary to change the end of a fairy tale they know;
  • Another exercise is to tell a story, and then together separate the fantastic events from those that could happen in real life, so you have two stories - one with real events, the other completely fantastic.

Presentation: "Development of intellectual abilities of preschoolers through the use of gaming technologies"

Help to fantasize

A few activities that stimulate the imagination in children:

    • Enlargement and reduction. Say what the baby has Magic wand with the help of which he can change the size of anything, let him tell what he will reduce, and what he will increase, and what this will lead to;
    • Adding fictional properties to people. Offer to give a person new skills and organs, thus creating a fantastic hero and building a plot around him;
    • Liven up the drawing. Tell the child that everything he draws can come to life, let him come up with and sketch who and why he wants to revive;
    • Transformation into any object. Let the child dream up so that he can turn into what object, and let him show how he would look then;
    • Endow objects with skills and properties that are not characteristic of them. For example, trees learned to talk and what came of it. Or imagine that a stick, like a horse, can gallop;
  • Endowing inanimate objects with new properties. For example, water, which cures all ailments or makes you speak only the truth;
  • The revival of dead animals, people, heroes of fairy tales and the idea of ​​how events would develop further;
  • Changing the usual relationship between fairy-tale characters;
  • Offer to come up with names for various drawings and paintings by famous artists;
  • Combine several objects into one and vice versa fantasize what could happen if some object were divided into several parts, each of which came to life;
  • Games with time. This exercise allows you to imagine that time has accelerated and the day flies by in 5 hours, or vice versa, the summer lasts not three months, but half a year, or perhaps they invented a time machine;
  • Offer to come up with some kind of house or gadget of the future;
  • Come up with new holidays, contests and plots for matinees.
There are a lot of such games and exercises, you can invent them yourself on the go. The main thing here is to start and go to the goal.

As we develop our children, we develop ourselves.

Constantly inventing new games and activities for the child, parents also fantasize and imagine, thereby developing these qualities in themselves. And often, without noticing it, they begin to generate creative ideas. simple solutions. This is manifested in the answers to unexpected questions from children, and in the new arrangement of furniture, and even in the preparation of ordinary dishes in a new way.

Playing simple at first glance games to develop the imagination with a child, we also begin to imagine and fantasize, helping to create an exciting story.

But you can begin to develop in this direction long before the appearance of children. There are a lot of exercises that are designed specifically for adults and are aimed at discovering and developing the flexibility of thinking. Of course, some of them may seem ridiculous or difficult at first, but do not be afraid of difficulties. Without such training of the mind, it is difficult for us to accept changes and move forward, we begin to think in a stereotyped way.



teacher of the highest qualification category

GBDOU Kindergarten №118 Vyborgsky district St. Petersburg


Life in an era scientific and technological progress is becoming more and more complex. And it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility, flexibility of thinking, quick adaptation to new conditions, a creative approach to solving all kinds of problems. Modern socio-economic transformations in society pose new challenges for teachers, they dictate the need to form a creatively active personality with the ability to effectively and unconventionally solve new life problems, think creatively in any life situation.

It is obvious that the first step in the development of the creative potential of the younger generation are preschool institutions. It is here that it is possible to lay the foundations for the development of a creative personality for each child, which will certainly help children in the future throughout their life path.

This methodical development intended for preschool educators, it briefly discloses theoretical aspects development of creative imagination in preschoolers and presents practical material on the development of creative imagination in preschool children.

Creative imagination is essential component creativity

Creation- the ability to solve old problems with new methods or apply old methods to solve new problems. Creativity can also be attributed to the very process of inventing new, still unknown tasks. One of the key parts of creativity is imagination which lies in the ability to come up with new images, new solutions, new tasks.

There are various classifications of types of imagination, each of which is based on some of the essential features of imagination.

1. On the basis of activity, passive, contemplative imagination is distinguished with its involuntary forms (dreams, dreams) and active active imagination. With active imagination, images are always formed consciously with the condition of the goal set.

2. Depending on the independence and originality of images, imagination can be recreative and creative.

Recreating imagination is an introduction to something new this person based on verbal description or a conditional image of this new one (drawing, diagram, musical notation, etc.). This type of imagination is widely used in different types human activities, including learning. The leading role in it is played by images of memory. Recreative imagination plays an important role in the process of communication and assimilation of social experience.

creative imagination- this is the creation of new images without relying on a ready-made description or conditional image. Creative imagination is the independent creation of new images. Almost all human culture is the result of the creative imagination of people.

Every person has a creative spark. In some people it is better developed, in others it is worse. I want to emphasize separately that creativity cannot be learned by reading books or articles. The only way to learn creativity is to practice in solving creative problems, to develop, to one degree or another, creative imagination, which will help to express oneself in creativity in the future.

Development of creative imagination in preschoolers

When a child is born, he has no imagination yet. The older the child becomes, the more time adults devote to games and special exercises for the development of his imagination, the more the ability to fantasize, the ability to create develops.

Imagination begins to develop by 2 years. The first, still quite simple fantasies can be seen in the games of kids. In the future, fantasy, imagination begins to actively develop after 3 years, because the baby's experience becomes richer, his interests expand, and the range of actions becomes more complicated. A kid of 3 - 4 years old sometimes confuses the imaginary with the real - what he invented with what really happened.

At the age of 4-5 years, the imagination becomes creative - the plots of children's games, drawings, fictional stories become richer and more diverse. The child composes stories, creates new characters, looks for ways to realize his creative ideas, comes up with new games. But it is still difficult for children to fantasize without acting. That is, in order to imagine, fantasize, children 4-5 years old need to act (build, tell, draw, etc.)

At the age of 5, a child can already fantasize mentally - come up with extraordinary stories, fantastic animals, fairy tales and much more. At this age, the foundations of creative imagination begin to be laid. Adults must help the development of this unique ability in each child, without which further life in modern world cannot be successful.

How to help preschoolers develop their creative imagination? There are many different ways:

1. For the development of creative imagination, it is necessary to enrich life experience preschoolers - read fairy tales, poems and fiction stories to children, look at illustrations in books. Advise parents to take their children to theaters, museums, go on excursions, etc.

2. Imagination is formed in the process of creative processing of what happened. Teach children to draw everything they have seen, tell about everything they have experienced.

3.Encourage drawing and sculpting by design. If necessary, discuss the planned plot with the child, help mentally see what was planned.

4. Encourage children's writing in all its manifestations: fairy tales, stories, poems.

5. Children should play as much as possible. A game - best view activities for a preschooler in which creative imagination develops.

6. All kinds of constructors should be available to preschoolers. The more types of constructors are offered to the child, the more his creative imagination develops.

7. Use special games and exercises to develop creative imagination in preschoolers.

Games and exercises for the development of creative imagination in preschoolers should be carried out in preschool groups systematically. It is recommended to schedule them weekly in the section "Social and communicative development"

Games and exercises for the development of creative imagination in preschoolers 5-7 years old

1.Exercise "What do our palms look like"

Target: development of imagination and attention.

Invite the children to circle their own palm (or two) with paints or pencils and come up with, dream up “What could it be?” (tree, birds, butterfly, etc.). Offer to create a drawing based on the circled palms.

2.Game - exercise "Three colors".

Target: development of artistic perception and imagination .

Invite the children to take three paints, in their opinion, the most suitable for each other, and fill the entire sheet with them in any way. What does the drawing look like?

3. Exercise "Magic blots".


Offer to drop any paint on the middle of the sheet and fold the sheet in half. Various blots turned out, children need to see in their blot what it looks like or who it is.

4. Exercise "Magic thread".

Target: development of creative imagination; learn to find the similarity of the image of unclear outlines with real images and objects.

In the presence of children, dip a thread 30-40 cm long in ink and put it on a sheet of paper, arbitrarily folding. Put another sheet on top of the thread and press it to the bottom. Pull out the thread while holding the sheets. A trace will remain on the paper from the thread, the children are invited to identify and give a name to the resulting image.

5. Game - "Unfinished drawing".


Children are given sheets with the image of unfinished objects. It is proposed to finish the object and tell about your drawing.

6. Exercise "Wizards".


Without a preliminary conversation, invite the children to use pencils to turn two completely identical figures, depicted on the sheet, into an evil and good wizard. Next, propose to come up with what the “evil” wizard did badly and how the “good” wizard defeated him.

7. Exercise "Dance".

Target: development of emotionality and creative imagination.

Invite the children to come up with their own image and dance it to certain music. The rest of the children must guess which image is conceived.

Variants - the image is set, all the children dance at the same time (“blossoming flower”, “affectionate cat”, “snowfall”, “cheerful monkey”, etc.).

Complication - to convey feelings in the dance ("joy", "fear", "surprise", etc.)

8. Exercise "What the music told about."

Target: development of creative imagination.

Classical music sounds. Children are invited to close their eyes and imagine what the music is about, and then draw their ideas and talk about them.

9. The game "What is it?"

Target: to teach children, based on the perception of substitute objects, to create new images in the imagination.

Circles of different colors are used, strips of different lengths. Children stand in a circle. The teacher shows one of the colored circles, puts it in the center and offers to tell what it looks like. Answers should not repeat each other.

10. The game "Pebbles on the shore."

Target: learn to create new images based on the perception of schematic images.

A large picture depicting the seashore is used. 7-10 pebbles of various shapes are drawn. Everyone should have a resemblance to some object, animal, person.

The teacher says: “A magician walked along this shore and turned everything that was in his path into pebbles. You have to guess what was on the shore, say about each pebble, who or what it looks like. It is desirable that several pebbles have almost the same contour. Next, invite the children to come up with a story about their pebble: how did it end up on the shore? What happened to him? Etc.

11. Exercise "Magic Mosaic".

Target: to teach children to create objects in their imagination, based on a schematic representation of the details of these objects.

Sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard (the same for each child) are used: several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes.

The teacher distributes sets and says that this is a magical mosaic from which you can add a lot of interesting things. To do this, you need different figures, whoever wants to, attach to each other so that some kind of image is obtained. Offer a competition: who can put together more different objects from their mosaic and come up with some kind of story about one or more objects.

12. The game "Let's help the artist."

Target: to teach children to imagine objects based on a scheme given to them.

Material: A large piece of paper attached to a blackboard with a sketch of a person drawn on it. Colored pencils or paints.

The teacher says that one artist did not have time to finish the picture and asked the guys to help him finish the picture. Together with the teacher, the children discuss what and what color is better to draw. The most interesting proposals are embodied in the picture. Gradually, the scheme is completed, turning into a drawing.

Then invite the children to come up with a story about a drawn person.

13. The game "Magic Pictures".

Target: to teach to imagine objects and situations based on schematic representations of individual details of objects.

The children are given cards. On each card is a schematic representation of some details of objects and geometric figures. Each image is located on the card so that there is free space for drawing the picture. Children use colored pencils.

Each figure shown on the card, the children can turn into a picture they want. To do this, you need to add anything to the figure. At the end of the drawing, the children compose stories based on their paintings.

14. The game "Wonderful transformations."

Target: to teach children to create objects and situations in their imagination based on visual models.

The teacher gives the children pictures with images of substitute objects, each has three strips of different lengths, three circles of different colors. Children are invited to look at the pictures, come up with what they mean, draw the corresponding picture on their sheet with colored pencils (you can have several). The teacher analyzes the finished drawings together with the children: notes their correspondence to the depicted substitute objects (in shape, color, size, quantity), originality of content and composition.

15. The game "Wonderful Forest".

Target: learn to create situations in the imagination based on their schematic representation.

Children are given identical sheets, several trees are drawn on them, and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places. The teacher offers to draw a forest full of miracles with colored pencils and tell a fairy tale about it. Unfinished images can be turned into real or fictional objects.

For the assignment, you can use material on other topics: “Wonderful Sea”, “Wonderful Glade”, “Wonderful Park” and others.

16. The game "Changeling".

Target: to learn to create images of objects in the imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects.

Children are given sets of 4 identical cards, on the cards there are abstract schematic images. Task for children: each card can be turned into any picture. Stick the card on a piece of paper and draw whatever you want with colored pencils to make a picture. Then take another card, stick it on the next sheet, draw again, but on the other side of the card, that is, turn the figure into another picture. You can flip the card and sheet of paper as you want when drawing! Thus, you can turn a card with the same figure into different pictures. The game continues until all the children finish drawing the figures. Then the children talk about their drawings.

17. The game "Different Tales".

Target: to teach children to imagine different situations, using a visual model as a plan.

The teacher builds any sequence of images on the demonstration board (two standing men, two running men, three trees, a house, a bear, a fox, a princess, etc.). Children are invited to come up with a fairy tale from the pictures, following their sequence.

You can use various options: the child composes the whole fairy tale on his own, the next kid should not repeat his story. If it is difficult for children, you can compose a fairy tale for everyone at the same time: the first one starts, the next one continues. Then the images change places and a new fairy tale is composed.

18. Exercise "Come up with your own end of the fairy tale."

Purpose: development of creative imagination.

Invite children to change and compose their own end of familiar fairy tales.

"Kolobok did not sit on the fox's tongue, but rolled on and met ...".

“The wolf failed to eat the goats because…” and so on.

19. The game "Good-bad" or "Chain of contradictions."

Target: the development of creative imagination through the search for contradictions.

The teacher starts - "A" is good, because "B". The child continues - "B" is bad, because "C". The next one says - "V" is good, because "G", etc.

Example: walking is good because the sun is shining. The sun is shining - bad, because it's hot. Hot is good, because it's summer, etc.

20. The game "Fairytale animal (plant)".

Target: development of creative imagination.

Invite the children to come up with and draw a fantastic animal or plant that does not look like a real one. Having drawn a picture, each child talks about what he has drawn, comes up with a name for what he has drawn. Other children are looking for features of real animals (plants) in his drawing.

21. Exercise "Fairy tale - story."

Target: the development of creative imagination, the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

After reading a fairy tale, children, with the help of an educator, separate in it what can really happen from what is fantastic. There are two stories. One is completely fantastic, the other is completely real.

Similar games and exercises can be composed infinite set, it all depends only on the creative imagination of adults who have set themselves the goal of helping each child grow up as a creatively gifted, out-of-the-box thinking, successful person.

List of used literature


There are many techniques that creative people use to achieve greater success in their activities. Fantasy is given to us by nature, but not everyone knows how to use it: but it is so necessary, especially for those who are trying to fulfill themselves in any creative niche.

In childhood, we often had to imagine or fantasize something: this happened at the moments when our mother read a fairy tale to us, when we sculpted plasticine figures, painted or played with dolls. What happened to us now? Is it possible to wake up your imagination again, develop your creativity?

Of course. Moreover, it is necessary and even very useful. Thanks to simple exercises, we will try to stimulate the birth of new ideas in our brain, to expand the range of thinking.

  • I exercise. Find with your eyes some thing that would be approximately at eye level two or three meters away from you. It can be a cup, a pencil, a notepad or a vase of flowers. With your eyes closed, imagine that you are in an empty bright and light space: imagine this for five minutes. Then suddenly open your eyes and stare at your chosen object for five minutes. In no case do not think about the subject, the look should, as it were, pass through the subject. After that, close your eyes again and imagine the thing you have chosen surrounded by a bright and light space for five minutes. This exercise must be repeated up to eight times, performing it in a calm environment, without undue stress.
  • II exercise. In the evening, when you are already lying in bed, close your eyes and imagine some letter of a dark color on a bright white background. Do not let the letter out of your imagination for 2-3 minutes, even if it persistently tries to leave. The next evening imagine some other letter in the same way. Make sure that the letter stops floating away from you, but is fixed in the brain as clearly as possible. When you learn how to fix the image, try to do the same not with letters, but with words. Thanks to this exercise, you can learn to concentrate, expand the boundaries of the imagination.
  • III exercise. With your eyes closed, imagine a small yellow square. Focus on it. Imagine that the square suddenly begins to grow, to increase to an infinite size, making all the space around it the same yellow. Next time imagine the same thing but with some other color. When this exercise seems too easy for you, start imagining that one color of the square is repainted into another, into a third. Then return to the original color.
  • IV exercise. Imagine a large and juicy apple in front of you. Start twisting it left or right, whichever is more convenient for you. Imagine that it flew out of your brain and continues to fly around the apartment. Mentally stop the flight of the apple and place it in front of your eyes. Imagine yourself as a worm and try to get inside the apple, examine it from the inside, feel yourself in it. Look at yourself from the side with the look of a worm: you can consider not only your torso, but also the environment around you, walls, interior. However, remember that this should be just a view from the outside. Control yourself. If at any point you feel that you are not in control of the situation, immediately open your eyes.
  • V exercise. Look for any thing near you. Closing your eyes, remember and imagine the picture you just saw. Opening your eyes again, compare if the pictures match. Alternately closing and opening your eyes, make sure that the imaginary and real objects are as similar as possible.
  • VI exercise. Well, you have learned to imagine objects with your eyes closed. Now it's time to do it without closing your eyes. For example, imagine that there is a brand new mobile phone that you have been coveting next to your computer. Remember, we present with our eyes open.
  • VII exercise. Do you like to travel? Wonderful. Now we will do it mentally. Try to start by mentally going into the next room. Then go outside, get in a car or bike, go to nature, to the river, swim, etc.

Imagine any pictures, do it with pleasure. You can turn on light music. It is desirable that at this time no one distracts you.

Yes, and do not overdo it: excessive imagination can immerse you in the world of illusions so much that social and everyday topics risk receding into the background for you.

Writer's Imagination Exercises

By visualizing objects, we develop our creative imagination, because it is very important for a writer to represent his heroes, their destinies, further development events.

If you want to get into writing, but doubt the vividness of your imagination, don't worry: there are no people in the world who would not have imagination. Yes, there are people who simply do not use the gift given to them by nature, and over time it fades, however, they are not hopeless either: with some effort, fantasy can still be restored. This requires, first of all, desire, willpower and knowledge of the appropriate exercises.

  • Close your eyes and remember some piece of furniture in your room. Without opening your eyes, try to name the characteristic features of this object. When everything is listed, you can open your eyes and, still not looking at the chosen object, try to write down all its signs on paper.
  • Think of a quatrain you know. Using his last line as the first, try to write your own verse.
  • Try to write a short essay about the place where you like to relax the most.
  • Write a 400 character article about a place you would like to live.
  • Describe the phrases that you would say to an unexpected guest who appeared inopportunely (for example, at night).
  • Come up with a short story that begins with the phrase: “I once had an opportunity ... but I didn’t take it.”
  • Compose your message past life. For example, refer to yourself when you were, say, 7 years old.
  • Write a short description of your favorite childhood toy.
  • What has been the most difficult for you in life? Describe it.
  • What was easier for you than you expected? Describe.
  • Write a story about the left shoe.
  • Write a humorous story about a day in your life that you think was once wasted.
  • Come up with a short article that begins with the words: "If I were given the opportunity to change something, I would start with ...".
  • Write yourself a certificate stating that you are the laziest person in the world.
  • Make up your own story about Little Red Riding Hood.
  • Imagine that you are an invisible person. Describe your actions and the reactions of those around you.
  • Identify a few of your phobias, write about the most important of them.
  • In a short article, try to describe the weather outside the window.
  • Describe in 250 words what you would do if it was raining outside right now.
  • Come up with a story about what you would cook for dinner for your worst enemy.
  • Is there a person among your acquaintances who is distinguished by great pride? Describe his behavior.
  • Look out the window and look for some unfamiliar passer-by. Write 150 words to describe his appearance, profession, hobby, give him a name.
  • Make a list of 50 things you would never do for anything.
  • Imagine that you are a Christmas tree, and you have just been cut down. Describe your feelings.
  • Come up with a story in which the following words should be present: civil engineer, boss, construction site, lunch.
  • Come up with a monologue on behalf of a recently purchased expensive watch that was accidentally thrown into the trash.
  • Make a list of fifteen reasons why you should learn English.
  • Make a list of ten reasons why it would be beneficial for a school teacher to change profession.
  • Come up with seven phrases that you don't want to say to a person who has just been fired.
  • Compose an angry text public speaking, consisting of seven short paragraphs, beginning with the words: "like a wall with peas."
  • Think of a short story using the words: priest, money, cellar, teapot.
  • Write an article on the topic: "The whole world worships false idols."
  • Describe seven reasons why a wealthy person might leave their homeland.
  • Come up with a monologue of a lonely birch that survived in a burned forest.
  • Make a list of the most compelling excuses for a dishonest person.
  • Make up a newspaper story using the words: hawthorn, glass, lawn, glasses.
  • Make a list of ten things you would donate your last $10 for.
  • Complete the request with five options: “Be kind, do not hurt ... because ...”.
  • Come up with an instructive tale using the words: family, photograph, parcel, bread.
  • List seven things you might be ashamed of.
  • Write a story in the form of a monologue about a pie that has been placed in the oven.
  • Imagine that you come to work and the door to your office is boarded up. Describe ten of the most daring reasons why this could happen.
  • come up with step by step instructions about how to teach clothes moth the rules of the road.

All tasks should be completed in writing, spending as little time as possible on each (this develops spontaneous thinking).

Such exercises train the imagination, and everything else necessary in writing (development of one's own style, composition, plot construction) requires studying at a professional level.

If you still feel that your imagination is not enough for creative activity, do not worry: constant exercises for the development of imagination will sooner or later allow you to reach a new, higher level.

The boss assigned a creative task, but you don’t know from which end to approach it? Children ask to tell a fairy tale, but apart from "Kolobok" nothing comes to mind? The girl wants surprises, but you can't figure out what that means?

It's time to start looking for information about how to develop imagination in adults. After all, it is precisely with its absence that all the difficulties that may arise in the situations described above and many other situations are connected.

But do not get upset and study tons of information: from this article you will learn the most effective, but at the same time simple techniques development of the adult imagination. Get ready for a journey into a fantasy world!

To begin with, let's figure out what imagination is and why many people do not have it. So what does this word mean?

Imagination is the ability of a person to generate various images, ideas and representations in his mind. It can be active, when you deliberately imagine something, and it can be passive, that is, unconscious.

For example, if you felt hungry, and your brain immediately gave out a picture of an appetizing burger or fried meat, imagination was connected; if you were looking at vacation photos and remembered how good it was to lie on the beach, it worked.

Thus, if a person says that he has no imagination, then this is not at all true. Everyone has this ability, but it is developed in different ways. And like any other ability or skill, imagination can be developed.

This ability is most actively manifested in young children, adolescents and young men. It is during these periods of life that we explore the world, dream, and make grandiose plans. With age, a person usually goes deeper into certain thoughts, studies, work, pays attention only to real things and pressing problems.

And if you are not a creative person whose whole life is connected with images, but a serious programmer or sales manager, then it becomes more and more difficult to come up with bright ideas every year. A person begins to think in stereotypes and sees the world too literally.

The consequence of this is boring conversations, the inability to make the world around them beautiful and colorful. How to deal with it?

In fact, developing the imagination is not too difficult even for adults. Next will be listed various techniques and ways to help deal with the problem of lack of active imagination.

The main condition for the success of these exercises is openness to experimentation and the absence of constraint. The simplest of them are performed only in your head, which means that you should not be afraid of mistakes - no one will see them. And those ways that involve interacting with other people will help you not only develop your imagination, but also have fun.

1. Activate the "imagination" with the help of visualization

Perhaps visualization is the most in a simple way activate the work of the imagination and develop it. The essence of this exercise is a detailed mental reproduction of a certain object, place, action.

You need to start small: try to carefully examine the object lying on the table, and then close your eyes and imagine it. It can be anything, such as a book or a phone.

2. Develop imagination by reading books

Visualization of events from books is closely related to the previous method. Only here the task is more difficult - you need to keep a lot of characters, images in your head, make them move and interact. Try not just to read the letters and words, assimilating certain information, but to generate a complete picture.

Over time, reading books will become as much fun as watching movies... Or maybe even better! After all, when reading a book, you can not be limited by the director's imagination, but give free rein to your own imagination, and at the same time develop it.

3. We play associations

Associative thinking is developed in most adults. So something, but everyone can imagine the color orange with the word “orange”. Playing this game with a team, you can not only have fun, but also improve your imagination skills.

4. We invent catops and other unknown animals

Where did the names of honey badger and weevil come from? Someone invented them! And, in the simplest way. Since an animal feeds on honey, it means that it should be called a honey badger, and that bird with a long beak - a weevil.

Although the names you come up with are unlikely to be included in biology textbooks, this activity can be very fun and exciting. Combining different words and inventing new ones from them will perfectly help develop the imagination not only in children, but also in adults.

5. Join the art

In fact, all creative people use this method to develop certain qualities in themselves. If you lack ideas, inspiration or imagination, go to an art gallery or an exhibition, watch films and workshops.

Watch how others do it. Sometimes a brilliant author's concept can be born from small pieces and ideas. And if you periodically observe the work of your favorite authors, then your own ideas will also not be long in coming.

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