One syllable adjective. How to write degrees of comparison of adjectives? positive adjective form

Adjective- a word that describes the features, properties or qualities of a noun.

Adjectives can describe any attributes (properties or qualities) of a noun, such as:

  • Colour: red (red), green (green), blue (blue, cyan), yellow (yellow);
  • age: old (old), new (new), young (young), ancient (ancient);
  • the quality or value of an item: expensive (expensive), refined (recycled), cheap (cheap), nice (cute);
  • human qualities: smart (smart), beautiful (beautiful), friendly (friendly), short (low);
  • emotional state of a person: happy (happy), sad (sad), ecstatic (excited), tired (tired); etc

Comparative adjectives(or comparative adjectives)

Adjectives are often used for comparison purposes. Such adjectives are called comparative adjectives. To get a comparative adjective, you need to either add the suffix “-er” to the main form of the adjective, or put the function word “more” in front of the adjective.

Superlative adjectives(or superlative adjectives)

The superlative adjective describes the most extreme case and is used to characterize an item that is “the most…” among a number of items. To form an adjective in a superlative degree, you need to either add the suffix “-est” to the main form of the adjective, or put the function word “most” before the adjective.

Adjectives with one syllable

Usually, the comparative form of adjectives consisting of one syllable is formed by adding the suffix “-er” to the main form, and the superlative form is formed using the suffix “-est”.

For example:




smart (smart)

smarter (smarter)

smartest (smartest)

fast (fast)

faster (faster)

fastest (fastest)

old (old)

older (older)

oldest (oldest)

warm (warm)

warmer (warmer)

warmest (warmest)

Adjectives with two syllables

The comparative degree of adjectives consisting of two syllables is formed by adding the suffix “-er” to the main form or by using the word “more” before this adjective. To form a superlative degree, the suffix “-est” or the word “most” is added.

For example:




friendly (friendly)

friendlier (more friendly)

friendliest (most friendly)

pretty (beautiful)

prettier (prettier)

prettiest (most beautiful)

sneaky (sly)

sneakier (smarter)

sneakiest (the most cunning)

crazy (crazy)

crazier (crazier)

craziest (the craziest)

Usually, if the adjective ends with the letter “-y”, then the letter “-y” is removed, and instead the suffix “-ier” is added to the base of the word to obtain a comparative degree, or the suffix “-iest” to form a superlative degree.

Here are some examples of the formation of comparative and superlative degrees for adjectives consisting of one syllable, using the auxiliary words “more” and “most”.




honest (honest)

more honest (more honest)

most honest
(the most honest)

extreme (extreme)

more extreme
(more extreme)

most extreme
(most extreme)

helpful (useful)

more helpful (more useful)

most helpful
(the most useful)

careful (careful)

more careful (more careful)

most careful
(most careful)

When forming a comparative or superlative degree of adjectives, it is important to use only one of the possible suffixes / functional words:

"more" or

Adjectives with three or more syllables

The comparative degree of three-syllable adjectives is formed by using the word "more" before the adjective. To form a superlative degree, the word “most” is added in the same way.

For example:




delicious (delicious)

more delicious (tastier)

most delicious
(the most delicious)

beautiful (beautiful)

more beautiful (more beautiful)

most beautiful
(the most beautiful)

exciting (exciting)

more exciting
(more exciting)

most exciting
(most exciting)

sensitive (sensitive)

more sensitive
(more sensitive)

most sensitive
(most sensitive)

Exceptions to the general rule

Some adjectives are irregular, that is, the comparative and superlative degrees for them are not formed according to the general rules. These adjectives must be memorized.

For example:

Use of adjectives

Usually, adjectives are placed directly before the noun they describe.

For example:

They bought a new (adjective) computer (noun).

He has a nice (adjective) bicycle (noun).

I like green (adjective) apples (noun) more than red (adjective) apples (noun).

Sometimes adjectives can also be placed after the noun they define.

For example:

Let's try something (noun) new (adjective).

He likes his coffee (noun) black (adjective)

In addition, adjectives can be placed after the verb “to be”.

For example:

I am (verb “be”) friendly (adjective).

Angelina (noun) is (verb “be”) beautiful (adjective).

The girls (noun) are (verb “be”) diligent (adjective).

Vacation (noun) will be (verb “be”) fun (adjective).

English Joke

Four Jewish ladies are playing Bridge.
Betty sighs and says, “Oy…”
Freda nods, sighs, and says, "Oy vey!"
Kitty says, "Oy veys meer!"
Charlotte chimes in: "Enough talk about the children already. Let's get back to the game."

adjectives in English language have two degrees: comparative Comparative and superlative Superlative.

Formation of degrees of comparison

1. If the adjective consists of one syllable (monosyllabic adjective), then the comparative degree is formed using the suffix -er, and the superlative degree - using the suffix -est, which are attached to basic form adjective:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

full full fullest

soft softer softest

green greener greenest

thick thicker thickest

Note: Sometimes when suffixes are attached to adjectives, spelling changes occur. So, if the word ends in -e, then when adding suffixes, the letter e is usually omitted:

large - larger-largest

Exception: be - being

If the word ends in a consonant + y, then when adding suffixes, y will change to i:

happy - happier - happiest

easy - easier - easiest

If the word ends in a vowel + y, then when adding suffixes, y will not change:


If a monosyllabic adjective ends in one vowel and one consonant, then the last consonant is doubled before the suffixes:



2. If the adjective consists of two or more syllables, then the comparative degree is formed using the word more, and the superlative degree is formed using the word most, which are placed before the adjective:

magical - more magical - most magical

correct - more correct - most correct

ambitious - more ambitious - most ambitious

3. If the adjective consists of two syllables (two-syllable adjective) and ends with -y, then the suffixes -er and -est are used when forming degrees of comparison, while -y changes to i:


happy - happier - happiest

Note: Some disyllabic adjectives that do not end in -y form degrees of comparison in this way, such as: narrow, simple, quiet, gentle, clever.

4. The degrees of comparison of some adjectives are not formed according to general rules, that is, they are exceptions. These adjectives must be remembered:

good - better - best (good - better - best)

bad - worse - worst (bad - worst - worst)

far - farther / further - farthest / furthest (farthest - farthest - farthest)

old - older / elder - oldest / eldest (oldest - older - oldest)

little - less - least (small - less - smallest)

much / many - more - most (many - more - the largest)

Applying degrees of comparison


1. The comparative degree is used when it is necessary to compare one person, object, category, concept with another. After the comparative degree, the word than is often used (than):

Friend ship is more important than richness. Friendship is more important than wealth.

2. To express the process of increasing or decreasing something, the following method is used:

Comparative adjective + and + same comparative adjective:

The water in the kettle is getting warmer and warmer.
The water in the kettle gets warmer and warmer.

If the comparative degree is formed using the word more, then the sentence is constructed as follows:

The airplanes are becoming more and more durable.
Planes are getting stronger and stronger.

3. To change two things or objects at the same time or depending on one thing from the other, two comparative degrees are used with the definite article the:

The smaller the car is, the easier it is to park.
The smaller the car, the easier it is to park it.

4. To express the same or similar qualities of adjectives, the construction is used:

1) as + adjective + as:

I think you'd better to see a doctor. You are as white as a sheet.
I think you'd better go to the doctor. You are white as chalk.

2) like+ noun or verb group:

The cruise ship was like an enormous house.
The cruise ship was like a huge house.

You look like a man who has seen a ghost!
You look like someone who just saw a ghost!

5. To enhance or reduce the quality of an adjective before a comparative degree, the words can be used: (very) much, a lot, lots, a little, rather, a great deal, far (meaning much), considerable (significantly):

much kinder

far more wonderful


The superlative degree is used when one person, object, concept or category in a group is compared and singled out with two or more persons, objects, categories and concepts of the same group:

She is the cleverest student in his class. She is the smartest student in the group.

Usually, the article the is used before the superlative degree:

The most complicated

Hey everyone! Today we will discuss English adjectives, or rather: their role and order in a sentence, types, structure, formation, characteristic suffixes and prefixes, degrees of comparison and the use of the article with them. You need this! C "mon!

Adjective(adjective) is one of the main parts of speech, which denotes a sign of an object and answers the questions " which?», « whose?».

An adjective is used with a nounto show its special feature, property and give additional characteristics of a different nature. It is thanks to adjectives that our speech becomes diverse and emotionally rich.

Unlike adjectives in Russian, in English they do not change neither by gender, nor by cases, nor even by numbers.

Just take an adjective and put any noun after it. Everything is very simple.

smart cat - smart cat;
cute kids - cute children;
hot stuff is hot stuff.

Order of adjectives in an English sentence

adjective in definition functions stands before the noun to which it refers, and in nominal part functions compound predicate - after the linking verb. Here's what it looks like in an example:

I have bought a black cat. - I bought a black cat (definition).
This cat is black. - This cat black(predicative).

If adjectives two or more, then you need to use them in a certain order. The Russian language also has such a rule, and this may help you not to get confused. Often the correct order can be established intuitively, but just in case, here are the rules for you.

First there will be adjectives showing the attitude (opinion) of the speaker to the subject: handsome (attractive), ugly (ugly), luxurious (luxurious).

Second adjectives are used that describe the parameters of the object (size, characteristics, age, shape, color): black (black), old (old), huge (huge).

BUT before a noun usually destination: kitchen (kitchen), throwing (throwing), educative (educational).

Order of adjectives in a sentence
Article/Determinant a some my
Opinion lovely
reasonably priced
The size big
(state characteristic)
well made
(skillfully done)
(skillfully done)
Age new
The form rectangular
Colour black - red
(the country)
Material (substance) steel
purpose throwing
Noun knife
She has fascinating long hair. - She has charming long hair.
Take that small black metal box. - Take that one small black metal box.
It was a modern wooden dinner table. - This was modern wooden dining room table.
I've bought a new steel carving knife. - I bought new steel cutting knife.
I've bought some expensive square fragile china plates. - I bought several expensive square fragile porcelain plates.

adjectives, showing measure(deep - depth, high - height, long - length, wide - width, etc.) are placed after the noun being defined.

The highway is 10 kilometers long. - This track is 10 kilometers long.
This lake isn't big, but it is 30 meters deep. - This lake is small, but depth 30 meters.

Formation of adjectives in English

Adjectives are simple, derivatives and complex(composite).

  • Simple adjectives have neither prefixes nor suffixes (big, short, black, red).
  • Derivatives include suffixes or prefixes, or both at the same time (natur al, in correct, un nature al).
  • Complex(composite) adjectives are formed from two words denoting one concept: dark blue,red-cheeked, snow white.

Suffixes, prefixes and adjective endings

The most famous suffixes adjectives are:

«- less': help less helpless, use less useless;
«- able,« -ible»: suit able(suitable), access ible accessible;
«- ous": fam ous famous, danger ous dangerous;
«- ful': use ful useful, care ful(attentive);
«- ent': intelligent ent(clever); preval ent(common)
«- ary': element ary(elementary);
«- ive': aggressive ive(aggressive);
«- al': form al formal, central al central;
«- ic»: hero ic(heroic);
«- y': sno wy(snowy).

The most well-known adjective prefixes include:

« un-»: un happy (unhappy), un equal (unequal);
« in-»: in complete (incomplete), in different (indifferent);
« im-»: im polite (impolite), im puberal (immature).

English has a list of adjectives that can be used and with suffixes, and with the words " more/most», « less/least».


Types of adjectives in English

By meaning, adjectives in English are:

  • quality(big - big, small - small, clever - smart).
  • relative(wooden - wooden, central - central), etc.

Relative adjectives in English do not have degrees of comparison, and qualitative adjectives have the following degrees of comparison: positive, comparative and superlative.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives and adverbs of mode of action in English, as well as in Russian, have three degrees of comparison:

  • absolute,
  • comparative
  • excellent (superlative).

So with absolute the form is clear: long, far, good, active, expensive etc.

comparative form An adjective is used when two or more objects or people are being compared.

A comparative adjective can be formed in two ways:

  • adding a suffix«- er» to the absolute form of the adjective . This applies to single-syllable adjectives (long) and two-syllable adjectives with a “y” at the end (pretty).
This is a long er book.
This doll is prett ier.

Features of education:

in words ending in " e", is added" r» at the end (lam e- lame r);
- in words with one vowel and one consonant at the end doubles consonant and add "- er» (b ig- bi gger);
- in words with more than one vowel or with more than one consonant at the end, add "- er» at the end (ha rd- hard er).

  • adding « more» before an adjective. This applies to two-syllable adjectives without a "y" at the end (charming) and adjectives with three or more syllables (powerful).
She is more charming than her friend.
This gun is more powerful than that one.

Features of education:

When comparing two objects (people), the word " than» located between adjective and object of comparison.

oranges are sweeter than grapefruits.
This painting is more interesting than that painting.

Superlatives used to show what a thing or person has the largest number of one quality or another (in a group or in its kind). Commonly used with article« the».

It can also be formed in two ways.

  • adding «- est» to absolute form. This applies to single-syllable adjectives (big) and two-syllable adjectives ending in "y" (lucky).
This is the bigg est table in the room.
I'm the luck iest person in the company.

Features of education:

- in words, h ending in " e", the suffix "- st» at the end (large - the large st);
- in words with one vowel and one consonant at the end, the consonant is doubled and "-" is added est» (big-bi gigest);
- in words with more than one vowel or with more than one consonant at the end, add "- est» (blue-blu est);
in words ending in " y', it is replaced by ' i" with addition "- est"(pretty - prettiest).

  • adding « the most» before adjective. Applies to two-syllable adjectives with a "y" at the end, as well as adjectives with three or more syllables.
This is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.
This is the most popular song on the list.
That was the most powerful weapon.

Note: adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees come before all others.

I'd like to buy this more beautiful white rose. - I would like to buy this more beautiful white rose.
At the there ceremony were some of the best young French actresses. - The ceremony was attended by some of the best young French actresses.

positive adjective form

The positive form is used when no difference between two compared things or people.

To form a positive, we use " as» before and after the absolute form of the adjective.

Danny is as smart as Phillip.
She is as beautiful as her older sister.

This can also be applied in a negative context by adding the word " not» before first « as". So we indicate that the compared objects not alike.

Danny is not as smart as Phillip.
She is not as beautiful as her older sister.

Exception adjectives

The following adjectives, the degrees of comparison of which are not formed according to the general rule, and their forms should be known by heart.

good- better- the best(good - better - best);
bad - worse- the worst(bad - worse - worse);
little- less- the least(small - less - smallest);
many/much - more- the most(many - more - largest);
old- older- the oldest(old - older - oldest);
old- elder-the eldest(old - older - oldest) - about family members;
late- later- the latest/last(later - later - last / last in time);
late- the latter- the last(late - the second of the two listed - the last in order);
near- nearer - the nearest(closer - closer - closest in distance);
near- nearer- next/the next(closer - closer - next in time / next in order);
far- farther- the farthest(far - farthest - farthest);
far- further- the furthest(distant, distant - further - further / additional).

Using the article with adjectives

A noun with a definition expressed by an adjective in a superlative degree is used with a definite articleif the meaning does not require any pronoun.

London is the largest city in the UK.
My best friend lives in Seattle.

The definite article is preserved before the superlative degree even when the noun is not mentioned (that is, the noun is implied).

The London underground is the most beautiful in the world.

An English sentence, the two parts of which (separated by a comma) begin with an adjective or an adverb in a comparative degree with a definite article in front of it, is translated into Russian using the conjunctions " how …, topics … »:

The more we suffer, the stronger we get.

Note: in English we can make nouns out of adjectives. For this we need to add definite article « the» before an adjective, and we get the word in plural number.

All the doctors examined the sick. - All doctors examined sick.
He always used to help the poor. - He always helped before poor.
The rich also cry. - Rich cry too.

Adjectives ending in "- sh» «- ch» (English, French), turning into nouns, are used with a plural meaning to refer to the nation as a whole.

In this case, they are preceded by the definite article: the French (French), the English (English), the Dutch (Dutch), the Spanish (Spaniards).

Top 100 Basic Adjectives

Eng Rus
nice good, cute
good good
bad bad
terrible horrible
beautiful beautiful
incredible magic
important important
useless useless
helpful useful
small little
big large
short short
long long
tall tall
strong strong
weak weak
funny funny
interesting interesting
boring boring
angry evil
kind kind
happy happy
sad sad
satisfied satisfied
wonderful beautiful
slow slow
fast fast
dangerous dangerous
safety safe
possible possible
impossible impossible
early early
late late
cold cold
warm warm
hot hot
sunny solar
clean clean, clear
clever clever
stupid silly
young young
old old
new new
dark dark
bright bright
live alive
dead dead
crazy crazy
easy simple
hard complicated
true right
false wrong
hungry hungry
comfortable convenient
lonely lonely
talkative talkative
active active
passive passive
tired tired
shy modest
rich rich
successful successful
tasty tasty
sweet sweet
lovely delightful
deep deep
far far
close close
round round
sharp spicy
soft soft
straight straight
red red
yellow yellow
orange orange
green green
blue blue
black black
gray grey
white white
colored color
fresh fresh
simple simple
complicated complicated
common general, widespread
rare rare
unique unique
serious serious
busy busy
different another, different
lucky lucky
perfect ideal
surprised surprised
shocked shocked
happy pleased
excellent a great
wet wet
dry dry
normal normal
free free


We hope that the topic of adjectives is now more than clear to you. To consolidate the material, we suggest you try our simulator for adjectives and degrees of comparison.

EnglishDom #we inspire to learn

Hello dear friends!
Imagine a situation that you are in a store, trying on a shirt and realize that it is too big. Want to ask for a smaller size and understand that you know how to say "small", and what to add to get "smaller" find it difficult to remember. And there are enough situations when you need to be able to compare. To be able to do this, you need to know how monosyllabic and polysyllabic adjectives differ in English.

From this article you will learn:

How to identify them

Basically, the division of words into syllables coincides with the Russian language, that is, their number corresponds to the number of vowels. For example, in Russian kar-tosh-ka there are 3 vowels, respectively 3 syllables. It's the same with po-ta-to. But there are also small differences. There are such consonants in English that are called sonorants. They give sounds: [m], [n], [l], [w], [r], [j]. Even if the word has one vowel sound, two syllables are counted, as, for example, in mild. You will soon see that - very simple!
A word that has only a diphthong (a combination of two vowels) among vowels is considered indivisible. So, fine contains a diphthong.
And now I'll tell you why we discussed this ...

The simplest rule

So now let's learn the degrees of comparison. General scheme comparative offer next Subject + verb to be + comparative adjective (comparative adjective) + than.
If the word consists of only one syllable, then we add -er to it. Examples: tall - taller, small - smaller, fast - faster. We get in the sentence: My car is faster than yours.

Do not forget to subscribe so as not to miss anything and receive as a gift - a phrasebook in English, German and French. It has Russian transcription, so even without knowing the language, you can easily master colloquial phrases.

The superlative sentence scheme looks like this: subject + verb to be + the + superlative adjective (excellent).
To get an excellent adjective from a short word, add -est to it. We get: tallest, smallest, fastest.
Here you should remember some nuances. If the word contains a combination of letters consonant + vowel + consonant, double the last letter. For example, sad - sadder - the saddest, big - bigger - the biggest. Moscow is bigger than Tomsk (Moscow is bigger than Tomsk).

Comparative and superlative degrees

with doubling consonants

When a word ends in -e (the ones with diphthongs), add only -r/-st: nice - nicer - the nicest. Sally is the nicest girl I've ever met (Sally is the nicest girl I've ever seen).

Endings with diphthongs - you need to remember

Ending in -y

When the words are longer
With adjectives that have two or more syllables, use more in the comparative degree and the most in the superlative. In this case, the ending is no longer added. For example, wonderful - more wonderful - the most wonderful. Emily is the most beautiful girl in class (Emily is the most beautiful girl in the class).
However, the rule of small words also applies to some. Most often, these are those in which the accent falls at the beginning: quiet - quieter - the quietest, clever - cleverer - the cleverest, narrow - narrower - the narrowest. Although you can add more/most to them.
If the word consists of two and ends with y, then change y to i and add -er/est. For example, funny - funnier - the funniest, crazy - crazier - the craziest.

It's as easy as shelling pears - add more or the most

By the way, did you know that adjectives can be easily formed into ?

With two or more syllables
Not without exceptions
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Also here, but there are few of them, so it will be easier for you to memorize them. I announce the list: good - better - the best, bad - worse - the worst, far - further - the furthest, old - elder - the eldest. However, old also changes as a regular one, without changing the value: older - the oldest. As you noticed, the form itself is changing here, and not just endings are added. But remember, in Russian the same phenomenon is observed: good - better - best.

Exception table


Therefore, the sentence "I have the best dad" will sound in English as My father is the best.
Let's now put the received information into a table:

adjective comparative superlative
one syllable
Vowel + consonant + vowel
Hothotterhot test
Two or more syllables
Curiousmore curiousMost curious
Ending with -e
Ending with -y

By the way, speaking English is easy! You will understand this after the very first lesson at Marina Rusakova's school! Get 5 first lessons for free! The course can be taken online, no boring cramming and heaps of textbooks. Only interesting live communication and a simple approach to learning complex rules.


And so that the scheme fits forever in your head and bounces off your teeth, I offer you exercises for practicing.
Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative degree:

  1. John is ________ (weak) than Michael.
    John is weaker than Michael.
  2. My teacher is ________(strict) than yours.
  3. People in the North are ________ (friendly) than in the South.
  4. People in Thailand are _________(lazy) than in China.
  5. Sam is 3 years ________(old) than Emily.
  6. Stan has a ________(fat) cat than Dan.
  7. Matt is ________(generous) than Scrooge.
  8. My apartment is ________(big) than yours.
  9. Their workers are even _________(lazy) than ours.
  10. My book is ________(interesting) than yours.

Now translate the sentences into English:

  1. Jack is more outgoing than his wife.
    Jack is more sociable than his wife.
  2. Adam is the most insecure person I have ever met.
  3. Mason is more talkative than his neighbor.
  4. Evan is even more arrogant than his boss.
  5. Justin is the most untrustworthy person I know, which is why I never ask him to help me.
  6. Jessica is sincere than her friend.
  7. Violet is more practical than Jazmin, she will never spend her last money on lipstick.
  8. Diane is the most forgetful. She left her passport at the bank yesterday.

Write your answers in the comments, we will check together!

Want more tutorial articles and reinforcement exercises? All this can be found on the Viva Europe blog. Subscribe and train your English, because this language will help you communicate freely in Europe!

I was with you, a philologist of the English language, Ekaterina Martynova.
Have a good day everyone!

Each person or object has distinctive characteristics, properties, signs. And in order to tell the interlocutor about them, you need to be able to use the appropriate adjectives correctly. Today we will study this grammatical category, and also learn its laws of composition and use. In addition, they will help us quickly understand and remember the rules about simple and polysyllabic adjectives in English examples , given in the final section.

grammatical meaning

The role of English adjectives is no different from the role of Russians - to characterize people and describe objects, emphasizing their qualities, signs, properties. Despite the fact that in conjunction with this part of speech there is always a noun, it does not change either the number, or the gender, or the case.

  • I see a gray bird-Iseegray bird.
  • Gray birds are sitting on the branch of the treegray birdssittingon thebranchtree.
  • I gave some bread to the gray bird-IgaveLittleof breadthisgray bird.

The only case of changing the form of adjectives in an English sentence is when they are used to compare objects and express superiority.

Comparison Forms

Before learning the methods of comparison, it is necessary to understand that for English grammar the composition of adjectives is very important. They are of three types: simple, complex and compound.

Compound adjectives are a combination of two words and are written with a hyphen (sometimes together). These combinations consist of adjectives and other parts of speech: numerals, nouns, participles, etc.

  • A one-eyed young man lives in this flat A young one-eyed boy lives in this apartment.
  • Mother bought a dark blue suit for my brotherMumboughtmybrotherdark-bluesuit.
  • He didn't want to take a low-paid job-He didn't want to take a low paying job.

The composite form is rarely used. One-syllable and two-syllable adjectives are much more common, and words with large quantity syllables. For the first two groups, comparative forms are formed by changing the stem, and the last category requires additional words. Therefore, we will separately analyze polysyllabic adjectives in English, giving examples of how to compose them. comparative degrees. For now, let's focus on the first group.

Other English topics: Negative sentences in English: construction options

Definitions consisting of one syllable, as well as adjectives of two syllables with the endings le, er, ow, y, form degrees of comparison in a suffixal way. For the comparative degree, this is the suffix -er, and for the superlative - est. Since only one person or object can surpass everyone, the article the is placed before such adjectives.

  • Ihaddonemytaskby3o'clockbecauseitwas easy I completed my task by three o'clock, because it was light.
  • YouhaddoneyourtaskfasterthanIdidbecauseyourtaskwas easier - You completed your task faster than I did, because your task was easier.
  • Hehaddonehistaskearlierthanothersdidbecausehistaskwas the easiest He completed his task before anyone else, because his task was the easiest.

When changing the degree, monosyllabic adjectives are characterized by the implementation of several nuances related to spelling. When a definition ends in one consonant, preceded by a short vowel, it is doubled in the comparative construction. Here we note that the final unreadable vowel e is never doubled.

  • It was hot yesterday -YesterdayIt washot.
  • The weather is getting hotter and hotter-Weatherbecomesallhotterandhotter.

Words ending in -y with a preceding consonant change that letter to i.

  • My sister is lazyMysisterlazy.
  • He is the laziest pupil in his classHemostlazystudentinhisclass.

Note that this group has special cases studied separately.

Polysyllabic adjectives in English construction examples

For definitions that include three or more syllables, no changes occur with the word itself. In compiling comparative degrees, they are helped by special additional designations: more/less(more/less) and themost/theleast(most/least).

original form Comparison Superiority
comfortable room

comfort room

more comfortable room

the room is more comfortable

the most comfortable room

most comfortable room

beautiful butterfly

beautiful butterfly

more beautiful butterfly

butterfly is more beautiful

the most beautiful butterfly

the most beautiful butterfly

expensive present

expensive gift

less expensive present

less expensive gift

the least expensive present

not an expensive gift

This method often forms comparison forms of adjectives in -ed and -ing, which many equate to participles.

  • He was more surprised than his brotherHewasstrongersurprisedhowhisbrother.
  • It was the most interesting day of my tripThis iswasmostinterestingdayfrommytrips.

Often, two-syllable adjectives also use this method, especially if they end in –ful, -less, -ous.

  • Your husband is more careful than myYourhusbandmorecaringhowmy.
  • It is the most useless thing in the worldThis isthe mostuselessthinginthe world.
  • Palahniuk is more famous Writer than FreiPalahniukmorefamouswriter,howFry.

To words always used for education degrees of comparison additional structures also include: frequent, careless, contemporary, normal, certain, foolish, correct and etc.

Some representatives of adjectives can even use both methods of constructing comparisons.

These types of words are common, clever, simple, gentle, stupid, narrow, cruel, pleasant, friendly.