Synopsis of an open lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory school speech therapy group “Sounds, and the letter D. Abstract of the GCD “Sounds D, D, letter D” plan-outline of a lesson in literacy (preparatory group) on the topic Assignments for sound d d

Topic: Sounds [d] and [d "]. letter dd.

Correctional and educational tasks.Clarification of the articulation of sounds [d] and [d "]. Formation of skills to distinguish between sounds [d] and [d"]. Comparison of sounds by hardness and softness. Development phonemic hearing and perception. Isolation of given sounds by ear and in pronunciation from the sound range, a number of syllables, words. Drawing up the characteristics of sounds based on symbols. Locating sound in words. Sound-letter analysis of the words smoke, house. Acquaintance with the letter D. Drawing a letter in the air, laying it out from sticks. Finding the image of a letter in the objects of the immediate environment.

Correction-developing tasks.The development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention, memory, thinking, articulatory, fine and general motor skills. Improving tactile perception.

Correctional and educational tasks.Cultivating a sensitive relationship with each other.

Equipment. Pictures of small and large houses, blue and green houses, ball, word schemes, chips, notebooks, counting sticks, pencils.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.(Creating an emotionally positive background for the lesson).

Speech therapist. Today we will be builders, we will build a house. Tighten your muscles, show how strong you are. (Children tense and relax the muscles of the hands.)

Hands rubbed and warmed up

And we wash our face with our warmth,

Rakes rake up all the bad thoughts,

We rub our ears up and down quickly,

We bend them forward, pull them down by the lobes,

And then we leave with our fingers on the cheeks.

We knead the cheeks to puff up,

We knead our lips to smile.

Like ducklings we pull beaks to ducks,

Knead them gently, without touching the nails.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

Exercises "smile - tube", "brush your teeth", "swing", "horse".

3. Clarification of the articulation of sounds [d] and [d "].

The speech therapist shows a picture of a big house.

We want to build a house.

Let's give the tongue a job.

We'll take the hammers

Let's hammer carnations together

[e] easy to pronounce.

(Children hit the upper teeth with the tip of their tongue, putting the back of their hand to the larynx, and give a characterization of the sound [d] - consonant, voiced, hard.)

The speech therapist shows a picture of a small house.

We want to build a house.

Let's give the tongue a job.

We'll take the hammers

Let's hammer carnations together

[d"] easy to pronounce.

(Children easily hit the upper teeth with the tip of their tongue, putting the back of their hand to the larynx, and characterize the sound [d "] - consonant, voiced, hard.) The speech therapist shows the symbols of hard and soft sounds- blue and green circles.

  1. Journey game.(Formation of skills to distinguish between sounds [d] and [d "].)

Speech therapist. We are going on a journey. Who is at the very beginning of the road? (Crocodile) He will let us through if you determine what sound is in the word crocodile - [d] or [d "]. Take a pencil and draw a green circle under the crocodile. Find the place of the sound in the word. Similarly, work is done with the words bear, dragon , dinosaur, oak, chest.

Speech therapist. To open the chest, you need to divide the words into syllables and name the stressed syllable.

5. The game "Echo". Children repeat chains of syllables after a speech therapist and find an extra one.

Yes - yes - dy - yes, to - di - du - yes, dy - dy - dy - to - dy, dy - du - de - du.

6. The game "Knock - knock - knock."(Coordination of speech with movement.)

Knock-Knock. We are building a house. (Children hit fist on fist.)

The house is high. House with a window. (Raise hands up, spread apart.)

With a sharp roof and chimney. (Join hands above head, raise one hand up.)

In the house I live with you. (Point to themselves and neighbor.)

7. The game "Tell me a word."

The speech therapist begins the word, and the children end with a syllable with the sounds being studied: in .. (yes), yago ... (yes), pogo ... (yes), koman ... (yes), next ... (dy, di), reward .. (dy , di), sa ... (dy, di).

Speech therapist. Finish the sentence with a word that begins with the sound [d].

My friend's name is Dasha).

The car is driving along ... (road).

From the pipe comes ... (smoke).

The squirrel is warm ... (hollow).

Dad built ... (house).

Children lay out the words house and smoke from a split alphabet and make a sound-letter analysis.

8. Ball game "Everything with the letter D."

Speech therapist. Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [d]: catfish - house, leader - rain, bump - daughter, rapids - roads, cannon - darling, circle - friend, carcass - shower, pack - dacha, wolf - duty, fluff - spirit , rama is a lady, steam is a gift, night is a daughter.

9. Work with the letter D.

Speech therapist. What does the letter D look like?

The letter D is like a house,
But only with one window.

Task: Draw the letter D in the air, lay it out of sticks, highlight the noisy letters D. Draw pictures for the sounds [d] and [d "] (house, smoke, tree, road, firewood).

Correct mistakes - add the missing elements of the letter D.

10. End of class.(Assessment of children's work.)

Modern parents know that for successful schooling, children need to pronounce all sounds clearly and clearly. mother tongue. Without correct speech it is impossible to express one's thoughts, write dictations, compose retellings. Usually, a child should have a well-developed speech for school. However, some preschoolers never learn to speak clearly, distort some sounds, so it becomes necessary to contact a speech therapist. Experts note that in Lately new types of dyslalia (violations of sound pronunciation) appeared, which were almost never met before. These include the incorrect pronunciation of the sounds T, D. Will parents be able to work at home to correct the sound pronunciation if such a speech disorder is found in a child? In order to properly organize classes at home, it is necessary to understand what the production of sound m is in connection with the production of sound e.

Important: correct pronunciation develops mainly by the age of five, so you should seek special help after 5 years. However, from an early age, it is necessary to carefully monitor the speech of the child, not to be touched by the distortion of words, but, if possible, to correct the speech errors of the crumbs.

Features of the pronunciation of sounds T D

What kind typical mistakes do children make when they are pronounced? Common speech disorders include:

  • Replacing the sounds of the anterior lingual "T - D" with the corresponding posterior lingual "k - g", for example, "k ( T) toy", "ing( d)yuk.
  • Mixing consonants of the anterior lingual "T - D" with the posterior lingual "k - g": cell - cell; glass - rolled up.
  • The sound "T" can be softened by "P" or "K", for example: a little bird - a bird; kyochka, pyochka instead of a dot.
  • Persistent mixing T H(at T it - teaches, girl be(h)ka), T C(Pe c I am Petya c et - blooms).

In children with speech errors, one can observe the following construction of sentences: “Mom, de (where) are my tonfetki (sweets)?”, “On the tarte (picture) dosi”. Others immediately notice such violations, and parents can also detect incorrect sound articulation. T: instead of leaving the tip of the tongue at the bottom, resting on the front teeth, the baby raises it to the palate.

Very often the causes of incorrect pronunciation are:

  • Disturbances in articulation (the work of the organs of speech).
  • Little mobility of the lower jaw.
  • Underdevelopment of auditory perception (the baby does not distinguish sounds).
  • A bad example of adults when someone around mispronounces T D.

In any case, the diagnosis is made by a speech therapist, and the parents are engaged in staging sounds at home in accordance with his recommendations. Articulation gymnastics helps a lot in work, which should become a constant companion not only in classes, but also in everyday life.

Important: correction of the pronunciation of sounds N T D, as a rule, is carried out after simple sounds are clearly set in the speech of a preschooler: vowels (a, y, o, i, e, s) and consonants (b b, p p, m m, in vy, ff ph).

To test the pronunciation of sounds T D You can offer your child a small test in the form of several exercises:

  1. Following the adult, say sentences in which these sounds occur, for example: Dusya gives a melon to Dasha. Aunt Tanya has notebooks on the table.
  2. Consider pictures that depict objects with sounds T D, for example: slippers, calf, tiger, ax, TV, cart, cake; melon, house, door, tree, girl, children.
  3. Among the pictures laid out on the table, find the one that the adult will name: a dot is a daughter, a cloud is a cottage, a duck is a pipe, a pond is a twig, a house is a volume.

Work is required for that kid whose speech is not traced T D or are replaced by other sounds, there is no differentiation (distinguishing sounds similar in sound).

Techniques for setting sounds T D

The classic methods of speech therapy work are preparatory stage and sound production, which can be actively used in homework. If you choose the right exercises, then it will not be difficult for parents to cope with speech disorders your child.

Important: before teaching the child the correct articulation of sound T (D), the adult must himself work out the position of the lips and tongue in front of the mirror: the lips take the position of the vowel that follows T(ta - ta - ta); the tongue is fixed in the upper teeth; the palate is raised. In addition, articulation gymnastics must also be pre-rehearsed by an adult.

Preparatory stage

Speech therapists insist that if the baby's tongue is not strong enough to make sounds, you must first strengthen the muscles of the tongue and lips. Therefore, the preparatory stage necessarily includes articulation gymnastics. Speech therapy massage exercises will help to prepare the speech apparatus for it:

  1. An adult, using a mirror, teaches a preschooler to take the correct position of the lips and tongue, showing differences in pronunciation, for example, T(tip of tongue) and TO(tongue tail): “They eat cake”, “Drops drip”.
  2. Sound staging T requires a sharp and strong exhalation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the ability to exhale correctly. You can use the exercises: "Soap bubbles", "Balloon", "Flying snowflakes (from a napkin or cotton balls)".
  3. This is followed by articulation gymnastics:
  • “Big smile” - connect your teeth, stretch your lips wide and hold this position for up to 7 seconds.
  • "Tick-tock clock" - the tongue moves quickly to the left - to the right along the upper lip.
  • “The tongue does not obey” - pronounce five-five-five, tapping the upper lip on the tongue, gradually differentiating (distinguishing) the sounds P T.
  • “Tongue - spatula” - relax the tongue, making it wide, place it on the relaxed lower lip.

Important: we must try to make it interesting for the child to perform rather monotonous preparatory tasks. For this, it is necessary to introduce new exercises at each home lesson. For this, it is necessary to introduce new exercises at each home lesson. articulatory gymnastics which can be borrowed from speech therapy practice.

Setting sounds

How to put sound at home? Experts offer several ways to set the sound, the parent can try all of them and choose the one that is more accessible and understandable to the baby.

  1. staging T by imitation: an adult offers a preschooler to repeat syllables first, and then words, it is advisable to start with the syllable “ta”. For example: ta-ta-ta, ta-you-that-that, you-you-you, you-that-that-that, that-that-that, that-that-that-you. Then the transition to words - pure phrases: ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta, such beauty; you-you-you, you-you-you, gave us flowers; tu-tu-tu, tu-tu-tu, we clean up; so-and-so, so-and-so, I put on my coat. A creative approach to speech classes will allow parents to independently compose such tongue twisters to sound, attracting children to creativity.
  2. Interdental method: an adult shows the child the position of the tongue (the tongue is clamped with the lips, in this position you need to exhale strongly until you get a sound, then place the tongue behind the teeth). You can learn to control exhalation by playing the "fence" for air by placing your palm in front of your mouth. Or arrange a game of "ball" (a cotton ball is driven into an impromptu gate with a stream of air).
  3. Speech therapists use the method of setting T from the sound P. The child repeats pa-pa-pa, placing the wide tip of the tongue on the lower lip, then, smiling broadly, says P, it turns out T.
  4. When staging D there is an identical work, only when exhaling a voice is added.

Automation of sounds T D

When the sounds T D will be delivered (correct articulation has appeared), and the child will learn to pronounce them, the next step comes - automation (skill development). It is important to achieve free pronunciation here. Since this is new to a preschooler, a long training session is required. Speech therapists recommend introducing a practiced skill gradually: first through syllables, then words, then sentences. Articulation exercises, games based on poems, stories, riddles will help well in this work, which will also support interest in classes. At the same time, do not forget that every homework must begin with articulatory gymnastics.

Important: parents need to make every effort to ensure that the incorrect pronunciation of sounds T D disappeared as quickly as possible from the child's speech. At the same time, take into account that new material introduced only after the previous one has been assimilated.

What can an adult do to keep a child interested in activities and at the same time repeat monotonous actions many times? Game techniques will help, with the help of which syllables are worked out, for example: ta-ta-ta, yes-yes-yes, so-and-so, do-do-do, ta-you-to-tu, at-at-at, yes-dy-du, yt-yt-yt, ud-ud-ud. Plots can be very diverse:

  • We will teach the doll to brush her teeth, show her what articulation gymnastics is: “let's brush our teeth” (various movements of the tongue over the teeth from the outside and from the inside up - down, left - right).
  • Let's sing a song to the toys: "tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, we are taking a cat with us";
  • Play the drum for the bear: tram-ta-ta-tam; on a pipe for a dog: doo-doo-doo.
  • I start talking, and you finish (an adult pronounces part of the word, which necessarily ends in a syllable with sounds T D): flowers-you, beauty-ta, candy-you, mach-ta, coat, bouquet-you; bike-dy, ke-dy, beard-yes.
  • Hello finger! (the thumb is put forward, and each finger alternately “greets him” with syllables: that, that, that, you; yes, do, do, do).

After the sounds are automated in the preschooler, the work becomes more complicated, the pronunciation of the sound is fixed in words.

Exercise "Collect the beads"

An Effective Sound Automation Exercise T with older preschoolers. An adult offers a preschooler to collect unusual beads, having previously agreed which syllable follows which. For example, there may be such a sequence: that - that - you - that - that - that. Similarly, work is being done with sound e. At first, you can rely on clarity (colored beads, circles of colored paper, pencils). In the future, visibility is removed, the child acts from memory.

Exercise "Come up with words with sounds T D"

Invite the child to repeat words with sounds after an adult T D at the beginning, middle, end of a word. For example, an adult begins with a more understandable syllable that: that kidney, that chka, that relay; baby continues: that nk, that Buret, that netz, that xi. Then moves on to another position T D: ko T ik, pe T ear, ka T ok fox T OK; fat T, playing T, collect T, lae T, help T. Or du daughter, Yes th, de uh, by Yes rky, sol Yes t (voice emphasis on the highlighted). If at first it is difficult for a preschooler to continue the vocabulary, you can work with pictures. Similarly, work with syllables you dy: you qua, dy rka, you, dy m; up to: then since, then rt, then flat, before bry, then chka, before chka; that du: that chka, that loop, ra du ha, du ha. It is better to prepare the vocabulary in advance. Even more interesting is the automation exercise with the ball. The adult throws the ball to the child with his word, the child answers with his own.

Exercise "Sound t and sound d in a sentence"

Similar work takes place with sentences, the preschooler repeats after the adult, highlighting with his voice T D:

  • Tanya and Tom are on the tram.
  • Trofim is in a taxi.
  • The plane is flying.
  • Aunt Tonya is planting flowers.
  • Dima and Tolya are skating.
  • Dasha and Denis shared a melon.
  • Children go to kindergarten.

In order for the preschooler to independently compose a sentence, plot pictures are used. It is necessary to ensure that all the words of the sentence have a sound that is automated ( T D).

Nursery rhymes, tongue-twisters for automating sounds T D

To make it easy for parents to choose an artistic range for practicing the sounds of T D, you can use speech therapy selections or come up with tongue twisters for sound with the children. For example, the parent starts with syllables, and the child then rhymes the sentence:

  • Ta - ta - ta, ta - ta - ta, (they saw ki in the sea that).
  • Tu - tu - tu, tu - tu - tu, (let's pour milk to that).
  • Yes - yes - yes, yes - yes - yes, (all splashed in Yes).
  • Dy - dy - dy, dy - dy - dy, (there is no water in the glass) dy).
  • Yes - yes - yes, yes - yes - yes, (don't you go that Yes).
  • Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, (sing there anyway du).

A lot of nursery rhymes can be found on children's websites or in children's books. Their main task is to automate sound T (D), its correct pronunciation, for example:

Shadow, Shadow, Sweat, higher than the city, wattle.
The animals sat on the wattle fence and boasted all day long.
The fox boasted: I am beautiful to the whole world!
The bunny boasted: Go, catch up!

Pull canvases,
The canvases are simple.
Pull, pull, pull
Across, across shift.

We know, we know: Yes, Yes, Yes!
Water is hiding in the tap!
Come out, voditsa!
We came to wash!

LaDushki, LaDushki,
Let's bake olaDushki.
We'll put it on the window.
Let's make it cool down.
Let's wait a little,
All olaDushek DaDim.

Differentiation of sounds D T

An important step in speech therapy work is the differentiation of sounds (distinguishing similar in sound, T D, D D, T Th). This stage is carried out in parallel with automation and is necessary in order to compare the sound (soft and hard), to work out the pronunciation. You can teach a preschooler new special techniques for distinguishing sounds: a hand is applied to the throat during sounding, a sound is determined ( D- voiced, vocal; T deaf, no voice). For differentiation, you can use already known techniques: syllables, words, sentences in exercises, games, tongue twisters, nursery rhymes.

Differentiation of sounds ТТТ in the exercise “Compare sounds in guesses”

An adult invites the child to solve riddles, and then asks if the sound is the same T in all clues? The main thing is to make it possible to understand the difference in the pronunciation of sounds T(solid) TH(soft).

Round, not a month, yellow, not oil,
Sweet, not sugar, with a tail, not a mouse ( you kva).

Bows, bows, comes home - stretches ( then pore).

A block froze above the water,
For dinner, she dreams of fish.
There are fins and too lazy to swim,
Another fish will eat ( bye laziness).

Exercise "Correct speech"

The goal is to teach how to correctly and clearly pronounce and distinguish D D.

Grandfather Dodon blew a tune,
Grandfather hit Danka with a pipe.

Woodpecker hammering a tree
Day - day bark crushes.

Game "Come up with a proposal"

For setting and fixing pronunciation T D adults can teach children to come up with beautiful sentences when relying on verbal helpers. Then determine which words are hard T D, and which are soft T D D:

Denis - telephone (Denis was presented with a telephone);
House - a cat (Our cat does not walk, he is at home);
Tanya is a melon (Tanya loves a melon);
Tyoma - pipe (Tyoma learns to play the pipe);
Dusya - pictures (Dusya likes to look at pictures);

Important: parents should understand that homework for correct pronunciation consists in the formation of the skill of pronouncing the sounds of the native language. This is a long, systematic process that requires patience and hard training in automation, sound differentiation. A thoughtful selection of articulatory gymnastics, exercises, games, verbal material will help to achieve good results in the development of competent beautiful speech in preschool children.

11. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Dima drew a tree. Near the tree is a small pond. Magnificent white swans swam in it. Dima showed the drawing to his mother. - Dima, how beautiful, - said my mother. Dima was happy.

Differentiation of sounds D - D

After the sounds D, DL are set and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse hard and soft pronunciation options.

Practical material for the differentiation of sounds D - D.

1. Repeat the syllables.


2. Repeat the words.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Danny is sitting on the couch. In a reservoir of water, it is visible - invisible. Dima is not alone at home. Bears love honey. Houses - brownie, v water - water. Uncle Fedya gave honey to the bear. Nadia ate melon. Ada has a reward on her chest. A hollow is a hole in a tree. There are fruit trees in the village. Volodya congratulated Danya. Luda saw a camel. Danya saw swans. Monday in the calendar is a weekday. Dana was given a poodle. There is cold water in the bucket. Fedya goes home. Denis is walking down the road. My daughter has stomachs. Danya brought nails.

Correction-developing tasks.

1. To teach the child to determine the number of sounds he heard.

2. Learn to listen to whispers.

3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [D], [D "], differentiate them by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Consolidate the ability to determine the place of sounds at the beginning and middle of words.

5. To teach the child to keep in memory and reproduce a syllable series of 3-4 elements.

6. Explain to the child that people's names are capitalized.

7. Learn to analyze words: house, Dima.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise "Listen carefully" (development of auditory attention).

The adult claps his hands, and the child, closing his eyes, counts to himself how many times they clapped, and then raises the corresponding figure.

Task 2. Didactic exercise "Follow commands" (development of hearing acuity).

An adult pronounces various commands in a whisper (for example, raise your hands up, hide your hands behind your back, etc.), and the child listens to them carefully and fulfills them.

Task 3. Acquaintance with the sound [D].

Guess the riddle, name the first sound in the guess word.

A white pole stands on the roof

And it grows higher and higher.

Here he has grown to heaven -

And disappeared. (Smoke)

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [D]: when we pronounce the sound [D], then:

Sponges are free;

The teeth are close together, but not closed;

The tongue taps with the tip behind the upper teeth;

The neck "works".

Sound symbol: woodpecker hammering a tree: DDD...

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (the tongue creates a barrier to air), solid, sonorous. Designation: blue circle with a bell.

Task 4. phonetic exercise.

A woodpecker hammers a tree: DDDDDDD ... (pronounce the sound [D] after the adult: D D D D D D D D

Task 5. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [D]":

a, d, m, d, d, i, d; yes, doo, ma, we, do.

An adult asks the child to bend his finger if he hears a word with the sound [D]. How many fingers were bent?

Oak, cow, road, water, mustache, house, fox.

Task 6. The adult invites the child to repeat a series of syllables after him:

yes-do-doo, dy-doo-yes; yes-do-doo-dy, doo-dy-yes-do.

Task 7. The adult offers the child to add the last syllable to the words, to name the whole word:

YES: poma..., reward..., win..., go..., coman..., second...;

DY: looks like ..., couple ..., dressed up ..., barely ..., sa ..., pr ...

Task 8. Working with pictures:

from a series of pictures (5-10 items) choose those in the name of which there is no sound [D];

clearly list the pictures in the name of which there is a sound [D],

choose pictures in the name of which the sound [D] is at the beginning of the word;

clearly name the pictures, in the name of which the sound [D] is in the middle of the word.

Conduct games “What has changed?”, “What has not become?”;

Task 9. Remember words with the sound [D] (the sound [D] is at the beginning of the word, in the middle of the word).

Task 10. Match related words. What is the same first sound in all these words?

Friend (friendly, to be friends...), home (brownie, home...),

oak (oak, oak forest...), smoke (chimney, smoky...).

Task 11. Form new words according to the model and answer the question (exercise in word formation). What is the same first sound in all words?

House - house - house - house; oak - ...; smoke - ...; friend - ...

Task 12. Learn pure proverbs:

Yes, yes, yes, I have water.

Dy-dy-dy - no water.

Doo-doo-doo - I'll go for water.

Task 13. Acquaintance with the sound [D "].

Sound symbol: a small woodpecker is hammering a tree: dd...

Characteristic sound: consonant, soft, voiced. Designation: green circle with a bell.

Task 14. phonetic exercise. The bell rings: ding-ding...

Task 15. Didactic exercise "Clap your hands if you hear the sound [D "]":

d, m, ah, d ...; ya, me, mu, di...; Dima, Vika, Masha, business, money.

Task 16. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables:

da-de-du-di; du-de-de-de.

Task 17. List the drawn objects: sofa, blanket, tree, money.

Games: “What has changed?”, “What has not become?”.

Determine the place of the sound [D "] in the proposed words using a card and a green circle with a bell.

Task 18. Match the words with the first syllable:

DE: -vochka, -darling, -lo ...;

DI: -in, -ma, -na...

Task 19. Differentiation of sounds [D] - [D "]. Didactic exercise "Say the opposite":

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... yeah, yeah, yeah...

Name the first sound in the names of children:

Dima, Dasha, Denis, Danila, Dunya, Dina.

Paste in a notebook pictures with images of objects whose names begin with the sounds [D] and [D "].

Task 20. Didactic exercise "Give gifts to Dima and Dasha" (differentiation of sounds [D] - [D"] using pictures).

Pick up words with sounds [D] and [D "], determine the place of sounds in words (beginning, middle of words) using a card, blue and green circles with bells.

Change nouns according to cases. This is (who?) - Dasha, Dima, no (who?) - ..., I will give a gift (to whom?) - ..., I see (who?) - ..., I am proud (of whom?) - ... , I say (about whom?) - ...

Guess riddles, name the first sound in riddles:

Who is coming,

Who leaves -

Everyone leads her by the hand. (Door)

Cheerful in the spring

It's cold in summer

Feeds in autumn

Warms in winter. (Tree)

Dies by evening

In the morning it comes to life. (Day)

Not alive, but walking

Motionless, but leading. (Road)

Task 21. Learn a tongue twister and answer the question: “What sound is often heard in it?” [D].

The woodpecker hollowed out the oak, but did not finish it.

Task 22. Introduction to the letter D.

D - a house with a high roof.

We live in this house.

V. Kovshikov

What else does the letter D look like?

The letter D from the fingers: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down and spread apart, and the rest are clenched into a fist; the index finger of the left hand forms a "crossbar" under the fingers of the right hand.

Finger game: “House and Gates” (an adult pronounces poetic lines with the child, while performing actions with his hands):

The house stands in the clearing - Fingers of both hands touching, elbows apart, - "roof".

Well, the way to the house is closed. - Both hands are turned with palms to the chest, middle fingers touch, thumbs- up - the gate.

We open the gates The palms are turned parallel to each other.

We invite you to this house

Letter games.

Task 23. Sound analysis of the words house, Dima (drawing up word diagrams from circles of different colors, word analysis: name the first and last sound in words, name and count vowel sounds in words).

Composing words from the letters of the split alphabet, reading, writing off in block letters.

Before writing the word Dima, an adult explains to the child the following rule: names are capitalized.