Educational programs for elementary school. School guide

This issue is especially acute for parents of future first-graders. Everyone wants not to harm either the child or themselves. A survey of acquaintances and the study of sites begins in the hope of finding an answer to the question of interest.

Parents face a choice educational program.

But whatever the program, a lot depends on the teacher. primary school: teaching style, interest, responsibility, attitude towards children and work. It is probably fair to say that in primary school"You need to go to the teacher." So it’s worth learning more about the teachers who will recruit future first graders and.

Let's start by listing the existing programs for 2017-2018 academic year in Russian schools:

It should also be noted that all curricula are developed in accordance with the CEO, which allows you to master necessary minimum knowledge (invariant part of textbooks) or admissible for inquisitive (variable part).

Let's analyze the pros and cons of curriculums in elementary school:

OS "School 2100"

This program is continuous from kindergarten to 11th grade. Covers a large amount of material. The teacher directs and controls the search activity of students. The most difficult subjects are mathematics Kozlova S. A. and the world Vakhrusheva A. A.
On the this moment the program is limited in the use of schools, as study guides not included in federal list, that is, they did not pass the examination of the Ministry of Education.

Pros: students are trained to learn and acquire knowledge. They can easily find the information they need. They write a lot of essays and presentations, essays, have a broad outlook of knowledge.

Minuses: tasks are feasible for mastering middle and high level students, requires control and help from parents. Another disadvantage is that not all middle and high school teachers are ready to continue their education in the 5th grade.

  • first of all, parents of future first-graders need to focus on the level of development of their child;
  • take seriously the choice of a primary school teacher, because a competent, experienced teacher will make any program interesting and useful, and the child will definitely learn it;
  • it is also necessary to remember that the success of education depends not only on the teacher, but also on the desire of parents to participate in the life of the student himself, to spend their time and energy.

Many parents of children going to first grade do not understand the difference between the educational programs that elementary schools offer today. In total, there are eight programs on the list of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. So what school program to choose for a first grader? The author of "Letidor" talked about the most popular of them with the well-known author of manuals for elementary school, teacher-practitioner Olga Uzorova.

Program "Schools of Russia"

Olga, what can you say about her?

  • This is a classic. The parents of today's first-graders also studied at the School of Russia. Children who go to school under this program have every right to come to grade 1 without knowing anything at all. Of course, they saw letters and numbers, but so far they did not pay much attention to them. But these children, as a rule, have well-developed speech. Before school, relatives and friends baked pies with them, rode a bicycle, walked a lot, and discussed all this.

Nowadays, the program "Schools of Russia" follows the 1-4 system, when elementary school consists of four years of study. In my opinion, the best textbooks are from the same program, but according to the 1-3 system. It is in them that topics are more logically built and revealed.

In general, the "School of Russia" is such a base on which you can string any of the programs offered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

Do I understand correctly that the transition from school to school to another training program from the "School of Russia" is easier?

  • Yes, it is easier if the teacher gives a good base. However, it is almost impossible for a teacher to take a clean program and study only one textbook. For example, I alternate the classical program with mathematics according to L.G. Peterson. I also add a little bit from Harmony, a little bit from D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov.

Most Methodists say that this should never be done. But I have a lot of experience in school. And, as practice shows, there are no universal solutions for different children. Of my three grades in elementary school, we never repeated sets of textbooks. And the topics that I chose for the same Peterson were very different for each class.

She herself is familiar with some parents who said: “Well, he doesn’t know how to read before school, and that’s fine. They will teach you at school!”

  • Yes, this principled position of some parents is increasingly common. True, it’s one thing when they say “Let the school teach!” and lead to the program "School of Russia". But when they say the same thing and take the child to the “D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydov, make a mistake. Because this program is designed for a child prepared for school. The "Perspective" program is also designed for the fact that the child can read, having come to the 1st grade.

I have spoken to some primary school curricula and they are sure that a child will definitely come to grade 1 prepared. They were surprised: “What, he can’t count within 10? Of course, we give this in our textbooks, but insofar as ... ”And I answered them that, having experience in an English gymnasium, I personally saw children who went to grade 1 without knowing how to count at all. Although there was a selection process for this school, the children were seen by a teacher, a speech therapist, and a psychologist.

What should a teacher do if there are children in his class who are diverse in terms of knowledge?

  • For example, in a class of 25 people - 20 are well prepared, and five cannot count - this situation is not uncommon. In the "System of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov", for example, most of the initial base (counting within ten, reading, writing, if we are talking about the first grade) are dotted, and the teacher does not have time to pull out the lagging behind. Then the burden falls on the parents.

Is preliminary preparation necessary only for the "System of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov"? Tell us about the features of other programs.

  • No, not only in the Elkonin-Davydov System. Let's take the program "Perspective". The author of the alphabet is Klimanova L.F., the textbook on mathematics is Dorofeev G.V., Mirakova T.N. Dorofeev came to us from high school. The specifics of teaching there is different, not like in elementary school. And he, for example, believes that memorizing the composition of the number "3" is a mockery of the student and teacher. Accordingly, this stage is omitted in Perspective, although it is very important.

This program involves learning by leaps and bounds, and then in high school children make mistakes in basic examples. Of course, there are students for whom this system is suitable, they know right at the genetic level that 3 is 1 plus 2, and if you add 8 and 5, you get 13.

But 80% of children do not know this! Again, someone is more motivated to study and grasps it all faster. And someone does not care at all that 3 = 1 + 2, and in order to ignite it, the teacher needs to make a lot of work.

“In the program “Primary School of the 21st Century” (mathematics - V. N. Rudnitskaya), text problems in mathematics begin to be given in April-May, almost at the end of grade 1, and this is too late. But experienced teachers correct the program and start giving them much earlier.”

“In the Promising Elementary School program, the author of the math textbook is also from high school. So the approach is similar to "Perspective".

What program do you choose as an experienced teacher?

  • Even if we recruit a class of strong children, we cannot say for 100% how they will do in school. Because we don't know how they learn the material. How long did it take them to achieve one result? One, preparing for the first grade, mastered everything in six months, with the other from the age of 3 they studied ... My task is to learn all the children who came to the class, and not throw off the program on the parents. Therefore, I am still an adherent of the classics, which is available for children of any level of training.

Hello, friends! Welcome to the blog pages! Don't you think that when our parents sent us to first grade, it was much easier for them than for us? Buying was the main concern. school uniform, briefcase and all necessary accessories. Today we face a more serious and responsible choice. Among other things, you also need to decide on what program the child will study, how and what he will be taught at school.

September is just around the corner, and poor parents, in turmoil and anxiety, are studying websites about educational programs for children. junior schoolchildren, look through the reviews and in a fit of desperation in various forums ask: “Which one is better?”

In order to protect you from such a situation and give confidence in the future of your child, I tried in this review article to tell you in an accessible and simple way about the main education programs in the primary grades of our Russian schools for the 2016-2017 academic year. And be sure to watch the video at the end of the article, you will learn a lot of new things)

Lesson plan:

"School 2100"

It is one of the few programs that is continuous, meaning children can study from kindergarten through grade 11. has existed for 20 years and is widely used in Russian schools.

In the course of training, children master a large amount of material. The program involves the independent activity of students, when the teacher does not teach, but directs and controls the learning process. At the same time, the teacher finds an individual approach to each. There is creativity in learning.

"School of Russia"

This is the program that our parents and some of us studied under. It’s already the 21st century, and it still remains relevant.

The program is not called in vain. If you want your child to become part of a generation of true patriots, then this program will be the perfect solution to this issue. Education, in particular, is aimed at developing in each child an interest in the country in which he lives, to arouse a desire for its further study and knowledge. The program involves the education of a person who will glorify his homeland, love and respect people, and treat nature with awe, love and caution.

The system of D. B. Elkonin - V. V. Davydov

It should be noted right away that training is quite difficult. Its slogan can be made the saying "Patience and work will grind everything." Information is not given to students in a ready-made form - students must learn to find it on their own, studying the causes of a particular phenomenon.

The system does not provide for marking. Instead, the teacher provides parents with information about their child's academic and creative progress in the form of a portfolio. The main focus is not on the result, but on the way to achieve it. This is effective, as it allows you to better remember the information that the student “chews” and “swallows” on his own.

"Promising Elementary School"

Teachers teaching under this program, in their work Special attention respect the individuality of each child. At the same time, they take into account how old the students are, what level of development they have, and most importantly, their interests. It is well known that absolutely each of us is talented, you just need to give this talent an impetus. The task of the teacher is to awaken the child's abilities and direct them in the right direction.

The prospective elementary school assumes that during learning, children play the roles not only of those who learn something, but also organizers of learning activities. It is important that students work independently, alone, and in groups. Particular attention is paid to the process of information search. The program also includes a connection subjects in one discipline, which allows you to form a holistic picture of the world.

"Primary school XXI century"

While studying, children learn to be independent, they develop the ability to control themselves without anyone's help and evaluate themselves correctly (which is also very important). The teacher tries to conduct classes in dialogue, giving his students the right to personal opinion without punishing or censuring for mistakes. So here you should not be afraid that your child will develop the so-called “excellent student syndrome”.

It is not the result itself that is evaluated, but how the student came to it. Education also involves the development of the ability to argue one's opinion already at school, starting from the first days at the desk.


The very name of the program promises parents a lot. The main task is to educate in the child a spiritually developed personality, the personality of a citizen.

The system of values ​​of humanism and morality is formed in younger schoolchildren from the first grade. "Perspective" is aimed at awakening in each child an interest in learning something new, which eventually develops into independence. The teacher, before giving ready-made information, shows the problem, the solution of which will be new knowledge.

"Planet of Knowledge"

The training is structured as follows. Tasks are given to students and simple tasks but creative. Children must learn to solve them on their own, but not without the help of a teacher who guides and controls his students.

Students must master the primary skills of finding information, learn how to act consistently when solving problems, find the causes and ways to eliminate them. There is a lot of information on "" (it's not for nothing that it is called that), and the teacher's task is to help "space travelers" who first find themselves in open space knowledge.

Zankov system

The learning process is not traditional, when the teacher tells, and the children remember. The task of the teacher is to master the new material in a creative way. On the basis of the examples given by the teacher, the students must "dig" to the truth on their own. That is why special attention is paid practical application acquired knowledge. However, the theoretical part does not stand aside and is no less important in the learning process.

In spite of high level difficulties, the system involves the rapid development of the material.

Russian literary critic Mikhail Gasparov in one of his works said that the school must meet the requirements that will be relevant in 20 years. And our task is to choose the school and the program that will cope with this task, unless, of course, you are given the right to make such a choice. It is also worth considering the characteristics of your child, his level of development and interests.

Personally, I prefer the "School of Russia". My daughter has been attending this program for four years now. And next year my son will study on it. And I'm happy with everything.

The topic of training programs is so relevant that even entire TV shows are devoted to it. One of them is below. Watch the video. A lot of information.

And remember, ShkolaLa is always there and always ready to help with good advice.

All the best!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


In Soviet times, schools offered the only educational program that was set for everyone from above. Since the nineties, the idea of ​​a variety of educational programs has arisen in the education system. Today, schools choose the most popular forms and programs of education, and parents, in turn, choose schools that are suitable for their children. What kind educational programs are offered to first-graders and their parents today?

Primary school program School of Russia - a classical general education program

The classic program, known to all students from the Land of the Soviets. There are no exceptions - it is designed for everyone. Slightly modernized with non-standard tasks and tasks that develop logical thinking, it is easily absorbed by children and does not present any special problems. The goal is to educate the spiritual and moral principles in young citizens of Russia.

Features of the program School of Russia

  • The development of such qualities as responsibility, tolerance, empathy, kindness, mutual assistance.
  • Instilling skills related to work, health, life safety.
  • Creation problem situations to search for evidence, to make assumptions and formulate their conclusions, for subsequent comparison of the results obtained with the standard.

It is not necessary for a child to be a child prodigy - the program is available to everyone. However, the willingness to work in any situation and the ability to self-esteem will come in handy.

The Zankov Elementary School Program develops the individuality of the student

The purpose of the program is an impetus in the development of the child at a certain stage of education, the disclosure of individuality.

Features of the Zankov system program

  • A large amount of theoretical knowledge that is given to the student.
  • Fast paced material delivery.
  • Equal importance of all items (there are no primary and less significant items).
  • Building lessons through dialogue, search tasks, creative.
  • A bunch of logical tasks in a math course.
  • Teaching the classification of objects, the allocation of primary and secondary.
  • Availability of electives in computer science, foreign languages, economics.

For such a program, excellent preparedness of the student is required. At a minimum, the child must have attended Kindergarten.

Elkonin-Davydov Primary School Program 2013 - Pros and Cons

Quite difficult, but interesting program for children. The goal is the formation of theoretical thinking. Learning to change oneself, put forward hypotheses, search for evidence and argumentation. As a result - the development of memory.

Features of the Elkonin-Davydov program

  • The study of numbers in different number systems in a mathematical course.
  • Word changes in Russian: instead of a verb - words-actions, instead of a noun - words-objects, etc.
  • Learning to consider your actions and thoughts from the outside.
  • Independent search for knowledge, and not memorization of school axioms.
  • Considering the child's personal judgment as a test of thought, not a mistake.
  • Slow pace of work.

Needed: attention to detail, thoroughness, ability to generalize.

Program 2100 Elementary School develops the intellectual abilities of students

This program is, first of all, the development of intelligence and ensuring the effective integration of the student into society.

Features of the program School 2100

  • Most of the tasks are in printed format. It is required, for example, to finish something, enter the desired icon in the box, etc.
  • Lots of logic puzzles.
  • Training has several levels - for weak and strong students, taking into account the individual development of each. There is no comparison of children by development.
  • Formation of readiness for work and continuing education, artistic perception, personal properties for successful adaptation in society.
  • Teaching the development of a general humanitarian and natural scientific worldview.

The program involves the elimination of stress factors in the learning process, the creation of a comfortable environment to stimulate creative activity, the relationship of all subjects to each other.

Comfortable adaptation of first-graders with the program Primary school of the XXI century

The program is a gentle training option that has a very long adaptation period for first-graders. It is considered the least painful for children. According to the authors, the adaptation of the child occurs only by the end of the first grade, therefore, for the most part, in this period there will be drawing and coloring, a minimum of reading and mathematics.

Features of the program Primary school of the XXI century

  • The main emphasis is on the development of thinking and imagination, in contrast to the classical school curriculum (memory and perception).
  • Separate subjects are combined with each other (for example, the Russian language with literature).
  • A lot of classes for the collective and team solution of certain problems.
  • A large number of tasks, the purpose of which is to relieve stress in children.

Harmony program for elementary school - for the all-round development of the child

A program close to the Zankov system, but simplified.

Features of the program Harmony

  • Emphasis on the versatile development of the individual, including logic, intelligence, creative and emotional development.
  • Building a trusting student/teacher relationship.
  • Teaching reasoning, building cause-and-effect relationships.
  • A more complex program in a mathematical course.

There is an opinion that such a program is not suitable for a child who has difficulties with logic.

The Promising Elementary School Program - Is It Right for Your Child?

The goal is the development of logic and intelligence.

Features of the Promising Elementary School Program

  • No need for cramming the theorems / axioms of modern textbooks.
  • Additional extracurricular activities.
  • In addition to the main subjects - another ten hours of sports, music, drawing.

This program does not require a child's superpowers - it is suitable for anyone.

The Planet of Knowledge program is aimed at developing the creative abilities of children

The main emphasis is on creative development, humanitarian sciences, independence.

Features of the Planet of Knowledge program

  • Writing fairy tales for children and independently creating illustrations for them.
  • Creation of more serious projects - for example, presentations on certain topics.
  • The division of tasks into a mandatory minimum and an educational part for those who wish.

Above. She allowed to teach and educate a child who approached high school fully armed.

In the early 1990s, the relevant services began to pay special attention to programs. As a result, many options for teaching first-graders were born. Currently, there are about ten main programs designed to help children develop the inclinations inherent in them. At least that's what it looks like on paper.

According to the Law on Education, each school has the right to independently choose one or another program. Parents, on the other hand, have the opportunity to choose a training option based on the abilities and level of learning of the child, since there are complex programs, and there are simpler ones.

"School of Russia"

The most traditional school curriculum is the "School of Russia". It was taught in Soviet times. It is designed for almost all students. Naturally, it was modernized, new knowledge was added in order to develop logic. At the same time, it is easily digestible. Probably, it is the "School of Russia" that acts as the most universal and best program for most children.

Development program Zankov

This program is designed to give the child a maximum of theory, then at some point he will have a boost in development. The material is given as quickly as possible, in almost all areas of life.

There are no major or minor items here. Each lesson is built in the form of a dialogue, there are search and creative tasks. The program is harder than the "School of Russia". Students must be developed and prepared. If the child has not attended kindergarten, it will be difficult for him to master this version of the program.

Developing program Elkonin - Davydov

A very complex program aimed at developing theoretical thinking in children. The student is taught to change on his own, putting forward simple hypotheses, looking for evidence and arguments. This is good for memory. Suitable for children who are slightly ahead of their peers in development.


Teachers believe that this program is designed to teach how to learn. There are many tasks that develop logic, intelligence. Many tasks are submitted in ready-made printed form, so that the student can finish them by entering the necessary icons or numbers in the cells.

The system is interesting in that it is multi-level, that is, tasks are given separately for strong and lagging children. This approach allows taking into account the development of each student individually.

"Elementary school of the 21st century"

It is a gentle program with a long adaptive period. The authors believe that children adapt to school life only by the end of the first grade. Learning programs develop thinking, imagination. However, some items can be combined into one. For example, "Letter" includes the Russian language and literature. The program is suitable for any child.

This program is one of the most painless for children to adapt to school.


It is very similar to the Zankov program, but a little simpler. The program is designed to develop the child in many ways - logic, intelligence, artistic creativity, emotional ability. The role of the teacher is to create comfortable relationships among students in all respects.

"Promising Elementary School"

The program focuses on over-subject competencies, but not on skills, knowledge and logic. For example, mathematics develops logic and intelligence.

The student will not cram theorems and all kinds of axioms. But the children will be encouraged to engage in extracurricular activities. For example, first-graders, plus, will be engaged in drawing 10 hours a year, like music and sports. The program is designed for ordinary children and will suit most first-graders.

Definitely highlight the most the best program it is impossible, since everything depends on the characteristics of the development of the child, his predispositions. To do right choice, it is better to communicate with teachers who will give recommendations. You should not think that studying under the Zankov program, the child will be smarter than the one who chose the "School 2100". Everything depends on him and his innate talents and predispositions.